EmergingTechUpdate https://www.webpronews.com/emergingtech/emergingtechnologiesupdate/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:11:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 EmergingTechUpdate https://www.webpronews.com/emergingtech/emergingtechnologiesupdate/ 32 32 138578674 South Korea Takes Aim at Technology Leaks https://www.webpronews.com/south-korea-takes-aim-at-technology-leaks/ Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:11:48 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=609415 South Korea is cracking down on tech leaks, promising tougher measures to prevent the country’s tech secrets from leaking internationally.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, especially with the rise of AI, tech secrets are more valuable than ever, with many even playing a role in national security concerns. According to Reuters, South Korea is cracking down on leaks that threaten its tech companies’ intellectual property.

“We will prevent illegal leaks of advanced technologies to raise the global competitiveness of our companies and strengthen technology leadership,” Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok said.

As Reuters goes on to highlight, South Korea has experienced at 97 attempts to steal its tech secrets in the past five years, with many of those being attempts to steal semiconductor secrets. South Korea has already designated 12 industries as “national strategic technologies.”

While Choi said the South Korean government would introduce stronger penalties for leakers, he did not reveal what those penalties would entail.

Intel and AMD Form Advisory Board to Spur x86 Innovation https://www.webpronews.com/intel-and-amd-form-advisory-board-to-spur-x86-innovation/ Wed, 16 Oct 2024 14:45:22 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=609413 Intel and AMD have formed an advisory board dedicated to furthering innovation in the x86 ecosystem in the face of growing threats from other platforms.

Once the only truly competitive hardware platform, x86 has faced growing challenges from Arm, as well as the up-and-coming RISC-V. Intel and AMD want to spur further innovation in the x86 ecosystem, ensuring it remains viable and competitive for years to come.

For over four decades, x86 has served as the bedrock of modern computing, establishing itself as the preferred architecture in data centers and PCs worldwide. In today’s evolving landscape — characterized by dynamic AI workloads, custom chiplets, and advancements in 3D packaging and system architectures — the importance of a robust and expanding x86 ecosystem is more crucial than ever.

The advisory group includes Broadcom, Dell, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP, Lenovo, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, and Red Hat, as well as Linux founder Linus Torvalds and Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney.

“We are on the cusp of one of the most significant shifts in the x86 architecture and ecosystem in decades – with new levels of customization, compatibility and scalability needed to meet current and future customer needs,” said Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO. “We proudly stand together with AMD and the founding members of this advisory group, as we ignite the future of compute, and we deeply appreciate the support of so many industry leaders.”

“Establishing the x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group will ensure that the x86 architecture continues evolving as the compute platform of choice for both developers and customers,” said Lisa Su, AMD Chair and CEO. “We are excited to bring the industry together to provide direction on future architectural enhancements and extend the incredible success of x86 for decades to come.”

The group’s goals include unifying instruction sets and architectural interfaces to improve compatibility across x86 platforms. The group specifically wants to achieve the following:

  • Enhancing customer choice and compatibility across hardware and software, while accelerating their ability to benefit from new, cutting-edge features.
  • Simplifying architectural guidelines to enhance software consistency and standardize interfaces across x86 product offerings from Intel and AMD.
  • Enabling greater and more efficient integration of new capabilities into operating systems, frameworks and applications.

The group touted the good that can come when Intel and AMD cooperate on standards, despite being competitors.

As vigorous competitors, Intel and AMD at the same time share a history of industry collaboration focused on platform-level advancements, the introduction of standards, and security vulnerability mitigation within the x86 ecosystem. Their joint efforts have shaped key technologies, including PCI, PCIe, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Both companies also played a pivotal role in developing USB, a vital connectivity standard for all computers regardless of the processor. This advisory group takes this industry collaboration to the next level for the benefit of the entire computing ecosystem and as a catalyst for product innovation.

Tesla Reveals Game-Changing Robotaxi Plans and Industry-Altering Partnerships https://www.webpronews.com/tesla-reveals-game-changing-robotaxi-plans-and-industry-altering-partnerships/ Tue, 15 Oct 2024 11:54:49 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=609392 Catch our conversation on Tesla’s Game-Changing Robotaxi Plans!


Tesla has lifted the curtain on a series of major revelations about its upcoming robotaxi, providing a glimpse into its strategic efforts to revolutionize autonomous transport. The recent Tesla event left industry experts and analysts buzzing as Tesla executives discussed everything from the intricacies of the robotaxi’s engineering to its potential market impact.

Jeff Lutz, a seasoned supply chain executive, offered key insights on the Brighter with Herbert YouTube channel, noting that Elon Musk’s recent moves have been “mind-boggling” in their scope and ambition.

Revealing the Cyber Cab

One of the centerpieces of Tesla’s announcement was the unveiling of what insiders are now calling the “Cyber Cab,” a two-seater robotaxi designed to change how people experience urban transport. According to Lutz, this new prototype is more than just a concept vehicle; it represents the future of mass-produced autonomous transport. “They had twenty of these out there, and it wasn’t just for show. We got in them and experienced what Tesla has been working towards,” said Lutz, pointing to the impressive scope of the demonstration.

The design of the Cyber Cab is an embodiment of Tesla’s emphasis on efficiency and purpose-driven features. Lutz highlighted that every element, from the doors to the seats, has a reason behind it. “This isn’t just about aesthetics,” he said, emphasizing the utilitarian nature of Tesla’s choices. “Tesla has always been about pushing boundaries, and here it’s about engineering for functionality and cost-efficiency. This is what will make scaling these vehicles feasible.”

Autonomous Driving & Hardware 3

One of the major questions surrounding the Cyber Cab was whether it would run on Tesla’s existing autonomous technology. During the event, Kim Java interviewed Tesla executives Franz von Holzhausen and Lars Moravy, who confirmed that the Cyber Cab leverages Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, and even older vehicles equipped with Hardware 3 could be made ready for robotaxi duties. “Yes, it’s good to go even with Hardware 3,” Moravy stated, dispelling doubts about the capability of earlier models. This revelation points to Tesla’s broader approach of making its entire fleet adaptable, a strategy that promises to extend the operational life and usefulness of its older cars.


Lutz elaborated on this point, mentioning how Tesla’s steer-by-wire technology is playing a critical role in these advancements. “Tesla is using the Cybertruck as a platform to refine steer-by-wire technology, which is crucial for scaling the Cyber Cab,” Lutz explained. “They’ve figured out how to get it right with the Cybertruck, and now they can scale that to the robotaxi. It’s all about building on existing innovations to move faster.”

Why No Steering Wheel?

Another key feature of the Cyber Cab is the option to remove the steering wheel, an idea that seems counterintuitive but makes perfect sense in Tesla’s grand strategy. “Tesla wants to build a super set that leaves the factory in one way and then adapts to customer needs,” said Lutz. “If a customer needs a steering wheel, it can be added. If they don’t, it stays out, which ultimately reduces manufacturing complexity. Tesla’s objective here is clear—reduce changeover and maintain production efficiency.”

The robotaxi is a two-seater, which some analysts have speculated is part of a plan to eventually evolve the vehicle into a $25,000 mass-market car. Lutz commented, “It makes perfect sense. This is Tesla testing the waters. If they can do this with a robotaxi, then scaling down to a compact model, including options like a steering wheel, is entirely possible.”

Elon Musk’s Long-Term Vision

Lutz believes that Musk’s ambitious vision for Tesla’s robotaxi goes well beyond what other companies have managed so far. “You see companies showing off flashy prototypes that ultimately fail to scale economically. Tesla starts with production solutions—they design for scale from day one. That’s the difference,” Lutz emphasized.

He also reflected on the significant improvement in AI and hardware integration since Tesla’s AI Day in 2022. “I was there, sitting in the third row. In just 24 months, they’ve gone from a single humanoid walking on stage to an entire army of Tesla Bots interacting and serving drinks,” Lutz said. “The rapid progress they’ve made—both with autonomous cars and robotics—is something no one else in the market has come close to achieving.”

The First Robotaxi Customers: Salesforce?

One of the unexpected revelations during the event was the potential for Salesforce to become one of the first major customers for Tesla Bots. Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, was in attendance and appeared impressed with the capabilities of Tesla’s humanoid robots. Benioff hinted at a future collaboration, posting about using these robots to power Salesforce’s “agent force,” essentially putting Tesla Bots in customer service roles in various sectors.

“Mark knows partnerships,” said Lutz. “He was there for a reason—to see if Tesla’s vision could integrate into Salesforce’s ecosystem. The Bots’ ability to serve drinks and interact with people shows they’re beyond just a concept. It’s a functioning reality. If Salesforce signs on, it’s the beginning of a massive new market for Tesla.”

No $25,000 Compact Car—Yet

Despite speculation, Tesla did not unveil a new $25,000 compact car during the event, and Lutz wasn’t surprised. “Tesla is not going to introduce a lower-cost vehicle until they have the right timing to manage existing inventory and avoid any disruptions in their current supply chain,” he said. “It’s about avoiding what’s called ‘excess and obsolescence’ (E&O). Introducing a new model too soon would create a financial liability in the form of unsold inventory. Tesla is playing the long game, and they’re not going to risk their balance sheet just to satisfy market rumors.”

Lutz pointed out that Tesla’s approach to reducing the cost of the Cyber Cab—from the simple, non-motorized seats to the single-pane side windows—is all part of making autonomous vehicles economically viable. “Elon Musk said it would cost around $30,000, and that likely includes FSD,” Lutz added. “The economics of this vehicle are focused on hitting the price point needed for mass adoption, but not at the expense of Tesla’s production efficiency.”

Scale and Simplicity: The Tesla Advantage

At its core, Tesla’s robotaxi is built for scale. The company has thought through every aspect of the vehicle—from wireless charging to optimized seat designs that facilitate faster cleaning—all with the goal of reducing cost and increasing operational efficiency. “Tesla’s vision isn’t just about putting an autonomous car on the road,” Lutz said. “It’s about an integrated system, including charging, maintenance, and even cleaning—all designed to scale.”

According to Lutz, the absence of a charge port and the move towards wireless charging is a bold step. “Five years from now, wireless charging will be the norm, and Tesla is already building for that future. The reduction in complexity and cost from removing traditional charging components is significant.”

The Bigger Picture: Partnerships and the Future of Tesla

Lutz believes the event served as more than a tech showcase—it was a signal to potential partners that Tesla’s solutions are ready for real-world applications. “In 2022, the event was about recruitment, about showing off Tesla’s engineering prowess,” Lutz explained. “This year, it was about partnerships. There were CEOs and corporate executives everywhere—people who could see firsthand the potential of these robots and autonomous cars to transform their own operations.”

“What people don’t realize is that Tesla isn’t just selling cars anymore,” Lutz continued. “They’re selling solutions—FSD, Optimus, software, and now potentially, robots. The sum of Tesla’s parts is becoming far greater than the whole, and no one’s properly modeling this yet. Tesla is about to fundamentally change the game, and this event was just the beginning.”

Tesla’s robotaxi project is more than just a new model of transport—it’s the embodiment of Elon Musk’s vision for scalable, autonomous solutions. As Tesla navigates partnerships, prepares to scale its production, and explores new applications for its AI and robotics, it’s clear that the company is playing at a different level. Jeff Lutz summed it up well: “Tesla’s not just a car company anymore—it’s a technology company building the future.” As Tesla brings the Cyber Cab closer to reality, it signals the dawn of a new era in transport, manufacturing, and human-machine collaboration, with the potential to disrupt industries far beyond the automotive sector.

Oracle Could Become Majority Owner of Chip Firm Ampere https://www.webpronews.com/oracle-owns-29-of-ampere-could-become-majority-owner-in-2027/ Sat, 28 Sep 2024 11:30:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608994 Oracle dropped a bombshell in a proxy statement, revealing it owns a 29% stake in Ampere Computing, with the option to become a majority owner in 2027.

Ampere is a semiconductor firm that was founded by former Intel President Renée James. The company has garnered significant attention, with Microsoft, Google, HPE, and Oracle among the company’s customers, with the latter being a major investor.

Join us as we dive into Oracle’s big bet on chip firm Amere!


In an SEC filing, Oracle revealed the extent of its investment in the semiconductor startup.

Oracle is an equity and convertible debt investor in Ampere. Renée J. James, an Oracle director who is not standing for re-election, is the Chairman and CEO of Ampere and Oracle has appointed one director to Ampere’s board. From time to time since 2017, we have made investments in Ampere in the form of equity and convertible debt instruments. The total carrying value of our investments in Ampere, after accounting for losses under the equity method of accounting, was $1.5 billion as of May 31, 2024.

Our equity investments in Ampere represent an ownership interest of approximately 29% as of May 31, 2024.

Even more of a revelation is Oracle’s option to become majority owner of Ampere in the near future.

We also own convertible debt investments in Ampere which, under the terms of an agreement with Ampere and other co-investors, will mature in June 2026 and are convertible into equity securities at the holder’s option under certain circumstances. During the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024, we invested an aggregate of $600 million in convertible debt instruments issued by Ampere. In accordance with the terms of an agreement with other co-investors, we are also a counterparty to certain put (exercisable by a co-investor) and call (exercisable by Oracle) options at prices of approximately $400 million to $1.5 billion, respectively, to acquire additional equity interests in Ampere from our co-investors through January 2027. If either of such options is exercised by us or our co-investors, we would obtain control of Ampere and consolidate its results with our results of operations.

Oracle has been making waves in the cloud industry, especially as the industry pivots to AI. Once criticized for being well behind the cloud leaders—AWS, Microsoft, and Google—Oracle’s products are suddenly in high demand, with the company struggling to keep up.

With semiconductors to drive AI innovation quickly shaping up to be the next tech goldmine, not to mention the two companies’ close ties, Oracle acquiring a majority stake in Ampere looks like a solid bet.

Neuralink’s Blindsight Receives FDA’s ‘Breakthrough Device Designation’ https://www.webpronews.com/neuralinks-blindsight-receives-fdas-breakthrough-device-designation/ Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:12:21 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608499 Imagine a world where blindness, even from birth, could be gone. Here’s our deep dive:


Neuralink has scored a major win for its Blindsight implant, designed to restore patients’ lost sight, with the FDA granting it the “Breakthrough Device Designation.”

Breakthrough Device Designation helps speed up the approval process for medical technology that is deemed lifesaving, or treats the most extreme medical issues. Blindsight is designed to help restore patients’ eyesight, even if they’ve lost both eyes and the optic nerve.

Neuralink announced the news via X.

Elon Musk provided more info, saying the initial results would be limited, but eventually could rival science fiction examples, like Star Trek’s Geordi La Forge.

TSMC Poised to Pass Intel as America’s Premier Chipmaker https://www.webpronews.com/tsmc-making-apples-chips-in-us-poised-to-become-americas-premier-chipmaker/ Thu, 19 Sep 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608459 TSMC has crossed a major milestone, manufacturing the chips Apple uses in iPhones and iPads in the US, but the implications go far beyond Apple.

According to journalist Tim Culpan, TSMC is now producing Apple’s A16 SoC at its Arizona facility. Interestingly, the A16 is a 5nm chip using the same N4P process—N4P is alternately called 5nm and 4nm—in Arizona, as TSMC uses at its main facility in Taiwan.

Listen to our conversation on TSMC passing Intel as chip leader. What the hell happened?


Culpan reports that, although the A16 is currently being produced in small numbers in Arizona, volume is expected to ramp up significantly “when the second stage of the Phase 1 fab is completed and production is underway.” While yields at the Arizona plant are “slightly behind what’s enjoyed back home in Taiwan (basically, neck and neck),” the Arizona plant is expected to completely close that gap in the coming months.

The news follows earlier reports that TSMC made plans early on to bring its most advanced manufacturing capabilities to its US facilities rather than reserve them for its Taiwanese facilities, as some thought it might.

Why It Matters: The Issue of Semiconductor Sovereignty

China has increasingly been threatening Taiwan, doubling down on rhetoric regarding its intent to bring the island back under its control. Many believe China is eager to gain control of TSMC, especially in the wake of a global effort to restrict the country’s access to advanced semiconductor technology. One of the questions hanging over the tech industry is what would happen to TSMC—and the chips that much of the tech industry relies on—in the event of a Chinese invasion.

TSMC Chair Mark Liu addressed those concerns in mid-2022, saying such a course would ultimately backfire.

“The war brings no winners, everybody’s losers,” Liu said.

“Nobody can control TSMC by force,” Liu added. “If you take a military force or invasion, you will render TSMC factory not operable. Because this is such sophisticated manufacturing facilities, it depends on the real-time connection with the outside world, with Europe, with Japan, with US, from materials to chemicals to spare parts to engineering software and diagnosis.

“If you take it over by force, it can no longer make it operable.”

In addition to the ongoing threat to Taiwan, trade wars and technological sovereignty has become a growing concern. With growing cybersecurity threats, many of which are backed by state actors, countries are increasingly concerned about securing access to semiconductors whose provenance is known, and that were not made in a hostile country, or one with unaligned interests.

Such issues were on full display in recent discussions between US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Intel, Nvidia, and Apple. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger reportedly complained to Raimondo that Apple and Nvidia rely on TSMC instead of Intel, prompting Raimondo to try to pressure Apple and Nvidia to use Intel instead.

The issue of semiconductor sovereignty is at the heart of the United States CHIPS Act, in which the US has invested billions to prop up its chip industry.

Intel’s Window of Opportunity Is Closing

With no end to the nationalization of the semiconductor industry in sight, the question remains: What company will become America’s chipmaker?

Intel has been working hard, and investing billions, to ensure it’s the answer to that question. The company has been spending, and losing, billions to build out Intel Foundry. CEO Pat Gelsinger and company have been working to secure foundry contracts, pursuing MediaTek, Amazon, Tesla, and Qualcomm.

Unfortunately, while Intel has secured MediaTek and Amazon as clients, it lost out with both Tesla and Qualcomm. In both cases, Intel lost the business because of its technical inadequacies. In Qualcomm’s case, the chipmaker made “technical missteps,” while Tesla backed out of a potential deal because Intel can’t provide the same level of chip designs as competing foundries.

Losing out on foundry business is far from the only issue Intel is facing. The company continues to suffer issues with its chip design, with its 13th and 14th-generation chips plagued with crashes that lead to “irreversible degradation.” Even worse, the company is beginning to suffer brain drain, with some of its top engineers leaving to start competing firms.

In addition to all the internal challenges Intel faces, its competitors continue to make major leaps forward, chipping away at its one-time unassailable dominance across multiple markets. AMD continues to take market share away, and even AWS recently unveilled Graviton4 chip soundly beats competing Intel offerings.

TSMC Poised to Become America’s Premier Chipmaker

TSMC stands to gain the most from Intel’s woes, especially in the context of its Arizona foundry. When TSMC first announced plans to build two plants in the US, critics were quick to speculate that the company would never build as advanced chips in the US as it does in Taiwan.

In view of recent developments, however, it seems that TSMC’s US plants could easily rival—or even exceed—its Taiwan output. What’s more, as the semiconductor industry becomes increasingly nationalized, there’s no reason TSMC can’t follow the path established by the auto industry decades ago, in which Asian and European automakers use US-based subsidiaries to build “American-made” vehicles—even if the brand is Toyota, Honda, BMW, or Mercedes-Benz.

More to the point, TSMC has proven itself capable of doing what Intel cannot, namely building the most advanced chips in the world on a consistent basis, delivering exactly what its customers expect year-after-year.

With TSMC’s Arizona investment topping $65 billion, and the American tech industry already relying heavily on the company’s semiconductors, TSMC—not Intel—may well emerge as America’s premier next generation chipmaker.

T-Mobile and OpenAI Team Up to Launch Groundbreaking AI Platform, Redefining Customer Service with Real-Time, Intent-Driven Solutions https://www.webpronews.com/t-mobile-and-openai-team-up-to-launch-groundbreaking-ai-platform-redefining-customer-service-with-real-time-intent-driven-solutions/ Thu, 19 Sep 2024 10:16:29 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608461 In a landmark collaboration poised to redefine customer service, T-Mobile and OpenAI announced a multi-year partnership to develop the world’s first intent-driven AI-decisioning platform, IntentCX. Set to launch in 2025, this platform will leverage real-time data to anticipate customer needs, proactively address issues, and automate actions in a groundbreaking shift from the limitations of current AI systems.

The partnership brings together T-Mobile’s expertise in customer relations with OpenAI’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, creating a platform that will not only enhance customer care but also set a new standard across industries. “OpenAI’s technology know-how and T-Mobile’s customer savvy are coming together in this unique collaboration,” said Mike Sievert, CEO of T-Mobile. “IntentCX is much more than chatbots; it’s about using deep data to supercharge our Care team and perfect the customer journey.”

Listen to our conversation on T-Mobile and OpenAI’s new AI platform. Learn about IntentCX!


A New Approach to Customer Care: IntentCX

Traditional customer service systems rely on next-best-action (NBA) models that use pre-determined rules and a finite set of data to offer solutions. However, these systems often fall short in providing personalized and timely responses. IntentCX promises to change this by being “intent-driven,” a next-generation approach that analyzes vast amounts of real-time customer data, including interactions, network performance, and past behaviors, to understand customer intent and take autonomous action where needed.

“IntentCX will be trained in T-Mobile’s award-winning Team of Experts (TEX) business process and have access to billions of data points from real customer interactions,” Sievert explained. This includes monitoring customer experiences within T-Mobile’s network and its T-Life services, allowing the AI platform to proactively engage with customers, preemptively solve issues, and even execute tasks automatically with customer permission.

The innovation behind IntentCX lies in its capacity to “comprehend conversations, navigate complex multi-threaded discussions, and keep previous context in mind—across multiple languages,” said Sievert. Unlike conventional AI systems, which often offer scripted responses, IntentCX aims to make customers feel truly heard and understood, delivering personalized solutions.

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement

One of the primary goals of IntentCX is to elevate the customer experience by anticipating and resolving issues before they escalate. If a customer contacts T-Mobile about a service disruption, IntentCX can instantly analyze T-Mobile’s network data and offer real-time solutions, significantly reducing response times. “The platform’s ability to provide real-time decision-making and autonomously execute tasks represents a leap in customer journey management,” Sievert added.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, highlighted how this platform will transform customer care for T-Mobile’s millions of users. “T-Mobile deeply understands how to delight customers and deliver personalized solutions,” Altman said. “We’re thrilled to partner with them to build faster, more intuitive, and accessible experiences for millions of people.”

The platform’s ability to scale is another game-changer. IntentCX will be able to manage thousands of conversations and actions simultaneously, ensuring that customers receive faster and more efficient service. By combining AI-powered automation with human-driven customer care, IntentCX will enhance T-Mobile’s ability to deliver personalized, real-time solutions.

Security and Privacy at the Core

Given the massive amounts of customer data that will be used to train IntentCX, security and privacy are top priorities. Both T-Mobile and OpenAI emphasized that the platform would implement the highest level of privacy measures. “Customer data is yours, and it will not be used to train OpenAI’s general models like ChatGPT,” Altman reassured during the announcement.

By keeping customer data secure and isolated from other AI models, T-Mobile ensures that the information used by IntentCX will remain proprietary and focused on enhancing its customer interactions. “We’re building a system that will deeply understand each customer’s individual experience of our network, ensuring that the data remains private while maximizing the effectiveness of the platform,” Sievert added.

The Road Ahead for IntentCX

Currently in the testing phase, IntentCX is expected to be fully integrated into T-Mobile’s business operations by 2025. The platform is also a critical part of T-Mobile’s broader three-year strategy to use AI to improve customer engagement and optimize business efficiency. “The value of an intent-driven AI platform like IntentCX will continue to grow as we tap into OpenAI’s latest models,” Sievert said, suggesting that future iterations of the platform could drive even greater efficiencies and customer satisfaction.

In addition to transforming customer care, the platform could also provide a blueprint for other industries that rely heavily on customer engagement. The potential for IntentCX to be applied in other customer-serving sectors is vast, with possibilities ranging from retail to financial services.

“The technology we’re developing with OpenAI has applications far beyond T-Mobile,” Sievert said. “We’re creating something that could change how customer service is delivered across the world.”

A New Standard for Customer Success

With its innovative, intent-driven approach, IntentCX promises to reset the customer care standard across industries. By using AI to deeply understand each customer’s unique journey, T-Mobile aims to create lasting, meaningful relationships with its users. “Our customers leave millions of clues about how they want to be treated through their real experiences and interactions,” Sievert said. “Now, we’ll use that deep data to supercharge our Care team as they work to perfect customer journeys.”

As T-Mobile and OpenAI continue their collaboration, both companies are exploring additional AI-powered tools and services that could further transform how businesses engage with customers. “This is about building a better, more personalized customer experience,” Altman said, underscoring the long-term potential of IntentCX to revolutionize customer service globally.

In a world where customer expectations are constantly evolving, T-Mobile and OpenAI’s partnership sets the stage for a new era of proactive, intent-driven customer care—one that is faster, more personalized, and more secure than ever before.

Intel Wins Up to $3 Billion CHIPS Act Award for Secure Enclave https://www.webpronews.com/intel-up-to-3-billion-chips-act-award-for-secure-enclave/ Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608284 Intel has scored a much-needed victory, with the company winning up to a $3 billion CHIPS Act award for the Secure Enclave program.

Secure Enclave is designed to meet the Pentagon’s need for secure semiconductors. Intel has a long history of working with the Department of Defense, and the Secure Enclave program builds on previous work. The company points out that the Secure Enclave award is in addition to funds it was previously under the CHIPS Act.

Listen to a podcast conversation on Intel’s $3 billion CHIPS Act award. It’s a big deal!


The Secure Enclave award is separate from the proposed funding agreement that Intel reached with the Biden-Harris Administration in March of this year to support the construction and modernization of semiconductor commercial fabrication facilities under the CHIPS and Science Act.

Intel also touts the award as a win for its Intel Foundry business, which the company just announced would become an independent subsidiary, in an effort to help it better compete.

Today’s announcement reflects the continued progress of Intel Foundry, which brings together all the components customers need to design and manufacture chips at the leading edge. Intel Foundry is nearing completion of a historic pace of design and process technology innovation with its most advanced technology – Intel 18A – on track for production in 2025. The company, which develops and produces many of the world’s most advanced chips and semiconductor packaging technologies, is advancing critical semiconductor manufacturing and research and development projects at its sites in Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio and Oregon.

“Intel is proud of our ongoing collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense to help strengthen America’s defense and national security systems,” said Chris George, president and general manager of Intel Federal. “Today’s announcement highlights our joint commitment with the U.S. government to fortify the domestic semiconductor supply chain and to ensure the United States maintains its leadership in advanced manufacturing, microelectronics systems, and process technology.”

Intel Foundry has faced major growing pains, costing Intel some $7 billion in 2023 and failing to secure high-profile contracts. Securing the Secure Enclave award could help Intel gain some much-needed momentum.

Intel to Separate Foundry Business as Independent Subsidiary https://www.webpronews.com/intel-to-separate-foundry-business-as-independent-subsidiary/ Tue, 17 Sep 2024 02:38:36 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608275 Intel has finally decided what to do about its foundry business, with plans to separate it and establish it as an independent subsidiary.

Under CEO Pat Gelsinger, Intel has made a major push into the foundry business, with plans to become a leading manufacturer of semiconductors for other companies. Unfortunately, the company’s efforts have failed to gain the needed traction. Instead, the foundry business has become a money pit for Intel, losing some $7 billion in 2023 alone.

Listen to an interesting conversation on Intel’s plan to separate its foundry business:


In a memo to employees, Gelsinger said the company would separate the foundry business, establishing it as a subsidiary in an effort to help it better compete.

To build on our progress, we plan to establish Intel Foundry as an independent subsidiary inside of Intel. This governance structure will complete the process we initiated earlier this year when we separated the P&L and financial reporting for Intel Foundry and Intel Products.

A subsidiary structure will unlock important benefits. It provides our external foundry customers and suppliers with clearer separation and independence from the rest of Intel. Importantly, it also gives us future flexibility to evaluate independent sources of funding and optimize the capital structure of each business to maximize growth and shareholder value creation.

Gelsinger emphasized that the Foundry’s leadership would continue as it has.

There is no change to our Intel Foundry leadership team, which continues to report to me. We will also establish an operating board that includes independent directors to govern the subsidiary. This supports our continued focus on driving greater transparency, optimization and accountability across the business.

A more focused and efficient Intel Foundry will further enhance collaboration with Intel Products. And our capabilities across design and manufacturing will remain a source of competitive differentiation and strength.

An interesting benefit of Intel’s plan is that it opens the door to outside investment in Intel Foundry, with AWS already signing a multi-year, multi-billion-dollar agreement to use its services.

Specifically, Intel Foundry will produce an AI fabric chip for AWS on Intel 18A. We will also produce a custom Xeon 6 chip on Intel 3 that builds on our existing partnership, under which Intel produces Xeon Scalable processors for AWS. More broadly, we expect to have deep engagement with AWS on additional designs spanning Intel 18A, Intel 18AP and Intel 14A.

This framework reflects the power of our “better together” strategy, anchored on our integrated portfolio across foundry services, infrastructure and x86 products. And with the 5N4Y finish line in sight, we are beginning to see a meaningful uptick in interest from foundry customers. This includes continued momentum in advanced packaging, which remains a meaningful differentiator for Intel Foundry as we have tripled our deal pipeline since the beginning of the year.

Only time will tell if Intel’s gamble pays off, but the company is certainly doing everything it can to make Intel Foundry a success.

Apple iPhone 16 Launch Today: All There Is to Know https://www.webpronews.com/apple-iphone-16-launch-today-all-there-is-to-know/ Mon, 09 Sep 2024 09:59:32 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607686 Apple is launching its much-anticipated iPhone 16 today, and the tech world is buzzing with expectations. While the new iPhone features modest design changes, the main focus is on Apple’s ambitious artificial intelligence (AI) integration, branded as Apple Intelligence. This year’s launch comes with a mix of optimism and caution, with analysts weighing in on whether these innovations will ignite a new wave of upgrades or leave consumers underwhelmed.

A Staggered AI Rollout: The Key Concern

Apple Intelligence, the tech giant’s answer to AI integration, is expected to transform the iPhone experience. From enhancing Siri’s capabilities to new tools for generating custom emojis and automated call transcriptions, Apple Intelligence promises to revolutionize how users interact with their devices. However, as Mark Gurman of Bloomberg points out, many of these AI-driven features won’t be immediately available, leading to concerns about the iPhone 16’s immediate impact.

The delayed rollout of core AI functionalities like ChatGPT integration and image generation tools (such as the Genmoji app) means consumers won’t experience the full power of Apple Intelligence until later updates. For instance, while iOS 18.1—set to release in October—will introduce some features, other key tools are postponed until iOS 18.2, scheduled for December.

This staggered approach could hinder the excitement that usually accompanies Apple’s major product launches. As Gurman noted, “Apple Intelligence is still not fully baked,” meaning the full potential of the iPhone 16’s AI capabilities won’t be realized until 2025. This dampens the possibility of the iPhone 16 triggering a much-talked-about “super cycle” of upgrades, where pent-up demand leads to a massive surge in sales.

Modest Hardware Updates and Design Changes

On the hardware front, the iPhone 16 series does not offer any radical redesigns. The phone retains a look similar to last year’s iPhone 15, which might disappoint consumers who crave noticeable aesthetic changes. However, Apple has made incremental improvements that could still appeal to those looking for a refined device.

One of the standout new features is the Capture button, which is available across all iPhone 16 models. This button is designed to mimic the feel of a DSLR camera shutter, allowing users to half-press to focus and fully press to capture a photo or video. Additionally, slimmer bezels and improved battery life, particularly for the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max models, offer incremental upgrades over previous versions.

On the pricing front, Apple has decided not to raise prices for the Pro models, a welcome surprise in the current inflationary environment. The iPhone 16 Pro starts at $999, maintaining the same price point as the iPhone 15 Pro, even though it features new AI integration and improved hardware.

AI and the China Challenge

While AI is expected to be a game-changer, Apple faces challenges in some of its key markets, notably China. Apple’s sales in China have stagnated in recent quarters, with the company struggling to compete with local smartphone manufacturers. To complicate matters, Apple Intelligence won’t be available in China at launch, limiting the iPhone 16’s appeal in one of its most critical regions.

Trip Miller, managing partner at Gullane Capital Partners, observed, “Apple is doing partnerships instead of having to reinvent the wheel.” Apple’s collaboration with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is one such partnership aimed at boosting its AI capabilities. However, without a local AI partner in China, Apple may find it difficult to regain momentum in the region.

Will the iPhone 16 Spark a Sales Surge?

Analysts are divided over whether the iPhone 16 will trigger a super cycle of upgrades. The delayed rollout of key AI features and the lack of a dramatic hardware redesign have led many to believe that consumers may not rush to upgrade this year. As Michael Levin, co-founder of Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, put it, “People are holding on to their phones for longer and longer periods of time,” a trend that could dampen immediate demand for the iPhone 16.

However, some experts remain optimistic that the integration of AI, even if staggered, will eventually pay off for Apple. Cliff Maldonado, principal analyst at BayStreet Research, noted, “AI hasn’t resonated yet with the masses,” but believes Apple’s long-term strategy could still succeed, especially once the delayed features are fully available.

In contrast, some analysts, like Michael Burkhardt, believe the real iPhone breakthrough will come next year with the launch of the iPhone 17, which is rumored to feature a sleeker design and more comprehensive AI capabilities. Until then, Apple may be relying on incremental improvements and carrier promotions to keep iPhone sales steady.

The Importance of Carrier Partnerships

Carrier partnerships have always played a critical role in Apple’s success, especially in the U.S., where they account for about 75% of all iPhone sales, according to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. While iPhone 16 may not deliver a revolutionary design or immediate AI advancements, wireless carriers are still expected to offer promotions and upgrade subsidies that could boost sales in the near term.

However, as Miller of Gullane Capital Partners pointed out, “Apple is swimming upstream” in a market where consumers are increasingly reluctant to upgrade without substantial improvements. Whether or not Apple’s AI features will be enough to convince consumers remains to be seen.

Launch Time

The integration of AI through Apple Intelligence holds great promise, but the delayed rollout of key features may hinder its potential to drive a massive sales surge this year. The phone’s modest hardware changes, though appreciated, are unlikely to trigger widespread upgrades.

Ultimately, the iPhone 16 could be a stepping stone toward Apple’s AI-driven future. While the buzz around the iPhone 16 may not reach super cycle levels, Apple’s long-term investment in AI could pay off as its technology matures, especially with the iPhone 17 on the horizon.

Intel Says Its Core Ultra 200V Competes With Arm’s Battery Life https://www.webpronews.com/intel-says-its-core-ultra-200v-competes-with-arms-battery-life/ Fri, 06 Sep 2024 11:30:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607570 Intel is working hard to convince the tech world that it can finally take on Arm, saying it “turned over every rock” in designing the Core Ultra 200V.

Arm-based chips have increasingly made headway against Intel’s dominance in the desktop and server markets. Apple helped get the ball rolling with its Arm-based M-series of chips, delivering performance that rivals Intel’s best, while simultaneously deliver far superior battery life. The tech industry took note, with Qualcomm’s Arm-based Snapdragon chips offering similar performance.

Intel engineers say the competition with Arm-based chips caused the engineering teams to go back to the drawing board.

“We had new competition showing good performance – roughly equal to what we have – but with much lower power,” said Arik Gihon, Intel senior principal engineer of SoC Architecture.

One of the main decisions the teams had to make was choosing to design a more purpose-built chip, rather than one designed to serve a wide range of PC categories. The new chip would be designed almost exclusively for thin laptops and fanless devices, such as tablets.

“The story was efficiency,” Gihon explains, “and we literally turned over every rock.”

The company says its efforts were successful, yielding the energy-efficient Core Ultra 200V.

The result is Core Ultra 200V. It’s a processor to power AI PC laptops that draws as much as 40% less power than its predecessor, which itself was a radical re-architecture focused on efficiency. The new Core Ultra delivers several more hours of battery life — and, critically, similarly large gains in performance, graphics and AI.

Intel’s engineers focused on better utilizing the chips Efficient-cores (E-cores) versus the Performance-cores (P-cores).

“Thanks to Thread Director updates, along with enhanced power management decisions, we can monitor all of this at a milliseconds level,” said Intel Fellow Rajshree Chabukswar. “And we can change based on the type of work that we are running – do I need to burst up my frequency or do I need to be conservative? That gave us a lot of benefit.”

“When Lunar Lake runs on battery, we use Windows hetero-scheduling, which means we start from the Efficient-cores and move up,” Chabukswar added. “We have a new feature called OS containment where we try to keep the work on E-cores as much as possible.”

Heavier loads are shifted to the P-cores, which quickly shut down once the heavier workload is completed.

The end result is a chip Intel believes will allow it to compete with Arm’s performance, while at the same time maintaining the compatibility the Intel and Microsoft world is accustomed to.

“It’s one of the biggest projects we ever did in terms of architecture shift,” Gihon said. “When we look at the competition, and we look at where we are, we are pretty satisfied.”

Qualcomm May Try to Buy Intel’s Chip Design Business https://www.webpronews.com/qualcomm-may-try-to-buy-intels-chip-design-business/ Fri, 06 Sep 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607574 Qualcomm is reportedly taking a close look at Intel’s semiconductor design business, with the company’s executives possibly interested in buying it.

Intel’s fortunes continue to diminish as the company struggles to turn things around regain its former glory. Most recently, Intel announced layoffs of some 15,000 employees. The company’s situation has become dire enough that almost all options are being considered, including spinning off its foundry business and a possible sale of Altera, the company’s programmable chip unit.

According to Reuters, Qualcomm’s executives are looking at the possibility of acquiring the part of Intel responsible for client PC design, although they are investigating other Intel units as well. The outlet’s sources say Qualcomm has been quietly working on plans to purchase parts of Intel for months.

Intel says it has not been approached by Qualcomm, and a company spokesperson said the company is “deeply committed to our PC business.” Qualcomm declined to comment on Reuters’ story.

While it may be hard to imagine Intel selling off one of its core units, with the company’s fortunes continuing to deteriorate, the time may come when it has little choice. If that day comes, Qualcomm may be well-positioned to benefit from it.

Microsoft Expanding Copilot+ PCs to Include AMD and Intel Silicon https://www.webpronews.com/microsoft-expanding-copilot-pcs-to-include-amd-and-intel-silicon/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 18:19:52 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607462 Microsoft is expanding its Copilot+ PC portfolio beyond Arm-based processors, adding support for both AMD and Intel chips.

Microsoft announced Copilot+ PCs in May, incorporating AI to an all-new degree. In the initial release, Windows announced support exclusively for Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips, unsurprising given that Qualcomm has an exclusive deal to build and release Arm-based Windows PCs. Intel didn’t waste any time making clear that it believed its upcoming Lunar Lake chips were up to the task of powering Copilot+ PCs.

“With breakthrough power efficiency, the trusted compatibility of x86 architecture and the industry’s deepest catalog of software enablement across the CPU, GPU and NPU, we will deliver the most competitive joint client hardware and software offering in our history with Lunar Lake and Copilot+,” Michelle Johnston Holthaus, Intel EVP and general manager of the Client Computing Group, said at the time.

Just over three months later, Microsoft says it is bringing the Copilot+ PC experience to AMD and Intel-based computers.

Today, marks the next step in our journey as the Copilot+ PC portfolio expands with the introduction of new silicon technology — AMD Ryzen AI 300 series and Intel Core Ultra 200V series. This growth underscores our commitment to innovation, providing customers with leading AI experiences, fast performance, long battery life, seamless connectivity, enhanced security and personalized productivity.

One of the biggest benefits of Copilot+ PCs is the deep integration of AI, especially as it pertains to maximizing battery life and performance.

We have seen incredible energy and momentum for Copilot+ PCs, with customers telling us that the performance and battery life exceeds their expectations. Copilot+ PCs also feature industry-leading Wi-Fi 7 and chip-to-cloud security with Microsoft Pluton. Developers are building incredible experiences that leverage the neural processing unit (NPU) technology, with more to come. We’re inspired by customer stories of how they are engaging with new AI experiences like Live Captions with translation, empowering them to communicate across languages with friends and family, or Cocreator in Paint inspiring people’s creativity to help bring their ideas to life.

Microsoft says its advances help bring battery life improvements to the new generation of devices, something AMD and Intel’s chips have historically struggled with, compared to Arm-based chips.

AMD and Intel have delivered next generation enhancements to their Ryzen AI 300 and Intel Core Ultra 200v processors. Through our deep co-engineering partnerships and updates in Windows 11, Copilot+ PCs powered by these next-gen AMD and Intel silicon will fully realize these hardware improvements, resulting in meaningful advancements across performance, battery life, security and connectivity. For AI, we will continue to innovate, bringing new features, devices and platforms that deliver new experiences to empower our customers.

It’s a safe bet that including AMD and Intel in the Copilot+ PC portfolio will help spur adoption even more.

China May Take Measures Against Japan Over Chip Sanctions https://www.webpronews.com/china-may-take-measures-against-japan-over-chip-sanctions/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 16:18:56 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607349 China is threatening retaliation against Japan in response to the measures it has taken to restrict China’s access to advanced semiconductor tech.

The US has led a global effort to isolate China technologically and keep it from gaining access to the most advanced chip tech. US lawmakers have pressured allies to follow suit, and Japan is one of many that has followed suit, restricting sales of chips and chip-making equipment to China.

According to TechRadar, China is now threatening economic retaliation. The outlet says those measures could involve cutting off the export of minerals Japan relies on for its automotive industry. China could also ban the import of vehicles from Toyota and other Japanese automakers.

China’s threats underscore the ongoing geopolitical issues arising from countries’ efforts to isolate China. The country still represents one of the world’s biggest economies, and it produces minerals and elements the rest of the world—and especially the tech industry—rely on.

Beyond the geopolitical issues are question of whether efforts to isolate China are even working. Huawei was one of the biggest targets of US efforts, but the company has continued to manufacture advanced chips that ultimately surprised US lawmakers. Huawei has also been gaining ground in AI, a field the US has identified as one it cannot afford to fall behind China in.

China has already taken measures to retaliate against US companies, with plans to replace Intel and AMD chips in telecom equipment, much like the US and its allies did with Huawei and ZTE equipment.

Ultimately, the longer the tech and trade war continues between China and the West, the more companies will be caught in the middle and pay the price.

VC-Backed Startups Fighting Fires: The New Frontier in Wildfire Management https://www.webpronews.com/vc-backed-startups-fighting-fires-the-new-frontier-in-wildfire-management/ Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:57:49 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=607262 As wildfires continue to ravage vast landscapes, especially in fire-prone regions like California, a new wave of innovation is emerging from Silicon Valley. Venture capital-backed startups such as Kodama, BurnBot, and Megafire Action are harnessing cutting-edge technology to tackle the wildfire crisis head-on. These companies are not only revolutionizing how we fight wildfires but are also seeking to reshape the entire approach to wildfire prevention and management. With the support of climate-conscious investors, these startups are racing against time to deploy scalable solutions that could reverse decades of ecological damage.

The Rise of Wildfire Tech: A Necessary Evolution

Wildfires have long been a part of the natural ecosystem, but their frequency, intensity, and destructiveness have escalated to unprecedented levels due to climate change and poor land management practices. In response, technology entrepreneurs have begun to pivot their focus from traditional tech ventures to developing solutions aimed at mitigating the wildfire threat.

Maxwell Brodie, founder of Rain, a startup specializing in autonomous wildfire response, recounts how a childhood experience with a wildfire in British Columbia shaped his vision. “At 4 a.m., a lightning strike started a wildfire near my home. No one was able to get to it until several hours after sunrise. By then, it was too late,” he recalls. This early exposure to the devastating effects of wildfires later inspired him to create technology that could respond more swiftly to such disasters.

Rain’s autonomous helicopters, equipped with advanced AI software, are designed to reach and combat wildfires faster than traditional methods. “It’s all about reducing response time to catch the fires at their earliest stage,” says Brodie. “Arriving with enough speed and force to extinguish, contain, or slow the fire before it grows out of control gives frontline firefighters a chance to get in there and complete the job.”

Tech Innovations Leading the Charge

The approaches to fighting wildfires vary among these startups, but they share a common goal: to leverage technology to prevent small fires from becoming catastrophic blazes. BurnBot, for example, is utilizing autonomous machines to manage the forest floor by performing controlled burns and thinning vegetation. This method reduces the fuel load that can turn a small spark into a devastating wildfire.

“Managing dead wood accumulation and density of new tree growth is key to protecting the forest and promoting healthy variety of species,” notes Roger Voss, a software developer and architect with a deep interest in forest management. BurnBot’s technology is crucial in creating precise firebreaks and reducing the fuel available for wildfires, which directly contributes to healthier forest ecosystems.

Megafire Action, another startup in this space, is taking a more comprehensive approach by combining policy advocacy with technological innovation. The company is working closely with fire management professionals, indigenous practitioners, and forest managers to develop and implement best practices in wildfire management. “If you want a combination of reality check and hope, this is it,” says Gabe Kleinman, a supporter of the Megafire Action team.

The Role of Venture Capital in Scaling Wildfire Tech

Venture capital has played a critical role in bringing these wildfire technologies to market. Investors like Bill Clerico, who launched a $35 million fund dedicated to wildfire tech, see immense potential in this sector. “To leverage the power of startups to have a positive impact is a really inspiring challenge,” says Clerico. His fund and others like it are pouring resources into companies that are developing tools to monitor, detect, and combat wildfires more effectively.

Startups like Pano AI and Overstory are using AI and machine learning to enhance early detection and response capabilities. Pano AI, for instance, deploys networks of cameras in remote areas to spot smoke and automatically alert firefighters. This technology has already proven its worth, with CalFire crediting an AI-powered camera for detecting a fire in the Santa Cruz mountains early enough for fire crews to contain it.

Frontline, another startup in the wildfire tech space, offers a unique solution by integrating geospatial software with external sprinkler systems to protect homes from wind-blown embers, which are often the primary cause of structural fires during wildfires. “We are growing really fast and have seen a massive amount of demand for our technology,” says Harry Statter, Frontline’s founder. The company recently raised a $6.4 million seed round to scale its operations.

The Urgency of Public Sector Involvement

While these startups are making significant strides, they are also calling on the public sector to step up and support the deployment of these technologies at scale. The environmental and economic costs of wildfires are staggering, with billions of dollars in damages and millions of acres of forest lost each year. Without significant public investment, the widespread adoption of wildfire tech may be delayed, with potentially dire consequences.

“There has been a shift over the past five or so years,” says Brodie. “Fire used to be considered part of natural land use in global carbon accounting. It has become increasingly evident that the fires that we’re seeing are not natural—that they are caused by humans as part of human-caused climate change.” The startups working in wildfire tech are acutely aware that time is running out. If the public sector does not act soon, the opportunity to prevent catastrophic climate impacts may be lost.

A New Era in Wildfire Management

The convergence of venture capital and technological innovation in wildfire management marks a new era in how society addresses this growing threat. Startups like Kodama, BurnBot, Rain, and Megafire Action are leading the charge, offering hope that with the right tools and investment, the wildfire crisis can be mitigated.

However, the success of these ventures will ultimately depend on their ability to scale and integrate with public wildfire management efforts. As Brodie and others in the industry have emphasized, the clock is ticking. The next decade will be crucial in determining whether these innovations can be deployed widely enough to make a meaningful impact.

For now, these VC-backed startups are not just fighting fires—they are fighting for the future of our forests, our communities, and our planet.

Google Just Dropped Gemini Live, and It’s Insane! https://www.webpronews.com/google-just-dropped-gemini-live-and-its-insane/ Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:35:29 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=606986 Google has once again pushed the boundaries of what AI can do with the release of Gemini Live, a conversational AI that’s turning heads and stirring up excitement in the tech community. Announced just a few months ago at Google I/O 2024, Gemini Live is now rolling out to select Android and Pixel devices, and it’s already being hailed as a game-changer in the world of AI-powered virtual assistants.

What Is Gemini Live?

At its core, Gemini Live is a next-generation AI assistant designed to replace Google Assistant on select devices. It’s not just an upgrade; it’s a complete overhaul, introducing features that are setting a new standard for conversational AI. Unlike the standard Gemini AI, which doesn’t access personal information and functions independently of cloud connectivity, Gemini Live is a cloud-based service that provides real-time, interactive responses tailored to the user’s needs.

Poonam Soni, a well-known tech influencer, described her experience with Gemini Live on Twitter: “Google just dropped Gemini Live and it’s INSANE. Spoiler: ChatGPT Voice Mode got a huge competition.” Her excitement is shared by many who have had the chance to try out the new AI, and it’s clear that Gemini Live is poised to compete directly with other leading AI services.

Key Features That Set Gemini Live Apart

One of the standout features of Gemini Live is its in-depth voice interaction capability. Users can have ongoing, multi-turn conversations with the AI, which adapts to their speech patterns in real-time. This makes interactions feel more natural and less like the rigid Q&A format that many AI assistants still rely on.

Gemini Live also allows users to interrupt the AI at any point during a conversation, which is a significant advancement in AI responsiveness. This feature enables more dynamic interactions, such as when users need clarification or want to pivot the conversation in a new direction.

Another innovative aspect is the integration with other apps on the device. Users can drag and drop content generated by Gemini Live directly into apps like Gmail or Google Messages, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity. Soni highlighted this capability, saying, “You can drag and drop images that Gemini generates directly into apps like Gmail and Google Messages. This is a game changer for anyone who values efficiency.”

The Battle with ChatGPT Voice Mode

The timing of Gemini Live’s release is particularly interesting as it enters the market just after OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode. Many tech enthusiasts and experts are already comparing the two, with some suggesting that Gemini Live may have the upper hand.

Gemini Live boasts a longer context window than most AI models, meaning it can recall and reason over much more data during conversations. This capability is crucial for maintaining coherent and relevant discussions, especially during complex or extended interactions. A Google spokesperson noted, “The model’s large context window is utilized when users have long conversations with Live, making it a more effective tool for in-depth discussions.”

Hands-Free and Ready for Multitasking

One of the most convenient features of Gemini Live is its ability to operate hands-free. Users can keep the AI running in the background or even when their phone is locked, making it ideal for multitasking. Whether you’re driving, cooking, or simply have your hands full, Gemini Live keeps the conversation going.

Google has also made it easy to pause and resume conversations at any time, adding to the AI’s flexibility and user-friendliness. This makes it a perfect companion for those moments when you need to step away but don’t want to lose your place in a conversation.

A Glimpse into the Future: Multimodal Input

While Gemini Live is already impressive, Google has teased even more advanced features set to roll out later this year, including multimodal input. This means that Gemini Live will soon be able to see and respond to users’ surroundings via photos and videos captured by their phone’s camera. Imagine pointing your camera at a broken bike and having Gemini Live identify the part and explain how to fix it—this is just one of the many possibilities that multimodal input will unlock.

However, these features are still in development, and users will have to wait a bit longer to see them in action. When asked about the timeline, Google stated that multimodal input would be available “later this year” but did not provide a specific date.

Subscription-Based Access

As with many advanced AI tools, Gemini Live isn’t free. It’s part of the Google One AI Premium Plan, which costs $20 per month. This subscription model gives users access to the full suite of Gemini’s capabilities, including the advanced conversational features that are making waves in the tech world.

For those already invested in Google’s ecosystem, this price point might be justified by the sheer utility and innovation that Gemini Live brings to the table. However, it also raises questions about accessibility and whether this will limit the AI’s reach to only those willing to pay for premium services.

What’s Next for Gemini Live?

Google isn’t stopping with just voice interactions. In the coming weeks, Gemini Live will gain even more integrations with Google’s suite of services, such as Google Calendar, Keep, Tasks, and YouTube Music. This will allow users to perform a wide range of tasks simply by conversing with their AI assistant.

For instance, users will be able to ask Gemini Live to create a playlist of ’90s songs, check their calendar for availability, and even set reminders—all within a single conversation. This level of integration is poised to make Gemini Live not just a conversational AI, but a central hub for managing daily life.

The Future of AI Interaction

Gemini Live is not just another AI assistant—it represents a significant leap forward in how we interact with technology. With its advanced conversational abilities, seamless app integration, and future-focused features like multimodal input, Gemini Live is setting new standards for what AI can do.

As more users get their hands on this technology, it will be interesting to see how it shapes the future of digital assistants. But one thing is clear: Google just dropped Gemini Live, and it’s insane. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just someone looking to enhance your daily routines, Gemini Live is a tool worth exploring.

Intel’s Brain Drain: Top Engineers Leave To Form Startup https://www.webpronews.com/intels-brain-drain-top-engineers-leave-to-form-startup/ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 13:48:10 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=606895 Intel’s troubles continue to mount as four of its top CPU engineers and architects have left the company to form a RISC-V startup.

AheadComputing was founded by the following former Intel engineers:

  • Dr. Debbie Marr, “an Intel Fellow and Chief Architect of the Advanced Architecture Development Group (AADG) at Intel.”
  • Jonathan Pearce, “an Intel Principal Engineer, CPU Architect and a key technologist & strategist in the Advanced Architecture Development Group.”
  • Dr. Srikanth Srinivasan, “an industry expert on microprocessor architecture and microarchitecture with over 20 years of technical leadership experience in product R&D.”
  • Mark Dechene, “an Intel Principal Engineer and CPU Architect in the Advanced Architecture Development Group.”

According to the company website, the four architects have more than 80 years of experiencing designing microprocessors. The company’s focus is “designing, verifying, and licensing compelling RISC-V core IP.”

RISC-V is an open architecture that is poised to take on Arm, as well as Intel and AMD, that is increasingly gaining traction in the tech world. As a result, it’s an attractive platform to build a chip startup around.

The departures are bad news for Intel, however, as the company struggles to turn things around. The company recently announced layoffs impacting some 15,000 employees. That news comes on the heels of issues with its 13 and 14th-gen chips, issues securing foundry customers, some quarterly reports that can only be described as a bloodbath, and a continuing erosion of its leadership in the semiconductor market.

In one of Intel’s cost-saving moves, the company announced pay cuts impacting Principle Engineers and other executives in February 2023 in an effort to continue paying investors a dividend . At the time, WPN wrote this about the company’s plans:

Intel’s strategy is an incredibly dangerous one since it risks alienating the very employees and engineers the company needs to turn things around. Cutting employees’ pay, in the middle of an economic downturn no less, sends a clear message to employees that they are not as important to leadership as lining investors’ pockets.

Our money is on this decision coming back to haunt Intel, with the company likely to start losing its top talent to companies that won’t sell them out.

Given that the four founders of AheadComputing fit into the group whose pay was cut, it seems Intel is reaping exactly what we predicted.

The Tesla Robotaxi Revolution: A Deep Dive into the Future of Transportation https://www.webpronews.com/the-tesla-robotaxi-revolution-a-deep-dive-into-the-future-of-transportation/ Sat, 24 Aug 2024 14:33:14 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=606779 The rapid development of Tesla’s Robotaxi network promises to disrupt not just the ride-hailing industry but potentially revolutionize transportation, real estate, and even e-commerce. As Tesla’s highly anticipated Robotaxi event approaches in October, the implications of this technology are beginning to come into sharp focus. This deep-dive explores the potential impacts of Tesla’s Robotaxi, its ability to disrupt industries, and the broader economic ramifications that could follow.

Tesla’s Robotaxi: The Next Frontier

Tesla’s Robotaxi concept is not just another autonomous vehicle initiative; it’s a bold move toward redefining mobility itself. Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, has long championed the idea of fully autonomous, electric vehicles that operate in a network, transporting passengers without human intervention. This vision goes beyond mere convenience—it is positioned as a key component in reducing transportation costs, decreasing traffic congestion, and eventually leading to a sustainable future.

In a recent conversation on the Brighter with Herbert podcast, financial analyst and investment advisor Cern Basher highlighted the potential scope of Tesla’s Robotaxi network. “Most people are focused on how Tesla’s Robotaxi will disrupt ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft,” Basher noted. “But the reality is that its impact could extend far beyond that. We’re talking about a fundamental shift in how we think about transportation and mobility.”

Disrupting the Ride-Hailing Industry

The most immediate and obvious industry poised for disruption is ride-hailing. Companies like Uber and Lyft have spent years building platforms that connect drivers with passengers, but their model is heavily dependent on human labor and the associated costs. Tesla’s Robotaxi, with its autonomous driving capabilities, could render this model obsolete.

In response to Tesla’s impending Robotaxi launch, Uber has started forming strategic partnerships with companies like Cruise for autonomous technology and BYD for vehicles. However, these moves may be too little, too late. As Basher pointed out, “Uber has accumulated about $30 billion in losses over the years, and while they’ve started to make some progress, the advent of autonomous vehicles could be the existential threat they’ve always feared.”

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi’s recent sale of 10% of his shares has raised eyebrows, fueling speculation about the company’s future in an autonomous world. “Uber is in a tough spot,” Basher continued. “They don’t have the vehicles or the technology, and now they’re scrambling to find partners. Whether Tesla will need Uber as a partner is still up in the air, but it’s clear that the ride-hailing business is about to face significant disruption.”

A Broader Impact: Could Tesla’s Robotaxi Disrupt Amazon?

While the disruption of the ride-hailing industry is almost a given, Tesla’s Robotaxi network could have far-reaching implications for other sectors, including e-commerce giants like Amazon. The idea may seem far-fetched at first, but Basher suggests that Tesla’s autonomous vehicles, coupled with advancements in AI, could challenge Amazon’s dominance in ways that are not immediately obvious.

“Amazon has built its empire on efficiency and scale, particularly through its distribution centers and delivery network,” Basher explained. “But what if Tesla’s autonomous vehicles, possibly integrated with AI from XAI, could take over the final mile delivery, or even reduce the need for massive distribution centers? Humanoid robots could eventually replace Amazon’s workforce in warehouses, and local production could reduce the need for long-distance shipping.”

This vision is admittedly long-term, but it points to the potential for a much more significant disruption than just transportation. “Amazon also makes a lot of money from advertising,” Basher added. “In a world where AI is making purchasing decisions, the need for human-targeted advertising diminishes. The future could see AI-to-AI commerce, where your personal AI negotiates directly with a manufacturer’s AI, possibly bypassing Amazon altogether.”

The Investment Conundrum: Robotaxi vs. Airbnb

The financial implications of Tesla’s Robotaxi network also extend into the realm of personal investment. With the advent of Tesla’s Robotaxi, investors may face a new dilemma: Is it more profitable to invest in a fleet of autonomous vehicles or traditional real estate for Airbnb?

Basher has analyzed the potential returns of both investment avenues. According to his findings, Airbnb hosts in the U.S. earned a total of $22 billion in 2022, with a median host earning around $144,000 annually. However, the expenses associated with maintaining a property—property taxes, utilities, and maintenance—eat into these earnings.

In contrast, the earnings potential from a Robotaxi fleet could be significantly higher. Basher’s conservative estimates suggest that even at a 30% utilization rate, a single Tesla Robotaxi could generate $220,000 in annual revenue, yielding a 40% cash flow return on a $50,000 vehicle. If the vehicle is worth $25,000, that return could skyrocket to 80%.

“Investing in Tesla’s Robotaxi network could prove far more lucrative than owning a rental property,” Basher observed. “The economics are compelling, especially when you consider the low operating costs of an electric vehicle compared to the overhead of maintaining a property.”

Disrupting the Real Estate Market

The comparison between Airbnb and Tesla’s Robotaxi network raises another intriguing possibility: Could Tesla’s autonomous vehicles disrupt the real estate market? Basher thinks so. “As people start to realize how profitable it can be to own and operate a Robotaxi, we might see investors selling off their Airbnb properties to buy Tesla vehicles instead. This could lead to a significant shift in the real estate market, especially in areas heavily reliant on rental income.”

The potential for Tesla’s Robotaxi to offer an alternative to traditional lodging and office spaces further compounds this impact. “Imagine a world where people use Robotaxis as mobile offices or even overnight accommodations,” Basher mused. “It could disrupt not just Airbnb, but also hotels, office spaces, and any industry tied to real estate.”

The Challenges Facing Competitors

While Tesla is poised to dominate the autonomous vehicle market, its competitors are struggling. Companies like Rivian, Lucid, and legacy automakers like Ford are facing significant financial challenges as they attempt to scale their EV operations. Basher’s analysis shows that these companies are burning through cash at an alarming rate, with no clear path to profitability.

“Tesla was in a similar position a few years ago, but they managed to turn the corner,” Basher noted. “Rivian, Lucid, and others are not so fortunate. They’re losing billions, and the market is only getting more competitive. The cash furnace they’re operating is unsustainable.”

Ford, in particular, is pulling back on its EV plans after losing over $9 billion in its electric vehicle segment. “Ford’s decision to delay their next-generation EVs and cancel some models altogether signals that they’re feeling the heat,” Basher said. “They’ve realized that without a clear path to profitability, they can’t afford to keep burning cash at this rate.”

The Future of Transportation: A Tesla-Driven Paradigm Shift

As Tesla prepares to unveil more details about its Robotaxi network in October, the world is watching with bated breath. The potential for disruption is enormous, and the ripple effects could reshape entire industries. From ride-hailing to real estate, e-commerce to logistics, Tesla’s vision of autonomous transportation is set to revolutionize the way we live and work.

“Elon Musk is not just building a fleet of autonomous vehicles; he’s building the future,” Basher concluded. “The Robotaxi network is the first step in what could be a complete transformation of the global economy. The possibilities are endless, and the implications are profound.”

In a world where Tesla’s Robotaxi becomes a reality, the question is not if it will disrupt but how deeply the disruption will go. As industries brace for impact, investors and consumers alike will need to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape—one where the autonomous vehicle is king and mobility is redefined.

Arm Reportedly Working On A GPU Chip https://www.webpronews.com/arm-reportedly-working-on-a-gpu-chip/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 18:04:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=606613 Arm is reportedly working on a GPU, a move that could pose a challenge to Nvidia in an industry where GPUs are the new gold.

GPUs are used both in their traditional roles, as well as to power the AI revolution. Arm-based chips already power the majority of phones and tablets, and are making significant headway in servers and personal computers, thanks to their performance and power efficiency.

According to Globes, Arm may be looking to duplicate that success in the GPU market. The company reportedly has 100 engineers working on GPU designs at its facility in Ra’anana, Israel.

Arm is unique in the semiconductor industry. Unlike Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm and others, Arm creates chip designs that licenses to other companies. Depending on the license, client companies can significantly modify the base designs to tailor them to their needs.

If Arm successfully launches its own GPU design, it could help level the AI playing field, giving companies and startups a viable alternative to Nvidia’s chips.

The Potential Windfall for Tesla: How Elon Musk’s Vision and Government Collaboration Could Transform the Future https://www.webpronews.com/the-potential-windfall-for-tesla-how-elon-musks-vision-and-government-collaboration-could-transform-the-future/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:37:08 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=606575 As the world watches Elon Musk’s relentless pursuit of innovation, many are beginning to speculate on what the future holds for Tesla, especially under a potential administration that values American manufacturing and technological leadership. The recent developments and discussions between Musk and former President Donald Trump have sparked conversations that could mean big things for Tesla—and perhaps the entire U.S. economy.

Musk and Trump: A Strategic Partnership?

The idea of Elon Musk working closely with a future Trump administration is no longer just speculative banter. In a recent discussion on X (formerly Twitter), Musk hinted at the possibility of serving in a Trump White House, potentially on a government efficiency commission. This revelation has fueled excitement among Tesla supporters and investors, as the alignment of Musk’s goals with Trump’s economic vision could lead to unprecedented opportunities for Tesla and its related ventures.

“Elon Musk has proven time and again that he knows how to get things done,” said Kevin O’Leary, better known as Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank, in a recent interview. O’Leary emphasized that Musk’s ability to navigate complex challenges, coupled with his no-nonsense approach to innovation, makes him an ideal candidate to spearhead efforts to streamline government operations. “If you want to save taxpayer dollars and drive technological advancement, who better than Elon Musk?”

The Tesla Advantage: Scaling Up for a Booming Economy

Musk’s companies, including Tesla and SpaceX, are already massive employers in the United States, with Tesla alone employing over 100,000 people. With Tesla scaling up operations in areas such as lithium refinement and robotics production, the potential for job creation under a government that prioritizes American manufacturing is enormous. “Imagine what happens under a president that wants American manufacturing jobs to thrive and aims to position the U.S. as a leader in technology,” O’Leary remarked. “The next four years could be incredible for Tesla.”

This strategic alignment could mean more than just economic growth—it could be a boon for Tesla’s stock and market positioning. Investors are keenly aware that a close relationship between Musk and a business-minded administration could lead to significant government contracts, particularly in sectors like renewable energy, electric vehicles, and autonomous driving technology.

Government Efficiency and Tesla’s Role

One of the most tantalizing possibilities is the potential for Tesla to take on a more significant role in government infrastructure projects. The discussion has already touched on the inefficiencies in current government initiatives, such as the Biden administration’s lagging progress on electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Despite a $75 billion investment, only a handful of the promised 500,000 chargers have been installed. This is where Musk’s track record comes into play.

“Tesla has demonstrated an unparalleled ability to deploy a comprehensive EV charging network across the United States,” said O’Leary. “If the government is serious about efficiency, it makes sense to leverage Tesla’s expertise.” The suggestion is that under a more pragmatic administration, Tesla could be tasked with expanding the nation’s charging infrastructure, potentially with government support.

A Future Shaped by Innovation

The implications of such a collaboration go beyond Tesla’s immediate business prospects. Musk’s vision of a future dominated by autonomous vehicles, AI, and sustainable energy could receive a significant boost if backed by government resources. With Tesla already leading in battery technology and autonomous driving, the potential for innovation is staggering.

Musk has often spoken about the importance of pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. “The path to a sustainable future requires massive scale and innovation on a level that humanity has never seen before,” Musk has said. His collaboration with a supportive administration could accelerate the transition to sustainable energy and autonomous transportation, potentially positioning the U.S. as a global leader in these critical sectors.

The Road Ahead

As the political landscape evolves, the relationship between Musk and key government figures will likely become a focal point for investors and industry watchers alike. The possibility of Musk playing a more active role in shaping U.S. policy—especially in areas that align with his business interests—could lead to transformative changes in how the country approaches technology and infrastructure.

While much remains speculative, one thing is clear: the combination of Musk’s visionary leadership and a supportive government could result in significant gains for Tesla and the broader U.S. economy. “We’re on the brink of something big,” O’Leary concluded. “And if Musk is involved, you can bet it’s going to be a game-changer.”

This potential partnership could mark the beginning of a new era for Tesla—one where innovation, efficiency, and growth are not just goals but realities fueled by a unique convergence of public and private sector interests.
