ENTBusinessNews https://www.webpronews.com/business/entbusinessnews/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 ENTBusinessNews https://www.webpronews.com/business/entbusinessnews/ 32 32 138578674 How To Become a Successful Entrepreneur in 2024 https://www.webpronews.com/how-to-become-a-successful-entrepreneur-in-2024/ Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:10:59 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608130 Entrepreneurship has long been considered a blend of innovation, grit, and timing. But as we head into 2024, the playbook for building a successful business has evolved. Today’s entrepreneurs are navigating a world of rapid technological change, shifting markets, and increasingly complex consumer expectations. While the fundamentals of entrepreneurship remain, becoming a successful entrepreneur in this new landscape requires a mix of creativity, adaptability, and a willingness to challenge conventional thinking.

Entrepreneurship expert and professor John Mullins identifies a key to entrepreneurial success: breaking the rules—strategically. Mullins’ six counterconventional mindsets provide a fresh perspective on how to tackle the entrepreneurial journey in a way that goes beyond traditional business teachings. As he puts it, “Entrepreneurs don’t just follow best practices; they create their own.”

In this deep dive, we explore these unconventional principles and how entrepreneurs can apply them to thrive in 2024.

1. “Yes, We Can” – Embrace Opportunity Outside Your Expertise

One of the first lessons in entrepreneurship is often to focus on your core competencies. Stick to what you know, and don’t stray too far. However, the most successful entrepreneurs tend to break this rule. They recognize opportunity when it arises—even if it means stepping outside their comfort zone.

Take the story of Brazilian entrepreneur Arnold Correia, founder of Atmo Digital. Correia built a successful event management business but didn’t hesitate to say “yes” when a client asked if he could broadcast training sessions via satellite to stores across Brazil. Despite knowing nothing about satellite technology, Correia seized the opportunity, reinventing his business multiple times to meet client needs. Each time, he expanded his offerings, and his business grew.

“Saying ‘yes’ opens doors that you didn’t know existed,” explains Mullins. “If you wait until you’re fully prepared, the opportunity might pass.”

In 2024, where technology constantly reshapes markets, entrepreneurs must embrace opportunities that stretch their skillsets. The willingness to pivot and adapt quickly is often the difference between a stagnant business and a thriving one.

2. Focus on Problems, Not Products

Many businesses focus on refining and promoting their products, thinking innovation means creating a better version of what already exists. But successful entrepreneurs know that true innovation comes from solving problems, not just tweaking products.

Entrepreneur John Thorne built a multimillion-dollar business by focusing on solving a specific problem: the way surgical forceps stick to human tissue during operations. He didn’t start by designing a product; he started by identifying a pain point. Initially, Thorne’s focus was on plastic surgery, but after realizing neurosurgeons faced an even greater problem with tissue adhesion, he shifted his target market, which led to exponential growth.

“Entrepreneurs need to think problem-first, not product-first,” says Mullins. “It’s about finding the pain points in the market and solving them in innovative ways.”

This mindset is crucial for the 2024 entrepreneur. In a world of endless choices, businesses that solve real problems will rise above those that focus solely on product features.

3. Think Narrow, Not Broad

Many entrepreneurs are advised to go after big markets, but successful founders often focus narrowly to achieve initial traction. Targeting a niche allows startups to hone their value proposition and develop deep expertise before scaling.

Consider how Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman built Nike. They didn’t start by creating shoes for everyone—they focused on solving a problem specific to elite distance runners. Their initial product was designed for a small, specialized market of competitive runners. Once they mastered that, they expanded into other categories, from basketball to tennis, eventually becoming the global athletic powerhouse we know today.

“Big companies think broad because they need to move the needle at scale,” says Mullins. “But for entrepreneurs, focusing on a narrow, underserved market allows them to dominate a niche before broadening out.”

In 2024, entrepreneurs should start small but think strategically about how they can expand once they’ve established themselves in a specific segment.

4. Ask for the Cash – Fund Your Business Through Early Sales

In traditional business models, companies often raise capital before going to market. But successful entrepreneurs often fund their ventures by selling before they even have a product ready. This not only generates cash flow but also validates demand.

Elon Musk used this strategy when launching Tesla. Before the company had built its first Roadster, Musk and his team sold 100 cars at $100,000 each, raising $10 million in cash. When Tesla launched the Model 3, they repeated the tactic, securing nearly half a billion dollars in pre-orders from customers.

“Why wait to raise money when you can get your customers to fund your business?” Mullins asks. “Early sales give you the cash to get started while validating your market.”

For entrepreneurs in 2024, leveraging early customer demand as a funding mechanism can be a game-changer, especially in markets where capital is harder to come by.

5. Beg, Borrow, But Don’t Steal – Leverage Existing Resources

Building a business from scratch doesn’t mean you have to own everything. Successful entrepreneurs often find creative ways to leverage existing resources rather than investing heavily upfront.

Tristram and Rebecca Mayhew, founders of Go Ape, built a profitable adventure business without owning land or major infrastructure. Instead, they partnered with the UK’s Forestry Commission, using existing trees and facilities to create their treetop adventure courses. By borrowing most of their assets, they were able to scale without the heavy burden of capital investment.

“Entrepreneurs are resourceful,” Mullins says. “They don’t always own the assets they need—they find ways to borrow them.”

In 2024, with sustainability and efficiency being key business drivers, the ability to creatively repurpose existing resources can be an enormous advantage.

6. Don’t Ask for Permission – Just Do It

In large corporations, new initiatives are often slowed by regulations, legal checks, and approval processes. But entrepreneurs thrive by moving fast and not waiting for permission. This mindset—acting first and dealing with consequences later—has helped disrupt industries across the board.

Take Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, co-founders of Uber. They didn’t wait for approval from regulators before launching their ride-hailing service. Had they asked, they would likely have been denied. Instead, they launched, built traction, and dealt with the regulatory challenges as they arose.

“Entrepreneurs aren’t reckless,” Mullins says. “But they understand that if they wait for approval, they may never get started.”

For entrepreneurs in 2024, this mindset is particularly relevant as industries grapple with outdated regulations in an age of digital disruption.

Success in entrepreneurship is never guaranteed, but these six mindsets provide a framework for navigating the uncertainties and challenges that come with building a business in 2024. By saying “yes” to opportunity, focusing on real problems, starting with a niche, leveraging early sales, using existing resources, and moving quickly, today’s entrepreneurs can create value and make their mark in an increasingly competitive landscape.

As Mullins summarizes, “Being a successful entrepreneur isn’t just about having the best idea—it’s about thinking differently and taking action.” For those ready to break the rules, the opportunities in 2024 are endless.

California’s $20 Minimum Wage Forces Fast Food Franchises to Innovate or Cut Costs https://www.webpronews.com/californias-20-minimum-wage-forces-fast-food-franchises-to-innovate-or-cut-costs/ Sat, 13 Apr 2024 10:38:39 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=603269 Implementing a $20 minimum wage in California sends shockwaves through the fast food industry, compelling franchise owners like Scott, who operates 18 McDonald’s restaurants, to rethink their business strategies drastically. This substantial increase in labor costs is challenging franchisees to find a balance between raising prices, leveraging technology, and potentially reducing their workforce to sustain profitability.

Scott, reflecting on the changes since the law took effect, shared that the past 12 days have felt like an eternity, with immense pressure to adjust. “The price of a Big Mac can’t realistically jump from its current price to $20 overnight without losing customers,” Scott said. He emphasized that while minor price increases are inevitable, doubling the price of a burger is not a viable solution. Instead, Scott is considering a holistic approach that includes tweaking menu prices moderately and optimizing other areas of operation.

“Price is a lever that independent business owners like myself can pull to alleviate some of the pressure, but it’s about more than adjusting the cost to consumers,” Scott explained. He is exploring various strategies to absorb the increased labor costs without sacrificing service quality or customer loyalty. These include enhancing efficiency through capital expenditures, judiciously managing supplies, and possibly expanding market share to distribute the cost burden broadly.

However, Scott is desperately trying to avoid the prospect of layoffs. With 800 employees under his wing, he views them as the last aspect of his operation he would want to compromise. “These are human beings, not just numbers on a payroll. Layoffs are the last lever I’d want to pull,” he affirmed.

Technological investments are also on the table. Since 2017, McDonald’s has been integrating customer kiosks and partnering with delivery services like Uber Eats and DoorDash, which have helped reallocate restaurant labor. “It’s not about replacing people, but enhancing where they are assigned in the operation,” Scott noted. The focus is on using technology to improve efficiency rather than reduce the workforce.

The familial aspect of Scott’s business adds a personal dimension to the challenges of the new wage law. His daughter, representing the third generation, has recently joined the business. Scott faces tough conversations about whether California remains the right environment for their family business or if relocating might provide a more sustainable future.

As franchise owners like Scott navigate these turbulent changes, the fast food industry in California stands at a critical juncture. Businesses must adapt to the higher wage demands creatively and efficiently or risk faltering under the increased financial pressure. The outcome of these adaptations could well set precedents for other regions considering similar wage hikes.

Yahoo’s Acquisition of AI-Powered News App, Artifact, Signals a Shift in the Digital News Landscape https://www.webpronews.com/yahoos-acquisition-of-ai-powered-news-app-artifact-signals-a-shift-in-the-digital-news-landscape/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:12:48 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=602686 In a move that reverberates across the digital news sphere, Yahoo has announced its acquisition of Artifact. This AI-powered news app has captured the attention of news enthusiasts since its inception. TechCrunch reporter Alex Wilhelm noted that the acquisition marks a strategic pivot for Yahoo, aligning with its mission to enhance user experience and reinforce its position as a leading source of trusted news and information.

Launched in early 2023 by Instagram’s co-founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Artifact quickly gained traction for its innovative approach to news curation and personalized recommendations. The app utilized cutting-edge AI tools to analyze user preferences and deliver tailored news content, earning accolades from news junkies and tech enthusiasts alike.

Artifact’s integration into Yahoo’s news ecosystem represents a significant evolution for both platforms. While Artifact will cease to operate as a standalone service, its AI personalization technology will seamlessly integrate into Yahoo’s news application suite. This move underscores Yahoo’s commitment to leveraging advanced technology to enrich user experiences and deliver relevant, high-quality content at scale.

The decision to acquire Artifact reflects Yahoo’s recognition of the enduring importance of connecting users with trusted sources of news and information in an increasingly digital world. By harnessing the power of AI, Yahoo aims to provide users with even richer, more personalized news experiences, reaffirming its position as a go-to destination for digital news consumption.

The acquisition comes at a pivotal moment for both companies. For Artifact, the integration into Yahoo’s vast network represents a new chapter in its journey, offering the opportunity to reach a broader audience and further refine its AI capabilities. For Yahoo, the acquisition signifies a strategic investment in technology-driven innovation, positioning the company for continued growth and relevance in the digital age.

Despite Artifact’s initial plans to wind down operations due to perceived market limitations, Yahoo’s acquisition signals a vote of confidence in the app’s potential to thrive under new ownership. With Yahoo’s scale and resources backing Artifact’s AI technology, the possibilities for innovation and growth are boundless.

As Yahoo integrates Artifact into its platform, the digital news landscape is poised for transformation. Focusing on enhancing user experiences and delivering trusted, personalized content, Yahoo is poised to profoundly shape the future of digital news consumption.

For users and industry observers alike, Yahoo’s acquisition of Artifact heralds a new era of innovation and collaboration in the digital news space. As these two entities join forces, the stage is set for reimagining how we discover, consume, and engage with news content in the digital age.

The Currency of Time: 11 Non-Negotiable Rules for Success https://www.webpronews.com/the-currency-of-time-11-non-negotiable-rules-for-success/ Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:19:02 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=602326 In a world where time is the most valuable commodity, entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian shares his 11 non-negotiable rules for success. In a recent episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, he delved into the importance of creating structure and discipline in life, drawing from his journey of transformation and growth. Keuilian emphasizes that these rules aren’t just for the young; they apply to individuals of all ages seeking structure, discipline, and fulfillment.

Reflecting on his past, Keuilian recalls a time when he lived without rules, structure, or discipline. This lack of direction led to a life filled with pain and uncertainty. However, a pivotal moment occurred when he experienced a massive panic attack at the age of 38. This event catalyzed Keuilian’s redefining himself as an entrepreneur and person. Through dedicated effort, he honed his diet, exercise routine, and business strategies, eventually developing 11 non-negotiable rules that became guiding principles in his life.

The 11 Non-Negotiable Rules:

1. Business Partnerships: Keuilian firmly believes in doing business only with those who share his core values and with whom he can build genuine friendships. This principle ensures alignment and fosters long-term success.

2. Health and Fitness: Keuilian prioritizes health and fitness above all else. He recognizes the impact of neglecting one’s well-being and emphasizes the importance of maintaining physical and mental health as a foundation for success.

3. Avoiding Gossip: Keuilian refuses to engage with individuals who spread rumors or engage in gossip, recognizing the toxicity it brings to relationships and environments.

4. Integrity: Dishonesty and disrespect are immediate deal-breakers for Keuilian. He values integrity and expects it in all personal or professional interactions.

5. Choosing Influences: Surrounding oneself with positive, driven individuals is crucial for success. Keuilian emphasizes the impact of negative influences and advocates for distancing oneself from those who hinder personal growth.

6. Time as Currency: Keuilian’s highest currency is time, not money. He values his time immensely and does not entertain requests for coffee, lunch, or dinner solely for “picking his brain.”

7. Protecting Time and Energy: Ruthlessly guarding his time and energy from negative influences allows Keuilian to focus on endeavors that yield meaningful results.

8. No Loans: While Keuilian is open to teaching others how to generate wealth, he refuses to loan money. He prioritizes maintaining relationships over financial transactions, recognizing the potential strain loans can place on friendships.

9. Purposeful Conversations: Keuilian avoids shallow or meaningless conversations. Instead, he seeks discussions that contribute to personal growth or financial gain, maximizing the value of every interaction.

10. Continuous Learning: Keuilian is committed to lifelong learning and personal development. He dedicates daily to expanding his knowledge and skills, recognizing that growth is essential for success.

11. Taking Action: Perhaps the most crucial rule, Keuilian emphasizes the importance of action. Without action, dreams remain unfulfilled and potential untapped. He encourages individuals to overcome fear and inertia by taking consistent, deliberate steps toward their goals.

Bedros Keuilian’s 11 non-negotiable rules serve as a roadmap for success in business and life. By prioritizing integrity, health, and purposeful relationships, individuals can cultivate a mindset conducive to growth and fulfillment. In a world where time is finite, Keuilian’s emphasis on its value resonates deeply, reminding us to invest our most precious resources wisely. Aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals alike can draw inspiration from Keuilian’s journey and incorporate these principles into their lives, paving the way for tremendous success and fulfillment.

From Side Hustles to YouTube Mogul: Inside the Journey of Charlie Chang https://www.webpronews.com/from-side-hustles-to-youtube-mogul-inside-the-journey-of-charlie-chang/ Sun, 24 Mar 2024 15:17:53 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=602052 In YouTube’s sprawling landscape, where creators vie for attention amid a sea of content, there exists a rare breed like Charlie Chang. At first glance, he might not fit the mold of a typical YouTube sensation. He is an introvert who doesn’t possess the flashy persona often associated with online stardom. Yet, behind the unassuming facade lies a digital empire that generates over $2.4 million annually from six different YouTube channels.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Charlie at his Southern California residence and delve into his remarkable story of entrepreneurial success. With a calm and earnest demeanor, Charlie recounted his journey from humble beginnings to YouTube stardom.

“Most of my money is made through affiliate marketing right now,” Charlie revealed as he shared insights into his monetization strategy. “About 50 to 55% of the revenue comes from affiliate marketing, with brand sponsorships and AdSense making up the rest.”

Charlie’s rise to prominence wasn’t an overnight phenomenon. Like many entrepreneurs, he endured the trials of starting from scratch. “I’ve done every side hustle in the world,” he admitted, reflecting on his early struggles after college. “Photography, video, print modeling, acting, you name it.”

Charlie’s fortunes began to change in 2020 with the exponential growth of his YouTube channels. “I made $750 in one day from AdSense,” he recalled a pivotal moment that fueled his determination to succeed in the digital realm.

But what sets Charlie apart isn’t just his ability to amass views and subscribers; it’s his strategic approach to content creation. “I focus on making videos people are actively searching for,” he explained. “It’s about providing value and addressing topics that resonate with viewers.”

Indeed, Charlie’s content strategy revolves around Evergreen SEO content, ensuring that his videos remain relevant and discoverable long after they’re published. From personal finance advice to interviews with Coachella VIPs, Charlie’s diverse range of content caters to a broad audience while capitalizing on trending topics.

Behind the scenes, Charlie’s operation is a well-oiled machine supported by a team of 26 individuals who handle everything from video editing to graphic design. “We heavily utilize overseas talent to keep costs down,” Charlie revealed his lean yet efficient business model.

In addition to his YouTube ventures, Charlie has ventured into entrepreneurship with a staffing company, leveraging his digital platform to fuel its growth. “I want to be more of a traditional entrepreneur,” he explained, highlighting his ambition to build equity in a business beyond YouTube.

As our conversation drew close, Charlie offered sage advice to aspiring entrepreneurs grappling with self-doubt and uncertainty. “Don’t overanalyze it,” he urged. “Pick something and dive in. Speed is key, and mistakes are inevitable but also invaluable learning experiences.”

Charlie’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of persistence, adaptability, and unwavering determination. In an age where success is often equated with viral fame and overnight sensations, Charlie Chang’s story reminds us that true achievement is born from hard work, resilience, and a willingness to defy convention.

As he continues to chart new territory in the ever-evolving digital media landscape, one thing is certain: Charlie Chang’s influence will continue to resonate far beyond the confines of YouTube, inspiring a new generation of creators to chase their dreams and carve out their own path to success.

Jessica Kraus: From Mommy Blogger to Six-Figure Political Commentator https://www.webpronews.com/jessica-kraus-from-mommy-blogger-to-six-figure-political-commentator/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 10:52:50 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601853 Once known for her insightful commentary on Hollywood and pop culture, Jessica Reed Kraus has transitioned into a new role as a political commentator on the campaign trail. She covers figures like Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. With her engaging storytelling and sharp insights, she has amassed a substantial following and, according to reports, is reaping significant financial rewards from her endeavors.

In a recent interview on Fox Business, Kraus candidly discussed her success, revealing that she is indeed making a substantial income from her work, with earnings surpassing the six-figure mark. When pressed further about the specifics of her earnings, Kraus remained coy but confirmed that her income exceeded $250,000, acknowledging the lucrative nature of her venture.

The transition from mommy blogger to political commentator may seem unexpected, but Kraus’ natural evolution is rooted in her passion for storytelling. Initially focusing on lifestyle content, Kraus gradually expanded her repertoire to include celebrity news and political commentary. Inspired by the excitement of the election cycle, Krause saw an opportunity to offer a fresh perspective on the political landscape and embarked on a new chapter in her career.

Unlike traditional journalists who sell their articles to publications, Kraus adopts a unique approach to reporting. She leverages social media platforms such as Instagram to provide real-time coverage of events on the campaign trail. Additionally, she publishes long-form campaign chapters on Substack, a subscription-based platform where readers can access her exclusive content for a monthly fee.

Kraus’ success is a testament to the changing media landscape and the growing influence of independent content creators. With her ability to captivate audiences and deliver compelling narratives, Krause has carved out a niche for herself in the competitive world of political commentary.

As Kraus continues to thrive in her new role, her journey from mommy blogger to political commentator reminds us of the power of storytelling and the boundless opportunities that await those willing to embrace change and pursue their passions.

From Humble Beginnings to Snack Empire: The Remarkable Rise of Chomps https://www.webpronews.com/from-humble-beginnings-to-snack-empire-the-remarkable-rise-of-chomps/ Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:27:45 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601697 In the ever-evolving landscape of the snack industry, one company has emerged as a beacon of innovation and success: Chomps. Founded by Pete Maldonado and Rashid Ali, Chomps has redefined the meat snacks category with its commitment to health, quality, and ethical sourcing practices.

The journey of Chomps began in 2012 when Maldonado and Ali, fueled by a shared passion for healthier alternatives, set out to disrupt the traditional meat snacks market. Armed with just $6,500 of their own money, they embarked on a mission to create a better-for-you version of meat sticks that would appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Their timing couldn’t have been better. With the global meat snacks market booming, Maldonado and Ali saw an opportunity to innovate and fill a gap in the industry. They were determined to offer consumers a snack option that tasted great and aligned with their health and wellness goals.

“We wanted to remove the sugar and use grass-fed and grass-finished beef,” explains Maldonado. “We made something that tasted so much better and was a better nutritional product for us.”

Their commitment to quality and taste paid off handsomely. Chomps quickly gained traction, attracting a loyal following of health-conscious consumers who were eager for a healthier alternative to traditional meat snacks. By 2016, the company’s revenue had skyrocketed, thanks in part to a strategic partnership with Trader Joe’s.

“We kept doubling from there up until 2016, where we ten-x’d the business,” recalls Maldonado. “That was our very first retailer, and that was really just a game-changer for the business.”

But Chomps’ success didn’t stop there. The company has experienced explosive growth in recent years, resulting in nearly $250 million in retail sales in 2023 alone. This meteoric rise can be attributed to a combination of factors, including an increased focus on accessibility and inclusivity.

“What we realized in the last several years is our success is being driven through incrementality to the jerky set,” explains Maldonado. “The Chomps consumer isn’t necessarily eating Chomps because it’s a better jerky alternative. They’re eating it because it’s a high-protein, low-sugar, tasty, convenient snack.”

Moreover, Chomps’ commitment to ethical sourcing practices has resonated with consumers who are increasingly conscious of where their food comes from. From the outset, Maldonado and Ali have prioritized sourcing practices that are good for nutrition, the environment, and animal welfare.

“We want to make sure that the things that we’re doing in our sourcing practices are not only good for nutrition, it’s good for the environment, and it’s good for animal welfare,” says Maldonado. “These are the three main pillars of sourcing that we think about every day.”

As Chomps continues to expand its reach and impact, one thing is clear: this is just the beginning of an exciting journey for the company and its founders. With their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, Maldonado and Ali are poised to lead Chomps to even greater heights in the years to come.

Inside the Co-CEO Journey: Founders Reveal Trust as the Crucial Element https://www.webpronews.com/inside-the-co-ceo-journey-founders-reveal-trust-as-the-crucial-element/ Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:14:29 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601414 In a lively tête-à-tête, Nathan Kondamuri and Sophia Edelstein, Pair Eyewear’s dynamic co-founders and co-CEOs, lifted the veil on their unique partnership. As Emily, the intrepid interviewer, probed into their journey from Stanford pals to business mavens, Nathan and Sophia regaled her with tales of teamwork, trust, and the occasional pizza-fueled debate.

With a twinkle in their eyes and a shared camaraderie that was palpable even through the screen, Nathan and Sophia peeled back the layers of their co-CEO dynamic. “It’s like a buddy cop movie, except with fewer car chases and more boardroom meetings,” quipped Nathan, eliciting a chuckle from Sophia.

As they dove into the intricacies of their partnership, Nathan and Sophia vividly illustrated their division of responsibilities within the company. “I handle the nuts and bolts, the gears and gadgets, while Sophia works her magic on the outward-facing aspects of the business,” explained Nathan, with a nod of appreciation toward his co-CEO.

But what truly sets their partnership apart is the bedrock of trust and communication upon which it is built. “It’s like having a built-in sounding board,” mused Sophia, her eyes sparkling with admiration for her co-founder. “We can bounce ideas off each other, challenge each other, and ultimately arrive at the best possible solutions for our business.”

Of course, no partnership is without its share of challenges, and Nathan and Sophia are no strangers to the occasional disagreement. “Let’s just say we’ve had our fair share of ‘creative differences,” quipped Nathan, sharing a knowing glance with Sophia. “But at the end of the day, we always come back to our shared vision and find a way to move forward together.”

LinkedIn’s Secret Sauce: Personal Posts Trump Corporate Ads https://www.webpronews.com/linkedins-secret-sauce-personal-posts-trump-corporate-ads/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:36:13 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601211 In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, where every click and comment counts, a startling revelation has emerged: when it comes to engagement, personal posts on LinkedIn reign supreme over corporate ads.

In a recent video that has sent shockwaves through the marketing community, an industry insider exposes the stark reality: despite having the same number of followers, posts made by individuals on LinkedIn garner ten times the engagement compared to those made by companies.

“I am literally like, okay, if I post the same thing from me personally, I’m going to get about ten times the engagement. Why would I even post as my company?” the insider laments.

They argue that the reason for this discrepancy lies in LinkedIn’s inherently personal platform. Unlike other social media networks, where users may feel comfortable engaging with faceless corporations, LinkedIn users crave authenticity and connection.

“When you comment on a company’s post, you’re going to say, ‘I don’t know if anyone is even on the other end of this. It’s a faceless organization,'” the insider explains. “But on LinkedIn, organically, it is the easiest network in the world to go viral on. This is all driven by comments.”

LinkedIn, they assert, is hungry for conversation. With only a fraction of its users actively posting content, the platform prioritizes posts that spark dialogue and engagement. This presents a unique opportunity for savvy marketers to boost their visibility by leveraging the power of thought leader ads.

Enterprising companies can now sponsor individual posts made by their executives, seamlessly blending corporate messaging with personal authenticity. While the process may still be cumbersome, the potential benefits are clear: increased engagement, enhanced visibility, and a more authentic connection with the audience.

“With thought leader ads, your ads are actually being engaged with at potentially ten times what your company posts were,” the insider reveals.

As marketers scramble to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media advertising, one thing is sure: on LinkedIn, the personal touch reigns supreme, and companies ignore it at their peril.

Entrepreneurial Grit: How Matt Scanlan Built Naadam into a Cashmere Empire https://www.webpronews.com/entrepreneurial-grit-how-matt-scanlan-built-naadam-into-a-cashmere-empire/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:51:14 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601165 In the realm of entrepreneurship, tales of bold risk-taking and audacious ambition are often overshadowed by the glamorous façade of success. But behind every triumph lies a narrative of perseverance, sacrifice, and unwavering determination. Such is the story of Matt Scanlan, the visionary CEO behind Naadam, a cashmere clothing company that has disrupted the industry with its innovative approach and commitment to ethical sourcing.

In a candid interview, Matt Scanlan bares his soul, recounting the arduous journey that led him to build Naadam from the ground up. “There were many moments that I had no idea how we were going to pay that money back,” he admits, reflecting on the staggering $2.5 million loan he secured using his parents’ house as collateral. It was a leap of faith, a gamble fueled by a relentless pursuit of a dream that seemed audacious yet irresistible.

Matt’s journey began with a chance encounter in Mongolia, where a serendipitous trip into the Gobi Desert sparked a revelation that would alter the course of his life forever. Inspired by the resilience of the local goat herders and the untapped potential of Mongolia’s cashmere industry, Matt embarked on a mission to revolutionize the way cashmere was sourced and produced.

Armed with a newfound sense of purpose and a deep appreciation for Mongolia’s rich cultural heritage, Matt and his friend Diederik Rijsemus co-founded Naadam, a company dedicated to ethically sourcing cashmere wool directly from Mongolian herders. It was a bold proposition, fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but Matt was undeterred.

“We knew these people, but more importantly, they knew us,” Matt recalls, reflecting on the pivotal decision to bypass traditional middlemen and forge direct relationships with herders. It was a gamble that paid off, paving the way for Naadam to establish itself as a trailblazer in the industry.

But success did not come easy. From navigating the complexities of international finance to overcoming logistical hurdles, Matt faced a barrage of obstacles that tested his resolve at every turn. Yet, he persevered through sheer grit and determination, turning adversity into opportunity and forging ahead with unwavering conviction.

Today, Naadam stands as a testament to Matt’s indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to excellence. With its affordable yet luxurious cashmere attire and transparent supply chain, the company has garnered widespread acclaim and transformed the way consumers perceive and interact with the cashmere industry.

As Matt reflects on the journey that brought him to this point, he remains humble yet resolute, acknowledging the invaluable support of his team and the unwavering faith of his investors. “Being an entrepreneur is the most humbling experience you can possibly have,” he remarks, a poignant reminder of the trials and tribulations that accompany the pursuit of greatness.

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, Matt Scanlan’s story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in one’s vision. As Naadam continues to thrive and grow, its founder’s journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship.

The Surprising Ways Personal Finances Influence a Small Business’s Outcome https://www.webpronews.com/personal-finance-small-business/ Mon, 05 Feb 2024 21:04:51 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=524917 Personal finance may seem like a topic of discussion you should keep separated from your professional life. Yet, surprisingly, it can impact your business’s outcomes in several ways. 

Whether it’s a credit score, your focus on saving or how you spend your money, your financial habits impact more than your personal life. In fact, it can be a determining factor in your business’s success or failure.

1. Creditworthiness

One of the most significant ways personal finances influence your business’s outcomes is through your credit score. For many small businesses, securing loans or lines of credit is essential to funding your business, maintaining cash flow and fulfilling expansion plans. 

However, lenders may pull records of your personal credit score before providing you with any business credit. This is especially true when your business is in its infancy stage and still needs to establish a good credit history. 

A credit score of at least 670 or higher can give you the means to access low-interest loans and better credit terms. This provides you with the financial stability needed to gain traction for your business.

Conversely, a low credit score may lead to rejections or loans with high-interest rates, placing an extra financial burden on you and your business. If you need to work on your score, consider making timely payments and regularly checking your credit. A proper credit score will ensure you increase your chances of securing business funding.

2. Personal Debt

High levels of personal debt can create substantial vulnerabilities for a small business. When you are obligated to overwhelming debt, this can quickly drain your personal savings and leave you with less capital to invest in your company.

Racked-up debt often correlates to poor credit scores, further limiting your business’s access to credit. For example, a small business owner with high debt may have to use a significant amount of their income to pay it off. In turn, they may leave their business underfunded during critical periods for growth. 

Start getting rid of debt by utilizing the “debt avalanche method.” This tactic involves focusing on paying off debt with the highest interest rate. Then, you will make minimum payments each month on that account. 

Once you pay that debt, you can focus on settling the next debt with the highest interest and so forth. However, you should take the payment budget you previously used, plus some extra cash, to put it toward the next account. Implementing this strategy can give you a confidence boost as you keep going because it is a quick method for debt repayment.

3. Financial Discipline

Your personal financial habits often predict how you will manage your business finances. That is why it is crucial to implement financial discipline in your personal life. These tactics include:

  • Sticking to a budget
  • Avoiding unnecessary debts
  • Making payments on time

Establishing these habits lets you maintain a positive cash flow and manage your business expenses wisely. Additionally, it allows you to plan for future financial needs. All of these factors are crucial for running a successful business.

To ensure you incorporate good financial habits, consider developing a strict budget for your personal and business endeavors. Start by creating a realistic budget that includes all your income sources and expenses, and consciously stick to it.

Sustaining this practice will give your a clear picture of your financial health. Plus, it will instill habits that avoid impulsive spending and keep your finances under control 

4. Personal Savings and Investments

Personal savings and investments are crucial when owning a small business, especially if it is new. They can provide you with a source of capital to kickstart your company, fund expenses and improve cash flow. 

For instance, an entrepreneur may need to dip into their personal savings to cover startup costs — such as paying for a new email marketing platform to set up campaigns and reach new customers. Or, they might need to invest personal assets into their company for business expansion. 

Therefore, it is important for small business owners to practice good savings and investment habits. One way to achieve this is by making it a habit of setting aside a portion of your income regularly. Doing so will help you build a monetary cushion over time. 

Additionally, you could diversify your investments to have a varied portfolio. That way, you reduce risks in your business and provide yourself with various sources of capital.

5. Personal Financial Buffer

A personal financial buffer can be vital, as it acts as a safety net and provides financial stability for your small business. A financial cushion could be in the form of emergency savings or liquidable investments, making it easy to manage unforeseen business expenses or downturns. Plus, it keeps you from accruing additional debts or utilizing crucial aspects of your operations.

For example, a small business owner with a financial buffer can still operate during a period of slow sales. As such, they can keep business as usual without the slow period impacting their business or personal lifestyle. 

Ensure you are gaining a healthy financial buffer by using the 50/30/20 rule. This rule suggests that you allocate a portion of your take-home pay to different parts of your personal life. For instance, 50% of your paycheck should go to necessities, while 30% goes toward things you want. The last 20% of your pay ends up in your savings, which is the portion that contributes to your financial buffer. 

Implementing the 50/30/20 is one of the easiest ways to save money, allowing you to build a reserve over time. As you place more money into your savings after each paycheck, you will have a solid foundation for supporting your business during challenging financial times.

Use Personal Finances for Small Business Success

Several facets of how you manage your personal finances have a way of affecting your business’s growth, stability and overall success. From your creditworthiness and spending habits to your personal savings, these are the most important aspects to pay attention to when focusing on your financial endeavors. 

Take the time to assess your financial situation and look at ways to build it up to a healthy status. While the task of building and managing your personal finances may seem laborious, hard work pays off in the long run and will give your small business the boost it needs to grow.

Five Leadership Methods that Small Business Owners Should Incorporate Into Their Growing Company https://www.webpronews.com/leadership-methods/ Sat, 09 Dec 2023 17:09:41 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=591722 A team is just as strong as its weakest link. This phrase has been thrown around the business industry. The problem, however, is that many need help confronting the weakest link if it is the business owner. 

Leading a team can be daunting but can bear great fruit if done correctly. Many business owners see themselves as owners rather than leaders of their businesses. Business owners and leaders are significantly different. 

A business owner can be seen as the individual that started the company. These individuals or groups had the idea, invested time and money, and grew it into a business. This does under no circumstances mean that the owner is a leader. 

Leaders have a vision, are people-oriented, and want the company to grow positively. A leader seeks to influence and assist every part of their team. Listening, supporting, and guiding every member to grow in their job. 

The mere fact that you are an owner does not mean you lead the company. In the same breath, leaders can be in high possession but are not business owners. However, business owners can learn the necessary skills to become business leaders; in most cases, this will be advised. 

The Definition of Leadership 

According to Mckinsey & Company, leadership is a key aspect of business growth. It is a set of behaviors used to assist a team in aligning their goals and direction, enabling them to execute a set strategy. 

A leader is an individual that aims to assist team members to work together for a more significant cause or vision. The leader generally decides on the vision by identifying key areas where the company can impact and assist the community around them.  

The leader will have a set of responsibilities and obligations towards the team members and the company. Small business owners can adapt by building the skills and responsibilities of a leader, which will ensure that they work with their team to grow the business. 

Incorporating Leadership Into the Business 

The following skills are critical for business owners to master. These skills will take time and energy. The key, however, is to work on them daily. Set clear goals and find time in your busy schedule to lead the team. 

Open Communication 

Many corporate leaders have adopted the open-door policy. A leader should be open to communication with their employees at all times. Open communication means team members can share their victories, struggles, shortcomings, and personal problems with a leader. 

The leader will be responsible for listening with empathy, aiming to understand what the team member is going through. The leader can take the information and create a strategy for the individual or team that will assist them in overcoming the problems. 

There are many benefits that the leader can access by incorporating the skill of open communication into their repertoire. Open communication will improve employee loyalty and productivity. Team members will feel more valuable when sharing their feedback, thoughts, and struggles. 

TIP: As a leader, you should listen to understand. This means that employees must speak first. Ask questions to ensure you follow the thought process and share ideas and strategies to assist the employee. Use non-verbal cues and communicate directly with the employees.  

Mistakes and Solutions 

In business, mistakes will happen. Employees might miss deadlines or need to be reminded to complete some tasks. Business leaders can forget to share a document or task with a team, leading to business problems. 

Multiple businesses aim to solve problems for their customers but work past issues within their own companies. This is a problem that occurs often. On the other hand, leaders are responsible for tackling mistakes head-on. 

The two main focus areas of mistakes are identifying and solving the problem. The responsibility of a leader is not to shout and scream at their employees or team but rather to identify the aspects that led to the mistake or problem. Work with the team to identify the main reason why an error occurred. 

Every action has its consequences. If a mistake occurs, it will be the team’s responsibility to find sound solutions. The leader must use the mistake as a learning opportunity for the entire team to ensure that every member can avoid the problem in the future. 

TIP: Leaders should not prevent mistakes but allow the team to take the initiative and make multiple mistakes. The leaders should, however, be present and assist if the team members are spiraling down. Provide a safe and secure backup without jumping in as the problems occur. 

New Ideas Obtained Through Scrums

A business owner has a team that must complete multiple tasks and responsibilities according to his set structure. The team must fulfill every delegated task as quickly as possible. Meetings and conferences are held solely to give the team members more work and arrangements. 

On the other hand, leaders use the team’s strength to build a structure, system, and team that can function independently. A business leader will use the employees to generate new ideas or create creative solutions to recurring problems. The leader has access to multiple solutions through his team members, and allowing them to provide ideas will add more value to the company and team. 

Allow the team members to share new ideas, solutions, or thoughts on multiple aspects of the business. The leader will have more options that could benefit the company by simply listening to the potential ideas that the team might bring to the table. 

TIP: Leaders can speak last within the scrum. This is an idea that Simon Sinek popularised. Allow the team to share new inventive ideas and solutions. The leader should listen actively and only speak once every team member shares their ideas. 

Feedback and Praise as a Supportive Role 

A company leader does not sit at the top, waiting for praise. The company leader aims to support every team member within his company. To ensure that they reach their top level of performance and feel satisfied with their occupation. 

Small business leaders should use feedback as a tool to enforce growth on the employees. Feedback can occur when an employee completes a task or project and the leader provides a wide range of insights on the completed project. 

The leader should clearly state the problems and unsatisfying areas of the project. With that, the leader must add solutions or tips on how the employee can improve the problem areas. Leaders must use praise within the feedback to ensure their employees correctly identify what they did. 

TIP: Direct and truthful feedback will go a long way. Leaders should praise or provide feedback directly to the team. Do not share feedback with any other members. Solely aim to share directly with the employee or team. 

One Team

A business owner will identify the business as his own. Fighting against employees and competition to ensure that the company stays afloat. The business leader, on the other hand, aims to create a boat that will support the entire team, ensuring the safety of every member. 

The boat will be seen as the company. And every team member adds value and direction to the business. The entire company, with all its parts, is seen as one that the leader might direct. 

As a business leader, you must be able to rally the employees, sharing their goals, vision, and the entire reason behind the business. Team building for small business leaders is critical. These building sessions will allow the team leader to showcase the importance of every team member, showcasing that the entire group is one. 

TIP: The company is a boat made for the entire team. Every part is needed to ensure that the company stays afloat. Makes sure that the team members understand this. 

To Wrap up

There are multiple methods that small business owners can use to ensure that they are a leader of their teams. Leaders will build a strong team with high motivation, productivity, and direction to ensure that every team member knows their worth and their part within the small company. 

Not only will leaders grow the company at a rapid pace. However, these companies tend to live longer and have a larger impact on the community and the industry. The aim should be to lead the team without being a boss. 

How Entrepreneurs are Made https://www.webpronews.com/how-entrepreneurs-are-made/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 12:08:21 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=506979 Entrepreneurs occupy a unique place in modern society. Due to the risks associated with starting a new business, the entrepreneur is admired for their ambition and richly rewarded should their startup succeed. These innovators aren’t celebrated only by others in their field, but by non-entrepreneurs as well. That’s because the best entrepreneurs make whole populations better off. Successful entrepreneurs explicitly seek to increase their own prosperity, yet they often improve general welfare along the way. Hence why their progress is encouraged in the West with secure property rights and open markets.

How did this model come to be? It’s more common for business literature to answer this question on the individual level, but historians have a lot to say about societal changes as well. In the early modern era, developments in the West allowed for the shift from an aristocratic deal (“do as I say and I’ll let you work”) to a bourgeois deal (“leave me alone and I’ll make you rich”). Traditional bourgeois folk such as shopkeepers, merchants, and innovators went from being suspicious outcasts to the drivers of progress. Working in one’s own interest changed from being a sign of poor character to a standard expectation of anyone trying to make it commercially. 

What happened to the world as a result? A sharp increase in global wealth and standard of living. Global poverty has declined a great deal over the past two centuries. 85% of the globe in 1800 lived on less than $2 a day, but only 9% did in 2017. That change comes in spite of the massive increase in global population over the exact same time period. In the US specifically, the national poverty line went from including 22.4% of the population in 1959 to 10.5% in 2019. These reductions in poverty meant an increase in the standard of living for Americans. Today, 90% of modern American households have air conditions, and the average household owns nearly 2 cars. Things that would have been exclusively for the rich decades ago are commonplace today thanks to the work of entrepreneurs.

Liberty and dignity for entrepreneurs make societies rich. Higher income levels occur when people are encouraged to innovate, and innovators can only see the success they desire in an environment that lets them retain the profits of their blood, sweat, and tears. Government controlled economies that allow monopolies to prosper and stifle innovation often disincentivize entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams. Certain regulations on the free market can reverse society’s trajectory and return us to the aristocratic deal.

Free markets are important for prosperity, but they aren’t enough on their own. Recognizing every individual’s right to self-author requires society to extend liberty and dignity to everyone. Prosperity can’t reach everyone unless everyone is empowered to innovate. Women and people of color can find liberation in creating in ways once barred to them. They’re able to embrace the maxim of an entrepreneurial culture: “we are rich because we are free.”

how society creates entrepreneurs
The Ins and Outs of Marketing for Eager Entrepreneurs https://www.webpronews.com/marketing-for-entrepreneurs/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:17:59 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=512939 What makes marketing so crucial when running a business? In most cases, it’s recommended to tackle marketing before just about everything else. Still, it might not be apparent to some entrepreneurs why marketing is vital. The fact of the matter is that without marketing, most companies are dead in the water. There’s little to no chance of getting the attention of the target demographic, as even the best products and services won’t matter if no one knows the business exists.

Such is the reason why marketing – digital marketing in particular – is so crucial for the starry-eyed entrepreneur. Without a strong marketing campaign, it’s likely that your business ends up neglected by your demographic in favor of the more visible competition.

It can be frustrating to try to tackle the problem on your own, especially when your competition is making partnerships with some of the best marketing agencies out there. Therefore, it’s vital to learn the ins and outs of marketing to ensure that you make the most out of all the opportunities presented as you maneuver your company through the industry landscape.

Treat Your Website as a Marketing Tool

One of the first things to consider on the road to marketing success is the idea that your primary website is the last line of defense when it comes to keeping the attention of your prospective clients. While a good marketing campaign will have people clicking on your adverts, keep in mind that it’s still your website that determines whether they stay and make a purchase.

If the website is not properly optimized, it will likely result in a high abandonment rate. A few things to consider regarding web optimization includes:

●  Loading times. Quick loading times will almost always translate to online users giving your website a chance. Most people only give upwards to ten seconds for a website to catch their attention. If a good five seconds are spent waiting for the site to load, they’ll likely exit the tab and look elsewhere.

●  Accessibility. An accessible website can help open the door to plenty of new opportunities. For example, translation services for video content could help you grow a new demographic abroad. Closed captions will make it much easier for those with hearing problems to follow your content. Additionally, something as simple as a font size changer on your website can mean a lot for those with vision problems.

●  Ease of use. Developing a website for marketing is as easy as making it simple for online users to get to the checkout page. Ensure that your website is easy to navigate with a minimalist template.

Your primary website is the last line of marketing defense, which means it’s up to you to develop a robust strategy to keep the attention of online users once you’ve turned their heads.

Make a push for search engine optimization (SEO)

What makes digital marketing such an integral part of business management is that it can be surprisingly easy and affordable to get your start. All you need is a robust SEO marketing agency to help make the push toward marketing success. A link-building agency is necessary to ensure that your company spreads the word far and wide, and agencies such as Ocere can offer you the opportunities you need.

Develop Your Company’s Personality Online

Another crucial part of marketing involves building your company’s personality with the help of social media platforms. Staying active in such platforms gives eager entrepreneurs the chance to interact with potential customers and even offers a convenient hub for feedback. How your company responds to feedback will determine how your demographic views your business.

Aside from the various tips above, it’s all about learning from your chosen marketing agencies. The professionals can teach you the best-practice methods you need to make a difference and develop a sound marketing strategy. After all, it would be a wasted opportunity to let the professionals do all the work when you have just as many opportunities to improve your company’s reputation.

Common Cybersecurity Mistakes by Small Businesses https://www.webpronews.com/common-cybersecurity-mistakes-by-small-businesses/ Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:46:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=523419 Cyberattacks have been on the rise in recent years, and small businesses have been a popular target. As a small business owner, a huge part of ensuring the safety of your business involves taking steps to protect it from cybersecurity threats.

A study by the National Small Business Association found that 50% of small businesses have experienced a cyber attack, with an average cost of $20,000 per incident. This shows the importance of cybersecurity considerations for small businesses. In this article, we will explore some of the biggest cybersecurity mistakes small business owners make, as well as steps you can take to protect your business. 

Why should small businesses care about cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is important for small businesses because they often have limited resources and knowledge when it comes to protecting themselves online. This helps them to be seen as easier targets for cybercriminals. A cybersecurity breach can result in the loss of sensitive customer information, leading to legal consequences, or simply a loss of money and reputation. 

What are some common cybersecurity threats that small businesses face?

The nature of cyberattacks changes rapidly, but some common threats include: 

  • Phishing attacks: This includes fraudulent emails or messages that trick users into revealing sensitive information such as passwords and access to bank accounts. 
  • Ransomware: This is malicious software that encrypts a business’s files and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key.
  • Malware: This is any type of software designed to harm or exploit computer systems or devices.
  • Insider threats: These are the unfortunate cases in which employees or contractors intentionally or unintentionally compromise security by stealing or mishandling sensitive information.

What are some common cybersecurity mistakes made by small businesses?

These are among the most common cybersecurity mistakes made by small businesses and ways to keep your website safe, including:

  • Using weak passwords, or the same password for multiple accounts
  • Not regularly updating software and systems to their most recent versions 
  • Failing to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices, leading to potential mishandling of sensitive data
  • Not implementing multi-factor authentication for sensitive accounts
  • Not backing up data regularly, meaning that in the event of a cyberattack there are no back-ups and the information is gone forever
  • Failing to monitor networks and systems for signs of a cybersecurity breach

What should small businesses do in case of a cybersecurity breach?

Small businesses should have a plan in place for responding to cybersecurity breaches. They should already be making regular back-ups to minimise the disruption by an attack, but additional steps can include:

  • Contain the breach: Isolate the affected systems to prevent further damage.
  • Investigate the attack: Figure out the scope and extent of the breach and try to identify the cause.
  • Notify affected parties: If sensitive information was compromised, such as leaked customer data, notify affected parties as soon as possible.
  • Patch the breach: Either do this within the company or outsource this task to cybersecurity professionals. 
  • Learn from your mistakes: Try to identify areas for improvement in the organisation’s cybersecurity practices. You can hire ‘ethical hackers’ to test your business’s cybersecurity for weak spots, helping to prevent future attacks. 

Should small businesses outsource their cybersecurity needs?

Small businesses can consider outsourcing their cybersecurity needs to a third-party provider that specialises in cybersecurity. This can help small businesses who may lack the resources or expertise to manage their own cybersecurity. Although it is an additional cost, it may end up saving your small business’s money and reputation in case of an attack. 

However, it is important to choose a reputable and trustworthy provider, so make sure to monitor their reviews. Try to find a company that understands the unique needs and challenges of small businesses, instead of simply choosing a company that looks good on paper but may not be a good fit. 

AlmaLinux Maintain RHEL Compatibility As Promised https://www.webpronews.com/almalinux-maintain-rhel-compatibility-as-promised/ Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:54:35 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=599445 AlmaLinux appears to be succeeding in its goal to provide Red Hat Enterprise Linux compatibility despite recent challenges.

Red Hat rocked the Linux and open-source world when it announced it would restrict RHEL source access to paying customers. The motivation was an effort to stifle downstream builds — such as AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, and Oracle Linux — that were built off of RHEL. The move sparked massive backlash, with each of the downstream distros announcing various efforts to work around Red Hat’s decision.

AlmaLinux announced it would abandon 1:1 compatibility with RHEL, focusing instead on Application Binary Interface (ABI) compatibility. According to ZDNet, it appears AlmaLinux is succeeding in its goal.

At the open-source All Things Open convention, AlmaLinux chairperson benny Vasquez described how the RHEL clone is pulling from the upstream CentOS Stream, which is the same base RHEL uses.

“Of all the packages, 99% still exactly look at RHEL.” Vasquez said. Of those that don’t, “about 24% of those packages require manual patching.”

Red Hat’s kernel patches are still posing a bit of a challenge since “you can’t get those kernel updates without violating Red Hat’s licensing agreements. What we do is we pull the security patches from various other sources, and, if nothing else, we can find them when Oracle releases them,” since Oracle has promised continued 1:1 RHEL compatibility.

As ZDNet points out, Vasquez says a major benefit of the change has been the freedom to move faster than RHEL on critical updates.

“For example, the AMD microcode exploits were patched before Red Hat because they took a little bit of extra time to get out the door. We then pulled in, tested, and out the door about a week ahead of them.”

Despite Red Hat’s actions, it appears at least one of the RHEL clones is thriving and showing how open source can deal with similar threats.

IBM’s Watsonx Is Now Available for Enterprise Customers https://www.webpronews.com/ibms-watsonx-is-now-available-for-enterprise-customers/ Wed, 12 Jul 2023 18:07:28 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=524870 IBM has begun deploying IBM watsonx, its next-generation AI aimed at enterprise customers.

IBM unveiled watsonx in May, touting its ability to help customers become “AI advantaged,” with the tools necessary to train the AI for specific needs. The company says it is now rolling out watsonx in the form of three tools aimed at helping companies accelerate their AI adoption:

The watsonx.ai studio for new foundation models, generative AI and machine learning (now available); the watsonx.data fit-for-purpose data store, built on an open lakehouse architecture (now available); and the watsonx.governance toolkit to help enable AI workflows to be built with responsibility, transparency and explainability (coming later this year).

Watsonx is designed to allow customers to deploy the AI for specific use-case scenarios, or to custom train the model for their own needs. IBM says the platform has already been shaped by more than 150 users across a wide range of industries.

“IBM’s launch of watsonx was an awakening,” said Sean Im, Samsung SDS America, “and it has inspired us to explore the immense potential of watsonx.ai’s generative AI capabilities to deliver unprecedented innovations for our clients.”

“In an environment where the integration with our systems and seamless interconnection with various software are paramount, watsonx.ai emerges as a compelling solution,” said Atsushi Hasegawa, Chief Engineer, Honda R&D. “Its inherent flexibility and agile deployment capabilities, coupled with a robust commitment to information security, accentuates its appeal.”

IBM says it will continue to build on watsonx in the coming year, adding improved governance features and regulatory compliance.

Over the next year, watsonx will continue to evolve and we expect to make significant releases. We will be focused on expanding enterprise foundation model use cases beyond NLP and operationalizing 100B+ parameter models for bespoke, targeted use cases – opening the door to broader enterprise adoption.

We will also bring to bear the strength of our AI governance capabilities – helping organizations to implement end-to-end lifecycle governance, mitigate risk and manage compliance to the growing AI and industry regulations. AI governance should never be an afterthought, so we encourage our customers begin governance of their ML models and foundation models at the outset.

SUSE Spending $10 Million to Fork RHEL, ‘Preserve Choice In Enterprise Linux’ https://www.webpronews.com/suse-spending-10-million-to-fork-rhel-preserve-choice-in-enterprise-linux/ Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:13:33 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=524770 SUSE has announced it plans to fork Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), investing $10 million to do so in an effort to ‘preserve choice in enterprise Linux.’

Red Hat angered customers and the broader Linux community when it announced that RHEL source code would be restricted to paying customers and bound by an agreement that customers would not share or re-distribute such code. The move was widely seen as an attack on Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, and Oracle Linux, distros that offer 1:1 compatibility with RHEL. Many have also stated that Red Hat’s actions violate the GPL, at least in spirit, if not also in letter.

SUSE quickly responded to emphasize its commitment to open source principles and distance itself from Red Hat. The German company is now taking it a step further, with plans to fork RHEL to offer customers a viable option without having to get locked into Red Hat’s ecosystem.

Read More: Oracle Calls Out Red Hat and IBM Over RHEL Source Code

SUSE says the new distro will be “available to all without restrictions,” and the company plans to invest $10 million over the next few years to help fund its development.

“For decades, collaboration and shared success have been the building blocks of our open source community,” said Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen, CEO of SUSE. “We have a responsibility to defend these values. This investment will preserve the flow of innovation for years to come and ensures that customers and community alike are not subjected to vendor lock-in and have genuine choice tomorrow as well as today.”

The new distro will not replace SUSE’s own SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE). In fact, SLE is already used by 60% of Fortune 500 companies, so there is little motivation to replace it. However, the decision acknowledges that many companies run mixed Linux environments and need freedom from vendor lock-in.

“This collaborative effort demonstrates SUSE’s deep-rooted commitment to fostering innovation and nurturing community-driven development, and it reinforces the fundamental values of open source software. We invite the community to actively engage and collaborate in shaping the future of this essential software,” said Dr. Thomas Di Giacomo, Chief Technology and Product Officer, SUSE. “We firmly believe this new RHEL-compatible Linux distribution, together with SUSE’s portfolio, will help the community and customers navigate unprecedented advancements in enterprise Linux, cloud computing, containerization, edge, AI/ML and other emerging technologies.”

See Also: Red Hat Continues Damage Control, Clarifies Term ‘Freeloader’

SUSE already has an ally in Rocky Linux’s Gregory Kurtzer. Kurtzer co-founded CentOS, another distro that provided 1:1 compatibility with RHEL before Red Hat purchased it and killed it off. The company replaced it with CentOS Stream, which it positioned upstream of RHEL. That makes CentOS Stream essentially a test version of what becomes RHEL rather than offering 1:1 compatibility with it. In response to Red Hat’s actions, Kurtzer founded Rocky Linux to deliver on CentOS’ original goals.

“The enterprise Linux community requires standardization, stability, and consistency,” said Gregory Kurtzer, CEO of CIQ and Founder of Rocky Linux. “CIQ is bringing stability to our partners, customers, and community, by building a broad coalition of like-minded companies, organizations, and individuals. SUSE has embodied the core principles and spirit of open source; CIQ is thrilled to collaborate with SUSE on advancing an open enterprise Linux standard.”

Red Hat has a long history of playing fast and loose with the GPL and open source principles and has been called out repeatedly for its behavior. The company may have pushed the envelope a little too far this time, and it seems the community and its competitors are rallying against it.

Oracle Calls Out Red Hat and IBM Over RHEL Source Code https://www.webpronews.com/oracle-calls-out-red-hat-and-ibm-over-rhel-source-code/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 17:26:26 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=524743 Oracle is weighing in on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux debacle, promising it will never restrict access to its own source code.

Red Hat drew widespread condemnation when it announced it would begin restricting access to RHEL source code to paying customers. In addition, the customer agreement prohibits customers from sharing and redistributing the source code or from using it to create a downstream distro. The move was seen as a way to target Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, and Oracle Linux, all of which are 1:1 compatible with RHEL and is widely believed to be in violation of the GPL.

Oracle has responded, calling out Red Hat and IBM for not being good open source citizens in a press release entitled, “Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To.” After first saying it made its Oracle Linux distro 1:1 compatible with RHEL in an effort to not further fragment the Linux community, the company laid out its case:

While Oracle and IBM have compatible Linux distributions, we have very different ideas about our responsibilities as open source stewards and about operating under the GPLv2. Oracle has always made Oracle Linux binaries and source freely available to all. We do not have subscription agreements that interfere with a subscriber’s rights to redistribute Oracle Linux. On the other hand, IBM subscription agreements specify that you’re in breach if you use those subscription services to exercise your GPLv2 rights. And now, as of June 21, IBM no longer publicly releases RHEL source code.

The blog post references a follow-up Red Hat post in which Mike McGrath, Vice President of Core Platforms Engineering, tried to justify the company’s decision by saying it was about paying Red Hat engineers for the work they do. Oracle then dissects the response, drilling down on the real motivation behind Red Hat and IBM’s decision:

Interesting. IBM doesn’t want to continue publicly releasing RHEL source code because it has to pay its engineers? That seems odd, given that Red Hat as a successful independent open source company chose to publicly release RHEL source and pay its engineers for many years before IBM acquired Red Hat in 2019 for $34 billion.

The blog goes on to mention CentOS. It is no surprise CentOS was top of mind for the author attempting to justify withholding RHEL source. CentOS had been a very popular free RHEL compatible distribution. In December 2020, IBM effectively killed it as a free alternative to RHEL. Two new alternatives to RHEL have sprung up in CentOS’s place: AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. Now, by withholding RHEL source code, IBM has directly attacked them.

And perhaps that is the real answer to the question of why: eliminate competitors. Fewer competitors means more revenue opportunity for IBM.

Oracle also says it will try its best to maintain 1:1 compatibility with RHEL:

As for Oracle, we will continue pursuing our goal for Linux as transparently and openly as we always have while minimizing fragmentation. We will continue to develop and test our software products on Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux will continue to be RHEL compatible to the extent we can make it so. In the past, Oracle’s access to published RHEL source has been important for maintaining that compatibility. From a practical standpoint, we believe Oracle Linux will remain as compatible as it has always been through release 9.2, but after that, there may be a greater chance for a compatibility issue to arise. If an incompatibility does affect a customer or ISV, Oracle will work to remediate the problem.

Oracle then makes a commitment to never take the approach Red Hat is taking and welcoming downstream distros that want to base on Oracle Linux:

We want to emphasize to Linux developers, Linux customers, and Linux distributors that Oracle is committed to Linux freedom. Oracle makes the following promise: as long as Oracle distributes Linux, Oracle will make the binaries and source code for that distribution publicly and freely available. Furthermore, Oracle welcomes downstream distributions of every kind, community and commercial. We are happy to work with distributors to ease that process, work together on the content of Oracle Linux, and ensure Oracle software products are certified on your distribution.

Oracle’s stand is similar to one made by SUSE, in which that company also emphasized its commitment to open source principles.

Meanwhile, Red Hat has managed to do the seemingly impossible: unify the disparate Linux community and rival companies in condemnation of its actions.

Microsoft Azure Usage Pulls Ahead of AWS https://www.webpronews.com/microsoft-azure-usage-pulls-ahead-of-aws/ Thu, 10 Mar 2022 16:51:55 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=515693 Microsoft continues to gain ground in the cloud market, even pulling ahead of leader AWS in some usage scnarios.

AWS and Azure are the top two cloud platforms, with Google Cloud coming in third. Despite AWS still being the market leader, Flexera’s 2022 State of the Cloud Report shows Microsoft is making some impressive headway.

According to the report, Azure surpassed AWS in the enterprise, with 80% of enterprises using it, as opposed to 77% using AWS. Similarly, 71% of enterprises are running at least 51 Azure virtual machines (VMs), as opposed to 69% for AWS.

Microsoft is also slightly edging out AWS on spending among its installed base, with 53% of enterprise Azure users spending at least $1.2 million annually, as opposed to 52% of AWS users.

Year-over-year adoptions rates also help gauge the relative strength of each platform in the market, with Microsoft showing the largest increase over 2021. Azure’s adoption rate in 2022 is 77% across all organizations, up from 73% in 2021. In contrast, AWS’ adoption rate dropped a point, from 77 to 76%. Google Cloud increased by one point, from 47 to 48%. Oracle dropped from 29 to 28%. IBM held steady at 24%, as did Alibaba Cloud at 12%,

Microsoft has also made headway against VMware, with the Azure Stack being used in 37% of private clouds, compared to VMware’s 31%.

Flexera’s report is good news for Microsoft as the Redmond giant clearly has significant momentum in the cloud market, putting pressure on its competitors, both above and below it.
