DigitalAgencyPro Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Sat, 14 Sep 2024 18:45:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DigitalAgencyPro 32 32 138578674 Getting Max ROI with a Digital Marketing Agency Sat, 14 Sep 2024 18:45:02 +0000 Businesses are inundated with an array of platforms and strategies, making maximizing return on investment (ROI) a critical focus for enterprise-level digital marketing leaders. Collaborating with a digital marketing agency, such as Trend Tadka, offers a strategic advantage, but the challenge lies in ensuring that this partnership delivers the highest ROI. This article explores how to achieve this through a comprehensive understanding of goals, leveraging multi-channel strategies, utilizing cost-effective expertise, making data-driven decisions, and implementing personalized approaches.

Understanding Your Goals and Metrics

A clear and precise understanding of your business objectives is foundational to maximizing ROI with a digital marketing agency. “The first step in any successful partnership is defining what you aim to achieve,” advises Lars Maat, a digital marketing expert at Trend Tadka. “Are you focusing on increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or generating qualified leads? Clarifying these goals allows the agency to tailor strategies that are aligned with your specific needs.”

An effective agency will collaborate with you to set measurable metrics that correspond with your goals. “Metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rates, and customer lifetime value (CLV) are critical indicators of campaign performance,” explains Maat. “Regular review sessions with your agency are essential to ensure that your investments are delivering the intended results.”

For example, a leading SaaS company partnered with Trend Tadka to enhance its lead generation efforts. By establishing clear KPIs and regularly assessing metrics, the company was able to refine its campaigns, resulting in a 40% increase in qualified leads within six months.

Leveraging Multi-Channel Marketing

One of the primary advantages of working with a digital marketing agency is their ability to execute a multi-channel marketing strategy. “Relying on a single platform is limiting,” says Anita Sharma, a marketing strategist at Trend Tadka. “A diversified approach ensures that your brand reaches audiences across various touchpoints, enhancing overall visibility and engagement.”

Agencies excel in creating strategies that integrate multiple channels—SEO, PPC, social media, and email marketing. “A multi-channel approach allows for comprehensive coverage and maximizes your reach,” Sharma adds. “It ensures that your business is seen by the right audience at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversion.”

For instance, Trend Tadka implemented a multi-channel strategy for a retail client that included targeted PPC ads, SEO optimization, and a robust social media presence. This integrated approach led to a 50% increase in web traffic and a 30% boost in online sales over a year.

Cost-Effective Expertise

Building an in-house marketing team with expertise in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid ads can be prohibitively expensive. “One of the key benefits of partnering with a digital marketing agency is cost efficiency,” notes Raj Patel, a senior analyst at Trend Tadka. “You gain access to a team of specialists and advanced tools without the overhead costs of maintaining an internal team.”

Agencies stay up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and algorithms, ensuring that your marketing strategies are executed with cutting-edge expertise. “This constant access to the latest knowledge and technology enables better execution and improved ROI,” Patel explains. “The expertise of an agency can lead to more effective campaigns and greater returns on your marketing investments.”

For example, a financial services firm that engaged with Trend Tadka saw a 35% reduction in marketing costs while simultaneously achieving a 25% increase in lead conversion rates, thanks to the agency’s specialized knowledge and resource efficiency.

Data-Driven Decision Making

In digital marketing, data-driven decision-making is crucial for optimizing campaign performance. “Agencies leverage sophisticated analytics to track and assess the effectiveness of marketing efforts,” states Emily Chen, a data analyst at Trend Tadka. “This allows for real-time adjustments and ensures that every marketing dollar is spent effectively.”

Agencies like Trend Tadka employ advanced tools to gather and analyze data, providing actionable insights that drive campaign optimization. “Data-driven decisions enable precise adjustments to strategies, improving ROI by ensuring that resources are allocated where they will have the greatest impact,” Chen highlights.

For example, Trend Tadka used data analytics to refine a tech company’s PPC campaign, resulting in a 45% increase in click-through rates and a 20% decrease in cost per acquisition.

Personalized Strategies for Your Business

A successful digital marketing strategy must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each business. “Every company has its own set of objectives, target audience, and competitive landscape,” says Tom Robinson, a strategic consultant at Trend Tadka. “A one-size-fits-all approach rarely delivers optimal results.”

Trend Tadka emphasizes the importance of personalized strategies, which begin with a deep understanding of your business. “We take the time to understand your industry, audience, and competitors,” Robinson explains. “From there, we develop a customized strategy that aligns with your brand’s voice and goals.”

For instance, Trend Tadka crafted a personalized SEO and content marketing strategy for a healthcare client that led to a 60% increase in organic search traffic and a 40% rise in patient inquiries within nine months.

A Multi-faceted Approach is Key

Maximizing ROI with a digital marketing agency involves a multi-faceted approach: setting clear goals, leveraging a multi-channel strategy, benefiting from cost-effective expertise, making data-driven decisions, and implementing personalized tactics. Partnering with an innovative agency like Trend Tadka can amplify your marketing efforts and drive substantial growth.

“Choosing the right digital marketing agency is about making strategic investments that deliver measurable results,” concludes Lars Maat. “With a tailored, data-backed approach, businesses can achieve exceptional ROI and long-term success.” If you’re poised to elevate your digital marketing strategy and achieve superior ROI, Trend Tadka offers the expertise and insight needed to help you reach your goals.

Adobe CEO: We See AI as a Catalyst for Unprecedented Growth and Innovation Wed, 27 Mar 2024 10:50:26 +0000 At the Adobe Summit, the premier conference for digital marketing and customer experience professionals, CEO Shantanu Narayen sat down for an exclusive interview with CNBC to discuss Adobe’s latest innovations, market projections, and the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) within enterprise workflows.

During the interview, Narayen unveiled Adobe’s revised total adjustable market figure for the overall business, now estimated at $293 billion. This represents a significant increase from the previously projected $205 billion for 2024, indicating a robust growth trajectory for Adobe’s diverse portfolio of products and services.

Narayen emphasized that the growth outlook encompasses all facets of Adobe’s business, including its Document Cloud, Creative Cloud, and Experience Cloud offerings. He underscored AI’s pivotal role in driving this growth, citing its ability to attract new customers, deliver added value, and optimize monetization opportunities.

“The momentum behind AI-powered initiatives is palpable across all segments of our business,” remarked Narayen. “Whether it’s enhancing document workflows, empowering creatives, or personalizing customer experiences, AI is a game-changer with immense potential.”

One of the highlights of the Summit was Adobe’s demonstration of AI at scale within the enterprise workflow. Narayen showcased how AI-driven tools enable companies to streamline content creation, customization, and deployment across diverse digital platforms and markets.

“AI offers unprecedented capabilities for marketers and agencies to conceive, create, and deploy campaigns at scale,” explained Narayen. “By leveraging AI-generated assets and personalized content variations, businesses can amplify their reach and engagement with target audiences.”

However, Narayen acknowledged that the rise of AI-driven automation presents opportunities and challenges for creative professionals and agencies. While AI streamlines content production and deployment, it also necessitates a shift in skill sets and operational paradigms.

“The convergence of art and science is reshaping the creative landscape,” noted Narayen. “Creative professionals and agencies stand to benefit from AI’s capabilities to translate vision into reality. Yet, there’s a need for upskilling and adaptation to harness AI’s full potential.”

As investors seek clarity on Adobe’s monetization strategy for AI innovations, Narayen outlined a phased approach focusing on innovation, monetization methods, and market expectations. He emphasized articulating value propositions and aligning pricing models with AI-enabled services and solutions.

“While it’s early days in the monetization journey, we’re committed to unlocking AI’s full value for our customers,” stated Narayen. “Our phased approach encompasses innovation, monetization, and market education to ensure sustainable growth and value creation.”

In conclusion, Narayen reiterated Adobe’s unwavering commitment to innovation, customer success, and market leadership in the era of AI-driven digital transformation. With AI poised to revolutionize enterprise workflows and customer experiences, Adobe remains at the forefront of driving innovation and shaping the future of digital creativity and commerce.

“We see AI as a catalyst for unprecedented growth and innovation,” affirmed Narayen. “Our mission is to empower businesses and creatives to unlock their full potential in the digital age, and AI is instrumental in realizing that vision.”

A Masterclass in Effective Product Marketing by Stanley Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:13:21 +0000 In the bustling market of 2024, where trends flicker and fade like sparks in the wind, who could have foreseen that the humble Stanley Cup would emerge as the emblem of cool? Yet, against all odds, this once utilitarian water bottle has become the must-have accessory, propelled into the limelight by the unlikely influencer, TikTok.

A journey that began in 1994, where the mere mention of Stanley Cups in the same breath as hot products of the future would have drawn laughter, has culminated in a staggering revenue surge for the company. From $74 million in 2019 to a staggering $750 million in 2023, the trajectory of Stanley’s success is nothing short of remarkable.

But beyond the numbers lies a masterclass in effective product marketing and the art of harnessing cultural momentum. As one observer notes, “with the Stanley Cup brand, you’re not just buying into a product, you’re buying into a community.” This sense of belonging, of being part of a tribe united by hydration, is a powerful draw that transcends mere utility.

With their blue-collar, utilitarian roots, Stanley Cups have managed to reinvent themselves for a new generation, thanks in no small part to the visionary leadership of Terrence Riley, the company’s president. Riley, no stranger to transforming the mundane into the desirable, previously worked his magic at Crocs, turning them into a fashion statement during his tenure as Chief Marketing Officer.

The secret to Stanley’s success lies not just in the quality of its products but also in its ability to cultivate a sense of exclusivity and community. Limited editions, scarcity, and the power of social commerce have all contributed to fueling the brand’s meteoric rise. While success has not been without its challenges, including instances of uncivilized behavior and concerns over product safety, Stanley remains undeterred.

In a world where brands vie for attention in an increasingly crowded marketplace, Stanley Cups have managed to cut through the noise by tapping into something deeper than mere consumerism. It’s not just about owning a product; it’s about being part of a movement, a cultural phenomenon that transcends boundaries.

As one industry insider muses, “We are all desperate to connect, belong, express who we are.” In Stanley Cups, many have found not just a water bottle, but a symbol of identity, belonging, and aspiration. And in a world where authenticity is currency, Stanley Cups are the real deal.

Conversational Marketing Closes the Gap Between B2C and B2B, Says Drift Marketing VP Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:50:18 +0000 Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales, says Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift. “We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people,” he says. “That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.”

Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift, was recently interviewed on the B2B Growth podcast by John Rougeux who is VP of Marketing at Skyfii. Gerhardt discusses conversational marketing as a new B2B product category and how it is changing marketing from reaching out to you later to a conversation that is happening now:

Conversational Marketing is About Connecting You Now

Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales. The traditional way of doing marketing and sales is all about later. Come to my website and fill out this form and somebody is going to reach out to you later, when it’s convenient for them. The big shift that is happening in marketing and business over the last five to ten years is customers have all the power today. You can’t make people wait. Information is free now.

I can find anything I want to know about a company without ever having to go to your website. It’s crazy to think that you are going to force people to go to your website, fill out a form, wait three days to hear back from your sales team, and then get a demo. Conversational is all about connecting you now with the people who are ready to buy now while they are live on your website.

B2P – Marketing to People

It’s not about buyers. It’s not about sellers. It’s not about sales. It’s not about marketing. It’s about people. That’s how people all communicate online today. I pressed one button in my car and I got a list. I ordered something from Amazon while I was here this morning to send back to my house and it’s going to be there tomorrow when I get home. There are countless examples of that. That is how we all behave online in our real lives today.

But then something happens weird happens. We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people. That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.

What Ties Our Products Together is Conversation

We have an email product and we have a landing page product. Black and white versions of those people would say everybody has email, everybody has landing pages. The thing that ties those together is conversation. That forces us to think about what is conversational email? What is conversational landing pages? What is conversational whatever? That one word forces our product team to think about how can we change this? If our fundamental stance as a company is that the internet should be one conversation, then how does that weave into everything that we build?

Ultimately what we care about is that email becomes a conversation. Meaning, the way that marketers have had to use email the last decade is a one-way channel. Email is meant to be a two-way channel. Marketers have been using it as, “John come to my webinar.” What happens if you actually respond to that email? Most of the time you can’t because it’s donotreply@ or it just goes to some inbox where nobody is answering it. That is a terrible experience. Our belief is that if you reply, “Hey actually I can’t make it. Can you reregister my colleague?” That should get handled. We are thinking of that from an evolution standpoint.

The same thing with landing pages. Most landing pages today are static. You go to the landing page, put a bunch of info in and you are gone. What if that was a real-time conversation on the page? That one topic has to weave itself into everything we do from a product perspective.

>> Listen to the complete interview with Drift Marketing VP Dave Gerhardt on the B2B Growth podcast.

TrenDemon CEO: We Connect Content Marketing to Sales Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:03:45 +0000 The CEO of TrenDemon, Avishai Sharon, says that they created their cloud-based software solution in order to help companies prove that the marketing content they produced also achieved business goals and sales. In order to show this correlation, the TrenDemon software analyzes all of the different touchpoints the customer has had over his lifecycle and then reverse engineers those successful journeys in order to find out what content is working.

Avishai Sharon, Co-founder & CEO of TrenDemon, discussed their software on ILTV:

How Do You Connect Content Marketing to Sales?

My personal background was heading a marketing agency for many years and one of my biggest struggles was how do I prove our value and our effort to our customers and how do you connect the impact of what we call content marketing to business goals and to sales? When we couldn’t find an easy way to show that correlation three and a half years ago we went ahead and founded TrenDemon to help companies do just that.

We connect their marketing efforts, which today rely mostly on content, you want your audience to consume valuable content, as opposed to just advertising. The big challenge is how do you attribute those efforts to sales? There’s actually a prior problem, how do you actually map the customer journey? How do you track those different touch points into one picture?

Reverse Engineering Successful Customer Journeys

The first thing we do is look at all the different touchpoints that a customer has had over his lifecycle. We ask the question, not just where do they come from, but how deep was their engagement? Did they actually watch the video? Did they actually read the article? Then you can start reverse engineering those successful journeys and say what’s common about all of these successful journeys.

What we found, and this is the interesting thing, we’re working with over 90 companies today worldwide and the vast majority of content the companies produce, over 90 percent, is ineffective at driving business goals. As you guys know it’s very expensive to create quality content and it takes a lot of effort.

If People Read the Right Content They Will Covert to a Sale

The second interesting thing is that if you do manage to find those 10 percent and you find a way to get it in front of the right people you’re actually able to improve dramatically your results. So there’s not just a correlation between what buyers did beforehand, there’s also a causation, a causal relationship, that if people read the right content at the right time they’re more likely to follow a path. We’re not probably as sophisticated as we believe that we are.

We’re a SaaS company, a cloud-based solution. We’re working a lot in the US and one of our biggest markets and growing markets is Japan. They’re investing a lot of content and a lot on technology. Essentially, because we look at the customer journey and not necessarily specific languages we can operate in any environment which allows us to grow pretty much anywhere. As long as they have content, which means that they’re producing something other than just advertising, they want people and audiences to actually engage with what they’re producing and they do have some business outcomes that they’re looking to measure.

About TrenDemon:

Founded in 2013, TrenDemon is the world’s leading content marketing attribution and optimization solution, helping marketers prove and improve their content’s impact.

TrenDemon insights can help you uncover your content marketing ROI, impact on business goals, and engagement to help guide the content strategy. Our optimization units will help you increase conversions and shorten time to convert on your owned assets.

TrenDemon proudly serves a wide range of customers, from Fortune 500s and brands to SaaS, B2B, and financial companies and is backed by leading VCs.

Luxury Online Retailer Farfetch Focusing on Technology to Improve the Consumer Experience Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:36:00 +0000 Luxury online retailer Farfetch, where product prices start at around a thousand dollars, had a breakout IPO on Thursday, raising $885 million while setting a valuation of $6.2 billion for the company. Then on Friday the stock surged 53 percent above their initial offering price and it’s up again this morning valuing the enterprise at $7.4 billion.

Farfetch plans to use their IPO windfall to dramatically improve their technology which they see as the best way to improve the consumer experience.

Farfetch Founder and CEO José Manuel Ferreira Neves recently discussed Farfetch and the online luxury brand industry on Bloomberg:

Online Luxury is Growing 25 Percent a Year

It’s a very unique opportunity. You have this amazing global industry. It’s $300 billion, the personal luxury goods industry and only 9 percent is online. There are two opportunities here really. One is the growth of online luxury which is going to grow to 25 percent a year for the next seven years. This is a $100 billion opportunity shift in online luxury.

The big question is how is technology going to help brands and retailers really improve the consumer experience in the physical store. This is something at Farfetch that we are very passionate about.

China is an Incredible Opportunity for Online Luxury

China is a very exciting opportunity. Chinese citizens are at the onset of the luxury industry, whether they shop at home or when they’re shopping abroad. Online penetration is very low in China so this means that there is an incredible growth runway for Farfetch in the territory.

That led to our partnership with where we have our own team. We have the Farfetch China app and website, we have local customer service, local payment systems, and local marketing. It’s a truly localized service. That is what’s driving incredible growth to the Farfetch brand in that region.

WeChat is an amazing app with over 900 million users. It is the Instagram, plus WeChat, plus PayPal, etc. of China in one app. That is very powerful and very interesting. Now with our acquisition CuriosityChina we are powering the retail presence of 80 luxury brands. We think that is very interesting for the industry and we think that is probably something that we will see for the western world.

Brands Now Using Social and Digital Marketing Extensively

I think brands move cautiously and they choose their marketing channels very carefully. As these newer channels have developed the brands have adapted to them and their now using social media and digital media extensively to create desire, to drive discovery of new products obviously transactions as well.

It’s a gradual pace but it’s really exciting that were at that inflection point where the brands see this as a tremendous opportunity.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings New Brand Architecture, Says CMO Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:26:09 +0000 “When I think of brand architecture it really gets to the essence of the brand,” says Buffalo Wild Wings CMO Seth Freeman. “The essence of the brand is around this idea of camaraderie and ritual and something that we like to call “game on.” It’s our ability to make sure that when folks come in to experience Buffalo Wild Wings that we have a game on mentality and that we bring them the very best of who we are.”

Seth Freeman, Chief Marketing Officer of Buffalo Wild Wings, was recently interviewed on Adweek’s CMO Moves podcast with Nadine Dietz. Freeman discussed their new “game on” brand architecture that defines not just their new marketing strategy but really the heart of the business. “The purpose ultimately is really about inspiring legendary experiences between friends,” noted Freeman:

Turning Good Times With Friends Into Great Times With Brothers

When I think of brand architecture it really gets to the essence of the brand. There are three components to it in the way we framed it up.  They are the promise, the essence, and the purpose. We identified an insight out there that guys want to turn good times with friends into great times with brothers. More accurately, legendary experiences with brothers. That was the cultural insight that really framed our brand architecture.

When we think about our purpose we defined our promise as the great American sports bar that turned game time into stories worth telling. It wasn’t just about inviting folks to watch a game. It was about translating that into an experience worth telling. That’s what folks are really looking for. That’s the promise that we deliver on every single day. That’s why we get up. That’s why folks are going out there and doing the job that they do and delivering a great experience.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings

Our purpose ultimately is really about inspiring legendary experiences between friends. The essence of the brand is around this idea of camaraderie and ritual and something that we like to call “game on.” It’s our ability to make sure that when folks come in to experience Buffalo Wild Wings that we have a game on mentality and that we bring them the very best of who we are. We have 80,000 folks out there working across Buffalo Wild Wings and they bring it every single day.
It’s Game Time at Buffalo Wild Wings!

As we were talking to consumers, one of the things we learned was that some of the most impactful experiences that they talked about was with the bartenders and servers. They are influencing whether or not those folks come back. For instance, one of the most memorable experiences they talked about was the bartender remembering them when they came back.

That is our brand architecture, but it also lends itself to things we have done in rolling out this purpose to the broader community through our Brand Champ Initiative. That really is a cultural movement that we are employing across our franchises and corporate stores. We have over 1,200 locations where folks are trained to make sure that the brand architecture is translating to a way that is meaningful to the consumers and also meaningful to the folks that are on the front lines every single day.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings New Brand Architecture

B2B Influencer Marketing Adds Up To Nurture and Ultimately Conversion Sat, 13 Jan 2024 14:00:33 +0000 “We co-create content with (B2B Influencers) in concert with brand messaging,” says TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden. “So now instead of people just ignoring the press release we actually have storytelling happening with these different voices. You have this intersection of one or two or three or four influencers talking about this topic and those audiences intersect and cross. Your customer is hearing this credible message not only from the brand but also from people that they trust in different channels. That all adds up to yes. That all adds up to nurture and ultimately conversion.”

Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Marketing, discusses how B2B influencer marketing can be a highly effective force in driving leads and conversions for companies. Lee was interviewed by Tim Washer at the 2019 Content Marketing World Conference & Expo:

Influencer Marketing Is Powerful Because Of Influence Itself

Influencer marketing is powerful because of influence itself, not about the people. Influence has always been a factor in being persuasive and being effective as a communicator, as a marketer, and really being able to tap into the dynamics of that. The psychology and sociology of that is something that is everlasting, it’s evergreen. While there are trends in terms of tactics that come and go, there’s this consumerization of B2B. B2C influencers are misbehaving and have fake followers, etc. and some of that’s leaking over into B2B. But I think that’ll reconcile a little bit and kind of clean itself out. In the future brands are going to be looking at influence as a really key component of their holistic marketing strategy internally and externally.

A lot of people when they think of influencer marketing they think of a Kardashian or some people think of something like Baddiewinkle, a 90-year-old woman who wears hip-hop clothes and now has her own makeup line on Sephora versus someone like Tamara McCleary interviewing an executive at Dell about the right IT infrastructure for doing edge computing. That’s really what it’s about in B2B.

B2B Influencers Actually Have To Have The Main Expertise

One of the big differences between B2B and B2C influencers is that in B2B you actually have to have the main expertise. You actually have to be knowledgeable and have a depth of that expertise in what it is that you’re influential about. It’s also important to have a network for distribution and a place to publish your content. It’s great to have a personality and that’s less common in B2B, where you have charisma. Well, lack of personality is a form of personality I suppose. 

The good thing is that we’ve figured out ways to coach folks that have that domain expertise and an active following but they’re not necessarily used to being social. We are coaching them in how to activate themselves and to pull out the best of what they have to share in a way that’s very promotable. Many of them start to open up a little bit after we show them how to do it.

B2B Influencer Marketing Adds Up To Nurture and Conversion

In the planning stages (with a client looking to promote something) we’ll look at the topics that are important around the announcement and how it affects customers and how customers will think of that news and how it’ll affect or change their lives. Those topics are then what we want to be influential about. We’ll use those keywords or topics to search our network using influencer marketing software to find who is influential around those topics, who’s publishing content, who self-identifies around that topic, and whose audience is actually activated around that topic. We find those people who have trusted voices with an active community and we invite them to collaborate on content and give their opinion about the announcement. 

We co-create content with them in concert with brand messaging. So now instead of people just ignoring the press release we actually have storytelling happening with these different voices. You have this intersection of one or two or three or four influencers talking about this topic and those audiences intersect and cross. They intersect across channels too. Your customer is hearing this credible message not only from the brand but also from people that they trust in different channels. That all adds up to yes. That all adds up to nurture and ultimately conversion.

B2B Influencer Marketing Adds Up To Nurture and Conversion – TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden
Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:14:11 +0000 “It’s really about customer experience,” says Nirosha Methananda, VP of Marketing at Bombora. “I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.”

Nirosha Methananda, Vice President of Marketing at Bombora, discusses the challenges of marketing without annoying your potential customers by bombarding them with marketing messages in an interview with Logan Lyles on the B2B Growth Podcast:

Marketing Is Really About the Customer Experience

As a B2B marketer, I get marketed to a lot. It’s something that I have increasingly noticed and I’m probably not the only one. That’s just becoming part of the experience in terms of being inundated with different messaging and different calls and this, that, and the other. Use this, do this, buy this, whatever it is. It’s really not a great experience. It doesn’t necessarily provide value. Marketers are so busy as it is, and I know that is applicable across the board with everyone we are marketing to. Being able to cut through the noise and having an understanding of all these different things is very challenging. 

Having on top of it being inundated with this constant flow of messaging like meet me, meet me, meet me, is not very helpful. That’s one of the things that I’m passionate about. It’s really about customer experience. I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying

It also leads to this annoyance and irritation which leads to distrust of brands and that’s not great for this industry. From a customer perspective those bad experiences, unfortunately, more than good experiences, they stay with you for longer and you remember that. Another thing that we don’t necessarily think of is that it’s wasteful. It’s wasteful of time and it’s wasteful of money especially for marketing and sales where money is a precious resource. It’s not something to be wasted. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.

As an example, our Intent Event was our first flagship event that we did last year. It was a closed event so we did have limited numbers and we were limited as to what we could do with promotion. What we did was try to have mindfulness around what we were sending out and ensuring that it was helpful. Making sure that the recipients, the people that we invited, were given all the relevant information, but there was brevity in the communication as well as encouraging them to participate without forcing them to be there. 

There was certainly some urgency around some of our communication but it wasn’t you need to attend this and this is why you must attend this. It was more about being a bit more subtle in presenting them the idea and the concept of what it was, why it would help them, and exactly the information that they needed. What that meant was not sending out multiple emails, being very controlled around it, really thinking about what the experience was before the event, to during the event, to after the event. We were really focused on the customer and making sure that all of the content and communication was educational and helpful.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Nirosha Methananda
Google Experiment Is Adding Favicons to Ads Tue, 23 May 2023 00:24:53 +0000 Online ads may be on the verge changing significantly, with Google testing favicons within ads.

Favicons are those little icons that show up in browser tabs when visiting certain websites. They’re a way for websites to add a little more branding, but many users find them annoying and distracting. What’s more, browser favicons have been exposed as a privacy risk, allowing bad actors to track users’ activity.

Evidently, Google still believes favicons may have a place in advertising, and is testing their inclusion, according to a tweet by Google’s AdsLiason account.

This is part of a series of small experiments to help users more easily identify the brand or advertiser associated with the Search ads they may see for a given query.

AdsLiason (@adsliason), January 24, 2022

There’s no indication when Google will make a final decision.

The Challenges of Brand Search and PPC Sat, 13 May 2023 22:06:35 +0000 Controlling the search position of your brand is very important to your business. However, this has become increasingly difficult due to changes in Google brand policies that have opened the door to competitors stealing (or buying) your brands traffic and business. Puneet Vaghela, Head of Paid Search at PHD UK, a global communications planning and media buying network recently spoke about these important challenges:

Why is brand search difficult to control in PPC?

With brand search, you are expected to get most of the traffic. However, what we are seeing increasingly is more and more competitors entering the market in our brand space. Back in the day, it was there but you could just get them kicked off by Google or Bing. Nowadays, it’s a lot more difficult with all of the policy changes. What this actually means is that they are not only cannibalizing our traffic but they’re also pushing up our CPCs and our CPAs.

As a brand, you are always looking for ways to get people to your website and get them to convert more. It used to be just interest-based keywords on generics related to your own brand. Now you can cannibalize other peoples brands and get those incremental gains. The problem then is competitors coming into our brand space and pushing our ads down or increasing the CPCs on our ads. It’s not just direct competitors either, you have resellers, aggregators, etc. In the automotive space you have dealers and many automotive brands are having issues with trying to control how their dealers are bidding because dealers don’t have as much experience.

What we are seeing now is traffic is being lost from our brands’ brand-related search terms onto our main website and it’s going away.

This is even more important on mobile

As you know with mobile there’s a lot less space on the SERP, and usually with the size of the ads above the fold takes up most of the space and not many people are going to scroll down all the way to the bottom. Also, with mobile, it’s when people are actually looking for stuff at the moment and they’ve got less attention span, so it’s even more important that we actually pick up this traffic. Chances are that whatever they click on they are going to then stick with that. This is especially the case for retailers and automotive businesses who have local offerings and people looking for local specific information.

On mobile, the lower your ad position is the higher (negative) impact it has on your clickthrough rate.

On tablet and on desktop the actual CTR decrease as your ad position goes down isn’t as significant as it is on mobile. This goes to show that on mobile we need to make sure that our ad positions are up there at the top.

How valuable is your brand space?

Once you have the data and you know about your brand space it’s about analyzing the data and finding out how valuable is your brand space to you? Years ago you could just log into Google Analytics and look at the value per click of your organic brand and the value per click of your paid search brand. As long as the value was more than your cost per click it made it viable to bid on your brand. It was a pretty simple analysis.

Then seven years ago Google took away the ability to see organic keyword data and analytics have become harder. What we are seeing now is that’s it’s a lot more difficult to access this data and so people are having to think of different tests that they can come up with.

I like to use standard deviation to get the validity of the data in the beginning in order to measure the success of the ad test. The reason for this is that gives a much better data set to work with so once you actually have the data in you can use a range to look at the changes we see if we then turn the brand off. If it fits within this range then fine, we don’t need to work on brand PPC. If it’s outside of the range then we know that PPC needs to be turned on because it’s having a significant impact on our business.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Wed, 08 Mar 2023 17:14:11 +0000 “It’s really about customer experience,” says Nirosha Methananda, VP of Marketing at Bombora. “I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.”

Nirosha Methananda, Vice President of Marketing at Bombora, discusses the challenges of marketing without annoying your potential customers by bombarding them with marketing messages in an interview with Logan Lyles on the B2B Growth Podcast:

Marketing Is Really About the Customer Experience

As a B2B marketer, I get marketed to a lot. It’s something that I have increasingly noticed and I’m probably not the only one. That’s just becoming part of the experience in terms of being inundated with different messaging and different calls and this, that, and the other. Use this, do this, buy this, whatever it is. It’s really not a great experience. It doesn’t necessarily provide value. Marketers are so busy as it is, and I know that is applicable across the board with everyone we are marketing to. Being able to cut through the noise and having an understanding of all these different things is very challenging. 

Having on top of it being inundated with this constant flow of messaging like meet me, meet me, meet me, is not very helpful. That’s one of the things that I’m passionate about. It’s really about customer experience. I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying

It also leads to this annoyance and irritation which leads to distrust of brands and that’s not great for this industry. From a customer perspective those bad experiences, unfortunately, more than good experiences, they stay with you for longer and you remember that. Another thing that we don’t necessarily think of is that it’s wasteful. It’s wasteful of time and it’s wasteful of money especially for marketing and sales where money is a precious resource. It’s not something to be wasted. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.

As an example, our Intent Event was our first flagship event that we did last year. It was a closed event so we did have limited numbers and we were limited as to what we could do with promotion. What we did was try to have mindfulness around what we were sending out and ensuring that it was helpful. Making sure that the recipients, the people that we invited, were given all the relevant information, but there was brevity in the communication as well as encouraging them to participate without forcing them to be there. 

There was certainly some urgency around some of our communication but it wasn’t you need to attend this and this is why you must attend this. It was more about being a bit more subtle in presenting them the idea and the concept of what it was, why it would help them, and exactly the information that they needed. What that meant was not sending out multiple emails, being very controlled around it, really thinking about what the experience was before the event, to during the event, to after the event. We were really focused on the customer and making sure that all of the content and communication was educational and helpful.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Nirosha Methananda
Conversational Marketing Closes the Gap Between B2C and B2B, Says Drift Marketing VP Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:58:18 +0000 Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales, says Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift. “We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people,” he says. “That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.”

Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift, was recently interviewed on the B2B Growth podcast by John Rougeux who is VP of Marketing at Skyfii. Gerhardt discusses conversational marketing as a new B2B product category and how it is changing marketing from reaching out to you later to a conversation that is happening now:

Conversational Marketing is About Connecting You Now

Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales. The traditional way of doing marketing and sales is all about later. Come to my website and fill out this form and somebody is going to reach out to you later, when it’s convenient for them. The big shift that is happening in marketing and business over the last five to ten years is customers have all the power today. You can’t make people wait. Information is free now.

I can find anything I want to know about a company without ever having to go to your website. It’s crazy to think that you are going to force people to go to your website, fill out a form, wait three days to hear back from your sales team, and then get a demo. Conversational is all about connecting you now with the people who are ready to buy now while they are live on your website.

B2P – Marketing to People

It’s not about buyers. It’s not about sellers. It’s not about sales. It’s not about marketing. It’s about people. That’s how people all communicate online today. I pressed one button in my car and I got a list. I ordered something from Amazon while I was here this morning to send back to my house and it’s going to be there tomorrow when I get home. There are countless examples of that. That is how we all behave online in our real lives today.

But then something happens weird happens. We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people. That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.

What Ties Our Products Together is Conversation

We have an email product and we have a landing page product. Black and white versions of those people would say everybody has email, everybody has landing pages. The thing that ties those together is conversation. That forces us to think about what is conversational email? What is conversational landing pages? What is conversational whatever? That one word forces our product team to think about how can we change this? If our fundamental stance as a company is that the internet should be one conversation, then how does that weave into everything that we build?

Ultimately what we care about is that email becomes a conversation. Meaning, the way that marketers have had to use email the last decade is a one-way channel. Email is meant to be a two-way channel. Marketers have been using it as, “John come to my webinar.” What happens if you actually respond to that email? Most of the time you can’t because it’s donotreply@ or it just goes to some inbox where nobody is answering it. That is a terrible experience. Our belief is that if you reply, “Hey actually I can’t make it. Can you reregister my colleague?” That should get handled. We are thinking of that from an evolution standpoint.

The same thing with landing pages. Most landing pages today are static. You go to the landing page, put a bunch of info in and you are gone. What if that was a real-time conversation on the page? That one topic has to weave itself into everything we do from a product perspective.

>> Listen to the complete interview with Drift Marketing VP Dave Gerhardt on the B2B Growth podcast.

Adobe CEO: Pandemic Was Inflection Point For Everything Being Digital Wed, 04 Jan 2023 18:43:31 +0000 “What the pandemic and the current health situation has done is that it has created yet another inflection point for everything being digital,” says Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen. “The importance of digital in the marketplace is going to be sustainable for decades. You’re not going to put the genie back in the bottle as it relates to engaging digitally and creating content digitally.”

Shantanu Narayen, Chairman and CEO of Adobe, discusses how the pandemic has created another “inflection point” in the move toward digital transformation:

Digital Transformation Is A $120 Billion Opportunity

It was a good quarter all around. All of our businesses performed exceedingly well. On the Creative Cloud and the Document Cloud, not only did we have a great acquisition. in other words, new customers adopting the platform, but we really focused on engagement and demonstrating the value of our products to our customers. Even our retention levels came back to pre-COVID levels which we believe is a really good sign.

What’s happening in the world is the businesses that we’re in, namely creativity and enabling people to tell their story, what’s happening with documents and accelerating document productivity, and what’s happening associated with every single enterprise needing to engage with their customers digitally, when you add all of this up we think it’s over a $120 billion of an addressable market opportunity for Adobe.

Pandemic Was Inflection Point For Everything Being Digital

What the pandemic and the current health situation has done is that it has created yet another inflection point for everything being digital. What we will have to continue to monitor is what happens in the spending environment. But as it relates to the overall need for the kinds of solutions that Adobe provides as well as the importance of digital in the marketplace I think that’s going to be sustainable for decades. You’re not going to put the genie back in the bottle as it relates to engaging digitally and creating content digitally.

We believe that we’re in this third phase of what is happening in the enterprise. Traditionally, businesses first focused on automating the back office, and then they focused on automating the front office for knowledge workers. It’s absolutely clear that the biggest imperative that exists in the enterprise today is how do you engage with customers? This is a category that we call Customer Experience Management.

Customer Insight Is Key To Your Digital Transformation

If you’re an enterprise today and you’re thinking about digital transformation, what’s top of that stack in terms of where you have to invest is to make sure that you have insight into what your customers are doing. How are they engaging with you? What’s the profile? How do you deliver the personalized experience?

We really believe that what you’re seeing in the enterprise spend environment is that the companies that are focused on this next generation of delivering customer engagement, the customer experiences, and the insight associated with how to take the most advantage of that data, they’re going to be the secular winners moving forward.

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen: Pandemic Was Inflection Point For Everything Being Digital
Digital Agency Growth: Navigating Growth for the Future Thu, 15 Dec 2022 19:51:21 +0000 The pandemic hit small businesses very hard, as studies show that over 95% of small businesses were affected. Nearly 60% had to lay off a substantial number of their employees, and almost 30% of small businesses had to close their doors entirely. In addition, there is a gender disparity. On a global scale, 20% of women-led small businesses reported closing in comparison to 16% for men-led businesses. Digital agency growth can help us get there.

Planning for Small Business Growth

Fortunately, the future’s looking brighter for small businesses everywhere. In 2021, the global closure rate for small businesses fell from 24% to 18%. Also, Americans created 2.8 million more online microbusinesses in 2020 than in 2019. Nearly 70% of those plan to grow their microbusinesses full-time, while a much smaller percentage state that they are still working to get on their feet. The future is digital for many of these small businesses. 45% are planning for a future online, and almost 30% are already working on it. 

Despite these hopeful developments, it is still important to prepare for the unexpected. Many small business owners are fully responsible for all aspects of their business, such as sales, client management, or hiring. As a result of this, many are too terrified to leave their businesses for even a short vacation. In addition, 3 in 4 report not feeling prepare for their #2 to take temporary leave. The bottom line is that most small businesses are not prepared for unexpected success. More specifically, over 96% cannot handle a sudden influx of leads, and over 80% cannot handle a new client.

Impact of Digital Agency Growth

Now is the time to plan for digtal agency growth. Reports show that by 2024, small businesses could add 2.3 trillion to the global GDP growth. Therefore, it is vital to create a complete and optimized business system. This allows for easy delegation and performance tracking, making it simple to identify strengths and needs for improvement. What has been dubbed a “Scale Map” can be used to track workflow, tech stack, documents, training, and metrics. Workflows refer to steps to track progress, and tech stacking helps to streamline processes to run more efficiently. Documentation is the foundation of organizing assets, and training enables all employees to reach their full potential. Metrics measure the efficacy of the entire process overall. 

Closing Thoughts

While there are many factors that may be holding small businesses back, there are so many methods to ensure that one’s business is left working like a well-oiled machine. Making the switch to a digitally focused platform has been shown to be the most successful way to grow and conduct business in a post-pandemic world. In fact, over 60% of businesses that have shifted to a digital platform report planning to maintain and expand those options moving forward. 

In addition, 20% of small businesses report having dramatically changed their models since the start of the pandemic. Overall, preparing one’s business for the unexpected can be the key to future success especially in a time that is so uncertain for entrepreneurs across the globe. 

Microsoft Advertising Adds Target Impression Share Automated Bids Thu, 01 Dec 2022 15:18:23 +0000

Microsoft has released its August product updates, including Target Impression Share automated bidding.

Manually managing a search campaign can be a tedious process, especially when trying to stay at the top of the results. Microsoft’s August update aims to help address that with Target Impression Share automated bidding.

“A new addition to our suite of automated bidding strategiesOpens in new window is the exciting new Target Impression Share strategy, now available in Microsoft Advertising online and Editor,” writes Kevin Salat, Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft Advertising. “With this strategy, you set your budget, where you want your ads to appear, and your Target Impression Share, and Microsoft Advertising automatically sets your bids.”

Microsoft is a distant second to Google in search market share. Nonetheless, rolling out features that continue to make it easier for customers to use its services can only help it gain ground.

Is TikTok Replacing Google? Mon, 08 Aug 2022 18:56:32 +0000 Digital marketing entrepreneur Eric Siu, asks an interesting question, “Is TikTok the NEW Google?” The idea is that younger people are starting to search immersive social apps like TikTok and Instagram directly instead of searching Google.

“Is TikTok going to replace Google? 40% of 18-24-year-olds report that they are using apps like TikTok to search for things like lunch. The engagement on Google Maps is also starting to grow down. In addition, people are now using fewer keywords to discover. They prefer immersive experiences instead.”

“Now, things are changing quite a bit because Google is actually starting to index Instagram posts and TikTok posts. If you use Google as much as I do for my business or you do any search marketing at all, stay tuned.”

Oracle Turns to AI to Automate Digital Marketing With Fusion Marketing Sun, 26 Jun 2022 18:34:27 +0000 In an industry first, Oracle is using artificial intelligence (AI) to help automate digital marketing.

AI is revolutionizing a wide range of industries, but Oracle is applying it to digital marketing campaigns, with its newly announced Fusion Marketing platform. Unlike many lead generation systems, that merely raise brand awareness, Fusion Marketing is specifically designed to generate leads.

Fusion Marketing uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically score leads at the account level, predict when consumers are ready to talk to a salesperson, and generate a qualified sales opportunity in any CRM system.

Oracle hopes Fusion Marketing will address the disconnect many salespeople feel when using a CRM system, where siloed data often works against making a sale. Oracle’s new system is designed to address that and accelerate marketing campaigns by automating the lead generation process from end-to-end.

“It is time for our industry to think differently about marketing and sales automation so that we can transform CRM into a system that actually works for both the marketer and the salesperson,” said Rob Tarkoff, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience. “This is not about forecasts and rollups or a reporting tool to see how the sales force is performing, but instead about turning CRM into a system that helps sellers sell. A huge part of that change is bringing marketing and sales teams together and eliminating the low-value, time consuming tasks that distract from building customer relationships and closing deals. That’s why we have invested so much time engineering a system that will help marketers fully automate lead generation and qualification and get highly qualified leads to the sales team faster.”

Oracle’s Fusion Marketing is just the beginning, as experts say AI will continue to transform digital marketing.

“Machine learning algorithms are integral to digital marketing and that will only increase over time. The best digital marketers have embraced this fact, and have already shifted their focus towards more human-first activities. Machines are better at crunching numbers and making data-driven decisions. But they still need humans to decide what data to feed into those systems. This comes from understanding human behavior, a deep sense of empathy, and expert-level storytelling that are hard to replicate through AI.” – Dennis Consorte, Digital Marketing Expert and Expert at, told WebProNews.

Tim Cook: ‘We’re Not Against Digital Advertising’ Sun, 20 Mar 2022 23:50:02 +0000

Tim Cook has set the record straight that Apple is not against digital advertising, it simply wants to give consumers more control.

Apple is at odds with the advertising industry over changes to iOS. Apple recently began enforcing privacy labels, forcing app developers to disclose what user information they collect and track. iOS will soon include App Track Transparency (ATT), forcing apps to ask users for permission to track them.

Unfortunately, the advertising industry seems to suffer the belief that it has an inalienable right to track users, and build detailed profiles of them, with or without their permission. Thankfully, Apple is opposed to that view, and holds to the idea that people should be able to decide for themselves whether they are tracked and profiled — not the have the decision made for them by advertisers.

In an interview with the Toronto Sun, via AppleInsider, CEO Tim Cook clarified the company’s stand.

“We’re not against digital advertising,” Cook said. “I think digital advertising is going to thrive in any situation, because more and more time is spent online, less and less is spent on linear TV. And digital advertising will do well in any situation. The question is, do we allow the building of this detailed profile to exist without your consent?”

Cook framed Apple’s actions in the context of protecting its users.

“We feel so much that it’s our responsibility to help our users be able to make this decision. We’re not going to make the decision for them. Because it’s not our decision either. It should be each of ours’ as to what happens with our data. Who has it and how they use it,” Cook continued.

Cook also addressed why companies like Facebook and Procter & Gamble are so opposed to Apple’s efforts. P&G has even gone so far as to work with a Chinese ad agency to find ways of bypassing ATT.

According to Cook, these companies are only concerned because they’re facing a reality where they may not have access to the same amount of data as before, and they would only lose that access if customers choose not to give it to them. Rather than accept that change, their approach is: “You don’t want to give us access to all your data, so we’re going to try to find ways around your choice and collect your data anyway.”

Regardless of whether you’re an Apple or Android user, Apple’s stance on privacy is a refreshing one — one where the customer comes first.

We Are a Marketplace That Sells Demand Generation, Says Grubhub CEO Fri, 11 Feb 2022 15:29:34 +0000 “We are a marketplace that sells demand generation,” says Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney. “We sell growth. That’s what our primary product is. We’re not a logistics company. We do logistics because we know that’s an end to get to restaurant growth and make money off our logistics. The gross margins on the logistics are not fabulous. The gross margins on the demand generation are fabulous which is why I differentiate between a logistics company and demand gen company. If you’re selling consumers, you’re selling growth, and you can charge a lot for that.”

Matt Maloney, CEO of Grubhub, discusses with Jim Cramer on CNBC how Grubhub is in the business of driving growth for restaurants and is not just a logistics company:

The American Public Has Just Adopted Digital Ordering

This is our fifth anniversary of our IPO. The market now is ten times what I thought it was five years ago. It’s because the American public has just adopted digital ordering as their preferred way to engage with their local restaurants. We are not just marketing to Millennials. We are marketing on national television across all channels, all time zones, and hitting all segments. We just see that people realize that digitally ordering on their app or on their desktop is just easier.

Of course, our ad campaign is working. I wouldn’t have it on TV if it wasn’t working. You think about it this way. You know your LTV, your lifetime value of your customer, once they start ordering we know that they’re lifers. They’re on forever. We can make that revenue model and then we know how much it cost to put the ad on there. So yes, over time, as people see the ad, more and more it becomes less and less effective. But we’re nowhere near our LTV.
Grubhub National TV Commercial

I have always been willing to be extremely aggressive investing in the future. Historically, I was bound by the amount of money I could invest. The reception of these communications just weren’t hitting the public and they weren’t working as well. Then around the third quarter of last year, we saw that we could spend way more than we had historically. I’m just talking about effectiveness. Spending it effectively. We came to the street on our third quarter earnings call and said we see opportunity and we are going long in the fourth quarter.

Yum Made $200 million Investment – They Believe in Our Story

People are going to say where’s the beef, the old Wendy’s commercial. They’re like show me the money. (We don’t have Wendy’s) but everyone talks to everyone in this industry. I think over time exclusivity is just not going to happen. (We have Yum) and Yum is the biggest restaurateur in the world. YUM is an incredible brand which includes Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut. They are very forward-thinking. They invest in technology a lot and they wanted to make a fundamental partnership and we wanted to understand what the brands needed from a partner.

Yum made a $200 million investment because they believe in our story. We didn’t need the investment because we have a very healthy balance sheet. What it did it was really bringing the support of the young brand and the franchisees into Grub. As a tight partnership, we’re able to execute on technology and growth for them in a way that nobody else in the industry is doing right now. I totally disagree (that we aren’t making money from this partnership).

We Are a Marketplace That Sells Demand Generation

We are a marketplace that sells demand generation. We sell growth. That’s what our primary product is. We’re not a logistics company. We do logistics because we know that’s an end to get to restaurant growth and make money off our logistics. The gross margins on the logistics are not fabulous. The gross margins on the demand generation are fabulous which is why I differentiate between a logistics company and demand gen company.

If you’re selling consumers, you’re selling growth and you can charge a lot for that. That’s the profitable side. Everyone else in my industry is a logistics company which has razor thin margins. One of my competitors said they’re the next FedEx. Do you really want to be the next FedEx? There’s the multiple that we can get as marketplaces and there’s the multiple that logistics companies can get.

Everyone Would Prefer to Order Digitally

I think that everyone in the country would prefer to order digitally than order on the phone. That’s why we acquired Tapingo. It’s an incredible acquisition because it gives us further scale on campuses. Tapingo is a pickup focused product. So here’s what you need to think about. We sell growth, we sell orders. I don’t care if that’s a pickup order, a delivery order, a self-delivery order, or a catering order.

Everyone else in my industry only does delivery facilitated by that platform. Because we partner with the restaurants (which means) the restaurants are subsidizing part of our transaction fee, we are always cheaper. That’s what people don’t understand. There’s a lot of bait and switch pricing going on (from competitors).

We Are a Marketplace That Sells Demand Generation, Says Grubhub CEO
