EnterpriseEcommerce https://www.webpronews.com/ecommerce/enterpriseecommerce/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Mon, 16 Sep 2024 06:51:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 EnterpriseEcommerce https://www.webpronews.com/ecommerce/enterpriseecommerce/ 32 32 138578674 Mastering Scalable Delivery: Strategies for Enterprise Ecommerce Success in 2024 https://www.webpronews.com/mastering-scalable-delivery-strategies-for-enterprise-ecommerce-success-in-2024/ Mon, 16 Sep 2024 06:51:58 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=608226 As enterprise-level ecommerce brands evolve and grow, the ability to scale delivery practices effectively becomes critical. Executives managing these ecommerce giants face unique challenges when expanding operations, from the complexity of integrating advanced technologies to managing cross-functional teams spread across different geographies. Mike Hoagland, founder of Dapper Moose Consulting, shared his insights at the 2024 Ecommerce Agency Summit on how enterprise ecommerce brands can scale their delivery models efficiently while meeting customer expectations.

For enterprise ecommerce executives, the key to successful scaling lies in strategic alignment across departments, continuous investment in talent and training, and leveraging partnerships to optimize delivery. This deep-dive analysis will explore how enterprise brands can stay ahead by refining their approach to delivery practices in an increasingly competitive market.

Understanding the Complexity of Enterprise Clients

Scaling delivery for enterprise clients requires more than just increasing capacity—it demands an intricate understanding of the complexity that defines large organizations. Unlike smaller counterparts, enterprise clients have multi-layered approval processes, complex operational structures, and a higher demand for precision in project management.

“When you’re scaling up to the enterprise level, you’re dealing with stakeholders at multiple levels,” Hoagland explains. “Your main contact might be one person, but their decisions often need approval from several others—procurement, legal, and sometimes even executive leadership. It’s not just about delivering the product or service anymore; it’s about navigating these internal structures.”

The complexity of enterprise clients means delivery cycles are often extended, requiring project teams to account for delays in feedback and approvals. “We’ve seen situations where a simple design approval could take two weeks because it had to pass through six different teams,” says Hoagland. “Understanding this in advance helps you plan better, preventing bottlenecks that could derail the project timeline.”

Enterprise executives must anticipate these challenges, ensuring that their delivery teams are well-equipped to manage the expectations of various internal stakeholders. Building processes that accommodate extended feedback loops, ensuring flexibility in timelines, and managing resources across multiple functions are essential to maintain smooth operations.

Training Teams to Handle Enterprise Delivery

One of the most overlooked aspects of scaling is the importance of continuously training delivery teams to handle the intricacies of enterprise projects. As Hoagland emphasizes, “It’s one thing for your sales team to land a big enterprise client, but can your project managers and delivery teams actually execute at that level?”

For ecommerce executives, investing in platform-specific and client-specific training is critical. Hoagland stresses the need for deep training in the specific platforms enterprise clients use, such as Shopify Plus or BigCommerce. “Understanding how these platforms function on an enterprise scale is non-negotiable. Your teams need to know the ins and outs—where the platform shines and where its limitations lie. That’s the only way they can provide value to the client and avoid costly mistakes.”

Moreover, the training must be continuous, evolving with the needs of the market. Hoagland notes, “Training should not be an afterthought, nor should it be done sporadically. You need to embed it into your organization’s culture. For enterprise brands, allocating a portion of your budget to regular training ensures that your teams stay ahead of technological and operational changes.”

Yet, training at this scale often comes at the cost of billable hours, which presents a dilemma for many organizations. Hoagland advises executives to consider training as a long-term investment: “You might lose billable hours in the short term, but the knowledge gained will more than make up for it in the efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction you’ll see down the line.”

Fostering Cross-Department Collaboration

One of the biggest challenges in scaling delivery practices is bridging the gap between sales and delivery teams. In many organizations, these teams operate in silos, leading to miscommunication, unrealistic promises, and ultimately, client dissatisfaction. “Enterprise deals are complex,” Hoagland observes. “Sales teams often make commitments that delivery teams struggle to meet, simply because the two departments aren’t aligned.”

To solve this, Hoagland recommends establishing a feedback loop between sales and delivery. “Sales needs to consult with delivery before closing the deal. They need to understand what’s feasible and what isn’t. At the same time, delivery teams need to understand the pressures sales are under, especially when it comes to timelines and budget constraints,” he explains.

Hoagland shares an example of a client who fostered collaboration by holding joint training sessions for both sales and delivery teams. “We had engineers sit in on sales meetings to learn how deals were pitched and why certain promises were made. Conversely, we brought salespeople into project management workshops to understand how long certain tasks take. The result was a smoother transition from sale to execution.”

For ecommerce executives, establishing such cross-departmental training can pay off immensely. Hoagland notes, “When sales and delivery teams are in sync, it creates a seamless customer experience, which is what enterprise clients expect. You can’t afford to have one team dropping the ball.”

Managing Client Expectations Through Transparent Communication

Enterprise clients expect transparency and efficiency. Given the larger stakes, they tend to have less flexibility when issues arise. Hoagland explains, “When you’re working with direct-to-consumer clients, small mistakes might be overlooked, but at the enterprise level, those small mistakes can become massive liabilities.”

Hoagland emphasizes the need for proactive communication as a way to manage expectations. “You need to be transparent from the beginning—about timelines, potential roadblocks, and how the process will unfold. Clients want to know that you’ve thought through every detail,” he says.

Managing expectations also means aligning with your client’s internal metrics and KPIs. “Enterprise clients often have rigid performance metrics they are judged on internally,” Hoagland points out. “It’s important that your project aligns with those metrics. If their key focus is on reducing time-to-market, your team needs to prioritize that over other goals.”

Another way to manage expectations is through continuous project retrospectives, a practice Hoagland strongly advocates. “Every project should end with a retrospective—what went well, what didn’t, and how we can improve. This is how you identify patterns of inefficiency or recurring problems. It’s also a great way to show clients that you’re committed to constant improvement.”

Leveraging Strategic Partnerships for Scalability

Scaling enterprise delivery also means knowing when to bring in external partners to fill gaps in expertise. “No agency or ecommerce brand can be an expert in everything,” Hoagland notes. “Enterprise clients expect you to know who the experts are—even if it’s not you.”

This is where strategic partnerships come in. By collaborating with external experts, ecommerce brands can offer a wider range of solutions without overburdening their internal teams. Hoagland elaborates, “If you’re managing a client’s entire ecommerce infrastructure and they need specialized email marketing, don’t force your project managers to become email experts overnight. Instead, bring in a partner who specializes in that.”

However, Hoagland emphasizes that these partnerships need to be seamless from the client’s perspective. “You need to present a unified front. The client doesn’t care if you’re outsourcing part of the project as long as it gets done efficiently and to a high standard,” he says.

For enterprise-level ecommerce executives, establishing a network of trusted partners is vital. “If you can act as a conduit between your client and your partners, you’re delivering more value. It positions you as the go-to expert who knows how to get the job done, even if you’re not doing every piece yourself.”

Quality Control: The Key to Enterprise-Level Success

The larger the enterprise client, the higher the expectations for quality control. While many ecommerce companies may be tempted to cut corners when budgets or timelines get tight, Hoagland warns that this is a dangerous strategy when dealing with enterprise clients. “At the enterprise level, there’s little room for error. These clients expect perfection because their own customers and stakeholders demand it,” he says.

Quality control needs to be embedded into every stage of the process, not just at the final stages. “You can’t tack on quality control as an afterthought. It needs to be an integral part of your workflow, especially when delivering complex solutions at scale,” Hoagland advises.

He shares an example of a project where the lack of early-stage quality checks led to costly delays. “We had a client where minor technical issues kept cropping up, but because quality control was left until the end, those small issues snowballed. We ended up needing a full rebuild, which delayed the project by weeks and cost the client significantly more than it should have.”

Hoagland suggests that ecommerce executives implement regular quality control checkpoints throughout the project lifecycle to avoid these pitfalls. “When you catch issues early, they’re easier and cheaper to fix. More importantly, you’re maintaining the level of quality that enterprise clients expect.”

Scaling Delivery for Long-Term Growth

Scaling delivery practices for enterprise-level ecommerce brands requires a strategic, multi-faceted approach. From cross-department collaboration to continuous training and leveraging external partners, the path to success is built on flexibility, communication, and a deep understanding of client needs.

As Hoagland sums it up, “Scaling isn’t just about doing more of the same—it’s about doing better at every level. Enterprise clients demand more, and if you can meet those demands, you’re not just scaling delivery—you’re scaling your business to new heights.”

For ecommerce executives, this means investing in the right people, processes, and partnerships to ensure that delivery is not just efficient but exceptional. The opportunities are vast, but only for those who are prepared to meet the challenges head-on.

Luxury Online Retailer Farfetch Focusing on Technology to Improve the Consumer Experience https://www.webpronews.com/luxury-online-retailer-farfetch-focusing-on-technology-to-improve-the-consumer-experience-2/ Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:36:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=479305 Luxury online retailer Farfetch, where product prices start at around a thousand dollars, had a breakout IPO on Thursday, raising $885 million while setting a valuation of $6.2 billion for the company. Then on Friday the stock surged 53 percent above their initial offering price and it’s up again this morning valuing the enterprise at $7.4 billion.

Farfetch plans to use their IPO windfall to dramatically improve their technology which they see as the best way to improve the consumer experience.

Farfetch Founder and CEO José Manuel Ferreira Neves recently discussed Farfetch and the online luxury brand industry on Bloomberg:

Online Luxury is Growing 25 Percent a Year

It’s a very unique opportunity. You have this amazing global industry. It’s $300 billion, the personal luxury goods industry and only 9 percent is online. There are two opportunities here really. One is the growth of online luxury which is going to grow to 25 percent a year for the next seven years. This is a $100 billion opportunity shift in online luxury.

The big question is how is technology going to help brands and retailers really improve the consumer experience in the physical store. This is something at Farfetch that we are very passionate about.

China is an Incredible Opportunity for Online Luxury

China is a very exciting opportunity. Chinese citizens are at the onset of the luxury industry, whether they shop at home or when they’re shopping abroad. Online penetration is very low in China so this means that there is an incredible growth runway for Farfetch in the territory.

That led to our partnership with JD.com where we have our own team. We have the Farfetch China app and website, we have local customer service, local payment systems, and local marketing. It’s a truly localized service. That is what’s driving incredible growth to the Farfetch brand in that region.

WeChat is an amazing app with over 900 million users. It is the Instagram, plus WeChat, plus PayPal, etc. of China in one app. That is very powerful and very interesting. Now with our acquisition CuriosityChina we are powering the retail presence of 80 luxury brands. We think that is very interesting for the industry and we think that is probably something that we will see for the western world.

Brands Now Using Social and Digital Marketing Extensively

I think brands move cautiously and they choose their marketing channels very carefully. As these newer channels have developed the brands have adapted to them and their now using social media and digital media extensively to create desire, to drive discovery of new products obviously transactions as well.

It’s a gradual pace but it’s really exciting that were at that inflection point where the brands see this as a tremendous opportunity.

Should You Move Your eCommerce Store From Wix to Shopify? https://www.webpronews.com/should-you-move-your-ecommerce-store-from-wix-to-shopify/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 01:14:36 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=600056 Online commerce has grown rapidly in popularity over the last few years. Experts attribute this to the world’s unstable epidemiological situation. It’s also worth noting that, for example, running an online store costs 30% less than selling goods in a physical store. Aspiring e-commerce entrepreneurs frequently build commercial websites on the Wix platform. The latter has a simple interface and generates a plethora of options.

However, Wix is unsuitable for any e-commerce site. After some time, online sellers who want to improve their website ranking in search engines move their shops to other platforms. Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform among business owners. Vendors typically contact verified IT companies, such as Cart2Cart, to move data. If an unchecked enterprise handles the information transfer from Wix to Shopify, the ecommerce store’s efficiency may suffer as a result of the migration. As a result, the seller’s income will be lower.

Advantages of Shopify-Powered Websites

The platform is extremely user-friendly. Shopify functions similarly to any other website builder. However, the platform also allows its users to improve their online resources by using a special PHP script. Customers should, however, contact a programmer with Shopify coding experience if they want to improve their website in this manner. Furthermore, e-vendors highlight the following Shopify benefits: a large selection of add-ons — the plugins can be found within the branded store; integrating the social networks option — by linking, for example, a Facebook or Amazon page to their online shops, the sellers can significantly increase the sales level; strong client support — additionally, the Shopify developers offer detailed training materials on the platform use; ability of an abandoned cart function —

Furthermore, it is important to note the fast Shopify site. It is caused by the use of optimized page codes. E-vendors can learn more about the Shopify platform’s benefits by visiting sites like shopping-cart-migration.com.

Why Are e-Sellers Leaving Wix?

To begin, it is important to note that the platform employs conditionally “invisible” technologies for search engine pages. In a couple of Ajax developments, the latter are based on JavaScript. Despite the fact that search engines can now read and index dynamically displayed content, there are still issues with some browsers (due to technical limitations).

Preferences for Search Engines Absence

Wix sites are difficult to promote in highly competitive online requests. It’s due to the platform’s technical capabilities. The only way to improve the website’s search engine ranking is to use third-party online services. Users can improve SEO indicators by improving graphics and text content by using Wix inbuilt functions and branded plugins.

Coding Problems Can Cause Site Speed Errors

The Wix platform provides users with a plethora of unique website templates. It should also be noted that a large number of different plugins are available. This opens up numerous possibilities for website customization. Despite this, users do not have the option of self-technical eCommerce improvement. As a result, many unnecessary elements may be present in the code of the pages. Furthermore, it has the potential to significantly slow down the site.

Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon https://www.webpronews.com/walmart-goes-head-to-head-with-amazon-2/ Fri, 12 May 2023 16:50:28 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=503978 Walmart launches Walmart+ a subscription service that competes directly with Amazon Prime and costs only $98 a year or optionally $12.95 a month. Walmart’s membership option is now available to customers across the country. Membership includes free 15-day trial period.

“We can’t wait for customers to use Walmart+ as a way to keep more time on their calendars and money in their pockets,” said Janey Whiteside, chief customer officer, Walmart. “We designed Walmart+ to be the ultimate life hack for customers, pulling together benefits they told us would be most helpful to them today and in the future. Its usefulness will only grow from here.”

The initial list of Walmart+ benefits is below. The company says that the list of benefits will continue to grow over time:

  • Unlimited free delivery: In-store prices as fast as same-day on more than 160,000 items from fresh produce, to milk, eggs and bread to tech and toys to household essentials. This service was previously known as Delivery Unlimited – a subscription service that allows customers to place an unlimited number of grocery deliveries for a low, flat yearly or monthly fee. Current subscribers will automatically become Walmart+ members.
  • Scan & Go: Unlock Scan & Go in the Walmart app – a fast way to shop in-store. Using the Walmart app, customers can scan their items as they shop and pay using Walmart Pay for a quick, easy, touch-free payment experience.
  • Fuel discounts: Fill up and save up to 5 cents a gallon at nearly 2,000 Walmart, Murphy USA and Murphy Express fuel stations. Sam’s Club fuel stations will soon be added to this lineup.

Bill Simon, former CEO of Walmart, discusses the launch of Walmart+ designed to take on Amazon by combining free delivery of groceries and general merchandise within a paid subscription service:

Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon

Walmart has long coveted a subscription service to go head to head with Amazon. They tried three or four times but this one is different. Walmart+ combines both their grocery and their general merchandise strength which is really trying to recreate the supercenter online through a subscription service. If they can use the frequency of their food business to also help sell their general merchandise line they can mix it out better and hopefully get to profitability sooner.

Retail has actually been better (this last quarter) than most people have expected. It’s not been even. There have been categories and retailers who have struggled. By and large, its help up pretty well. The pandemic accelerated digital ecommerce development by five to ten years. If you were not up to speed on that or didn’t get up to speed very quickly you would be behind. As we head into the fall it will be really interesting to see how it goes.

Holiday Selling Season Uncertain

Typically, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, that weekend has been really critical to the selling season. If you missed that it would be very difficult to have a really good holiday selling season. With the delayed openings now and Thanksgiving not on the line, the focus is going to be online and there won’t be as many in-person Black Friday deals. It’s going to be difficult for retailers to make up all that volume online. The holiday selling season is going to be a bit uncertain.

I’m really speaking from the consumer perspective when I say that digital ecommerce accelerated by five to ten years in the last six months. It accelerated at that pace and people had to head in that direction. That is likely where retail is going to head but it is going to still be a mix. The vast majority of retail will remain brick and mortar but ecommerce will take a larger role in the facilitation by online pickup in store. Customers are now completely blending the omnichannel retail experience.

The Amazon Effect: Digital Sales Rule!

There’s also been really a change from an investment standpoint. This has been really more the Amazon effect than anything I can think of. Five years ago, it used to be, grow your profit faster than your sales and your share price would move forward. Now, if you’re not growing digital sales at a hyperactive rate it’s really hard to get a good valuation on your company. Walmart is a great example of a retailer employing this strategy.

They’ve invested a ton of money, almost a third of their operating income they’ve given up in order to build an ecommerce business. Yet, investors have rewarded them by buying their stock. It’s near historic highs.

Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon
Walmart is the Roman Empire of Retail https://www.webpronews.com/walmart-roman-empire-2/ Mon, 24 Apr 2023 17:46:04 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496567 Walmart is the Roman Empire of retail, says Burt Flickinger, Managing Director of SRG. Walmart announced an impressive earnings and revenue beat that told the story investors want to hear. Walmart is winning the retail wars, especially against arch-rival Amazon. “Like Hannibal and the Carthaginians, Amazon is starting to go the wrong way.” says Flickinger. “Big win for Walmart today and they will accelerate that in the next two to seven years.”

Burt Flickinger, Managing Director of SRG, a consumer industry business consulting firm, discussed how Walmart is winning the retail wars in an interview on Fox Business:

Walmart is the Roman Empire of Retail

This earnings report just reinforces its winning. Amazon is going sideways. This is a reenactment of the Punic Wars, Rome versus Carthage. Walmart is the Roman empire of retail. Like Hannibal and the Carthaginians, Amazon is starting to go the wrong way. Big win for Walmart today and they will accelerate that in the next two to seven years.

What’s doubly impressive, we talk to a lot of vendors and shoppers around the world, what the vendors are saying is Walmart is reinvesting all the PPA (price and promotional allowances) in lower prices. Lower prices normally mean lower margins and lower revenue. But in this case, the shopper is shifting to Walmart.

Walmart strategically saw all the land-based businesses like Payless and all the retailers from toys to sporting goods going out of business. They had great sales on land and not so good online. Walmart is winning both ways. Amazon, with all the trouble they’re having with Whole Foods, can’t capitalize. Walmart is running the table.

This Says it All for US Retail

This says it all for US retail. The well capitalized highly capable retailers are winning and if it’s a one man show, like Bezos running the show, you could be Alexander the Great, you could be Hannibal out of Carthage, but one general isn’t going to win a war. Recent (lower) retail sales numbers were a combination of a couple things. One is Jerome Powell scared the market, especially high to mid-end, didn’t spend as much. Also, consumers were a little bit scared toward the end of the year. Walmart, off price, low price, did very well, but full price full service struggled and that’s why the numbers were bad.

Walmart comp sales increased 4.2 percent, just like Steve Jobs and Apple with their great campaign Think Different with Muhammad Ali, Walmart is thinking different with Doug McMillon. It’s evolved from a company of family management to professional management. Walmart had 40 percent growth online.

Walmart Ads Are Really Connecting

Before, Walmart looked at advertising as an expense. But as Jerry Della Femina said, most of the Super Bowl ads were pretty pathetic. Walmart was one that stood out because it advertised Walmart online and Walmart in-store. The Walmart ads are really connecting with consumers, a United Nations of consumers.

They’re reaching everybody around the world with better prices and better service. Doug McMillon has invested in inventory and has invested in store staffing, first to raise wages with some push from the UFCW. They are hitting on all cylinders. The biggest problem now is they can’t handle all of the volume they are seeing on the weekends.

Walmart is the Roman Empire of Retail https://www.webpronews.com/walmart-roman-empire/ Wed, 13 Jul 2022 17:46:04 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496567 Walmart is the Roman Empire of retail, says Burt Flickinger, Managing Director of SRG. Walmart announced an impressive earnings and revenue beat that told the story investors want to hear. Walmart is winning the retail wars, especially against arch-rival Amazon. “Like Hannibal and the Carthaginians, Amazon is starting to go the wrong way.” says Flickinger. “Big win for Walmart today and they will accelerate that in the next two to seven years.”

Burt Flickinger, Managing Director of SRG, a consumer industry business consulting firm, discussed how Walmart is winning the retail wars in an interview on Fox Business:

Walmart is the Roman Empire of Retail

This earnings report just reinforces its winning. Amazon is going sideways. This is a reenactment of the Punic Wars, Rome versus Carthage. Walmart is the Roman empire of retail. Like Hannibal and the Carthaginians, Amazon is starting to go the wrong way. Big win for Walmart today and they will accelerate that in the next two to seven years.

What’s doubly impressive, we talk to a lot of vendors and shoppers around the world, what the vendors are saying is Walmart is reinvesting all the PPA (price and promotional allowances) in lower prices. Lower prices normally mean lower margins and lower revenue. But in this case, the shopper is shifting to Walmart.

Walmart strategically saw all the land-based businesses like Payless and all the retailers from toys to sporting goods going out of business. They had great sales on land and not so good online. Walmart is winning both ways. Amazon, with all the trouble they’re having with Whole Foods, can’t capitalize. Walmart is running the table.

This Says it All for US Retail

This says it all for US retail. The well capitalized highly capable retailers are winning and if it’s a one man show, like Bezos running the show, you could be Alexander the Great, you could be Hannibal out of Carthage, but one general isn’t going to win a war. Recent (lower) retail sales numbers were a combination of a couple things. One is Jerome Powell scared the market, especially high to mid-end, didn’t spend as much. Also, consumers were a little bit scared toward the end of the year. Walmart, off price, low price, did very well, but full price full service struggled and that’s why the numbers were bad.

Walmart comp sales increased 4.2 percent, just like Steve Jobs and Apple with their great campaign Think Different with Muhammad Ali, Walmart is thinking different with Doug McMillon. It’s evolved from a company of family management to professional management. Walmart had 40 percent growth online.

Walmart Ads Are Really Connecting

Before, Walmart looked at advertising as an expense. But as Jerry Della Femina said, most of the Super Bowl ads were pretty pathetic. Walmart was one that stood out because it advertised Walmart online and Walmart in-store. The Walmart ads are really connecting with consumers, a United Nations of consumers.

They’re reaching everybody around the world with better prices and better service. Doug McMillon has invested in inventory and has invested in store staffing, first to raise wages with some push from the UFCW. They are hitting on all cylinders. The biggest problem now is they can’t handle all of the volume they are seeing on the weekends.

Amazon SEO is Now More Important than Google SEO for Brands https://www.webpronews.com/amazon-seo-is-now-more-important-than-google-seo-for-brands/ Sat, 15 Jan 2022 08:22:45 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=479276 Amazon has dethroned Google in product searches with over 54 percent of all product searches now happening on Amazon instead of Google. What this means is that brands must make Amazon SEO their priority in order to show up near the top of product searches for their related keywords.

It’s predicted that an entire industry is in the midst of emerging to help companies adjust their strategies similar to what happened when Google first started to dominate search a couple decades ago.

Walled garden research company Jumpshot released The Competitive State of eCommerce Marketplaces Data Report earlier this month which shows Amazon’s amazing eight-point rise in product searches in the last year alone.

Recently, Deren Baker, Jumpshot CEO, revealed the latest results from their report in a Bloomberg Technology interview with Emily Chang:

Amazon Leading Google with Product Searches

We have seen a shift from Google to Amazon. Today over 54 percent of all the product searches that occur on the entire internet now occur on Amazon. Once you get into Amazon we’ve seen a strong growth in the number of sponsored placements that they put on their site. The product views that emanated from a sponsored click has increased from 3 percent to 7 percent in the last 18 months.

We think that Amazon and Google are converging. We did some additional analysis at Jumpshot that shows that from the time a consumer searches on either Google or Amazon to the time that they buy was actually much shorter on Google. On Google, 35 percent of those purchases were made within 5 days, only 20 percent on Amazon.

Amazon Becoming a Place for Product Discovery

What you are seeing is that Amazon is becoming a place for product discovery for customers more and Google is shifting from pure product discovery to more of that considered purchase. When people are interested in understanding the price or the quality or the brand name they’re going away from Amazon back to Google now.

Once you get to Amazon, 90 percent of the product views are actually the result of a search. So people aren’t messing around with merchandising placements or banner ads, they are typing a search for a product into Amazon and getting a search result. Once they get that search result we found that over two-thirds of the clicks are on the first page.

Amazon SEO is Now More Important than Google SEO for Brands

Imagine if you are a brand, you know that the majority of your customers are now searching for your product on Amazon. You know that once people get to Amazon what they are doing really doing is typing in a product search. Then once you get that search result you’ve got your competitors products, Amazon’s private label products, and you have to decide whether you are going to try and increase your organic results or pay for a sponsored placement. It’s a very confusing world for a brand today.

I would not want to be a brand manager at a CPG company right now because I think you are between a rock and a hard place. I think what you will see in the future is the same way that an ecosystem of companies sprung up around Google search when it started to dominate peoples online behavior, you are going to see the same thing for Amazon search. What people are going to need is a non-Amazon source of information to help them understand what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to spend their advertising dollars.

Sezzle Is the Creditization Of a Debit Card, Says CEO https://www.webpronews.com/sezzle-creditization-debit-card/ Sat, 27 Nov 2021 17:26:06 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=512972 “Consumers love our product because it represents purchasing power but also budgeting for them,” says Sezzle co-founder and CEO Charlie Youakim. “They feel safe with it just like they do with the debit card. We’re driving a new wedge into payments between credit and debit. I call it the creditization of a debit card. I think it’s here to say because of that safety element that we give to the consumer.”

Charlie Youakim, CEO and co-founder of Sezzle, discusses the massive growth of the Buy Now, Pay Later industry and how that is reshaping ecommerce and retail in general:

Focused Uniquely On Credit Building

Sezzle is generally focused on the ecomm space, that’s where we do most of our work. We are present on over 44,000 merchant websites. The Buy Now, Pay Later industry, in general, is typically focused on ecommerce. So as that push back into ecomm occurs (potentially due to increases in COVID causing more people to shop from home) we generally benefit from that.

We compete in this space by really focusing on our stakeholders, focusing on the merchants, focusing on the consumers, and doing the right thing by both of them. We really stand on the high road for the consumer. We are the only player in the space that focuses on credit building which is totally unique. We love it, our consumers love it and our merchant partners love it. By focusing on their needs, these consumers’ needs, and doing right by them and right by the merchants, you have a chance to do a really strong job within the sector.

Sezzle Pushing Into the Enterprise

With SMB’s we’ve been growing like wildfire. It just continues for us. That’s how we have that big count of merchants and we expect that to continue. We’re doing a great job there and the merchants love us. It’s viral in that space. For us now the push is into enterprise and in Target, Bass Pro Shops, those are two great examples of that for us. The reason we’re doing that is that our consumer wants to shop with us everywhere so we have to be everywhere. That means we have to be with SMB, we’ve got to be with mid-market, and we’ve got to be with enterprise.

That will be the push for Sezzle to continue to push in those spaces. If you look at the enterprise players in those spaces, what they want is they want a brand that they can believe in. That’s where you have Sezzle and our halo around doing right by the consumer helping them build their credit score up and being a partnerships player. That’s what really sets us apart.

Sezzle: The Creditization Of a Debit Card

The average order value per customer has been relatively stable. We’re around $100 per order. The only reason it’s been tracking a bit up for us is we’ve been expanding our services. We started with a pure ‘pay in four’ for over six weeks interest-free and so that’s where we tracked right around $100. But as we add long-term into the mix we’ve been starting to track upwards. The order values on a 12-month order or 12-month installment plan, tend to track towards $1,000. We feel it’s probably going to stay stable, it’s just going to be a mixed shift that creates any change for Sezzle.

We see from our consumers that they love our product because it represents purchasing power but also budgeting for them. They feel safe with it just like they do with the debit card. We’re driving a new wedge into payments between credit and debit. I call it the creditization of a debit card. I think it’s here to say because of that safety element that we give to the consumer.

Sezzle Is the Creditization Of a Debit Card, Says CEO Charlie Youakim
Fiserve CEO: From Large To Small There’s a Comeback In Payments https://www.webpronews.com/fiserve-ceo-from-large-to-small-theres-a-comeback-in-payments/ Tue, 05 Oct 2021 01:05:20 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=503709 “It’s a great space a great and a great opportunity,” says Fiserv CEO Frank Bisignano. “You have to love the clients and you have to love the payment space. The opportunity to build things and grow is always a lot of fun. From large to small there’s a comeback in payments and we see growth going forward.”

Fiserv, a major fintech player worldwide, had a strong earnings report in the second quarter with 129 percent growth in revenue.

Frank Bisignano, CEO of Fiserv, discusses how their Clover acquisition will help the company power their growth going forward. Fiserv announced that they completed their $22 billion purchase First Data which included Clover on July 29:

From Large To Small There’s a Comeback In Payments

Clover is an unbelievable platform. It continues to grow. It serves small businesses. We think it’s integral. Our bank partners love it since we announced the deal. We have 160 new banks that want to be Clover partners with us. It is growing. We talked about a 32 percent growth rate in July in the heat of a pandemic. It’s a tool that we help businesses manage their business through. It’s a great asset to help small businesses. We see it as an integrated solution for our company.

We’ve seen growth with Clover. We talked about seeing what we call internal revenue growth which is driven by transaction volume. We see transaction volume up and there is obviously a large move to e-com. If you look at our Clover platform which has order ahead capabilities and virtual terminal that’s driving that growth. From large to small there’s a comeback in payments and we see growth going forward. There are still businesses coming back in the recovery. Lots of businesses are still working their way back. We’re here to help small businesses grow.

Fiserve CEO Frank Bisignano: From Large To Small There’s a Comeback In Payments
Ecommerce Nearing $1 Trillion https://www.webpronews.com/ecommerce-nearing-1-trillion/ Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:26:42 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=509803 “We’re forecasting that ecommerce spending this year will be somewhere between $850 billion and $930 billion,” says John Copeland, Vice President of Marketing Science and Customer Insights at Adobe. This would be a 14 percent increase over last year. That would be more typical of what we see year over year in the ecommerce channel.”

John Copeland of Adobe, predicts that ecommerce spending could be $930 billion, or just under $1 trillion, in 2021:

COVID was a catalyst to the ecommerce channel last year. What we saw when you look at the full calendar year of 2020 was $813 billion dollars in ecommerce spending, 42 percent growth over 2019. That’s like combining two years’ worth of growth into a single year. Consumers have really embraced the online channel to meet their needs during these challenging times.

We’re all kind of wondering what (the vaccine rollout) is going to do in terms of ecommerce. We’re forecasting this year somewhere between $850 billion, only a 5 percent over last year, and up to $930 billion, which would be a 14 percent increase over last year. The 5 percent increase would be if everybody gets vaccinated and rushes out and we see kind of a slowdown. The $930 billion, 14 percent increase, would be more typical of what we see year over year in the ecommerce channel.

Buy Now Pay Later Up 215 Percent Over Last Year

Buy Now Pay Later is very much good for retailers. In fact, what we’ve seen in February this year relative to February 2020, which is kind of on the cusp of the pandemic, is a 215 percent increase year over year in buy now pay later orders. In terms of retailers, it comes along with larger average order values. What we’re seeing is 18 percent larger orders when customers are using that service. Unlike layaway, with buy now pay later you actually get the goods upfront, you don’t have to wait until the payment’s done.

Another trend is Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store, also known as BOPUS. In February of this year, we’re already seeing it growing 67 percent year on year. It’s always been huge and growing during the holiday season but now people are clearly working it in as part of their fulfillment options. Picking up in the store gives consumers the ability to schedule it according to their availability and knowing that stock will be there for them when they want to pick it up.

Ecommerce Nearing $1 Trillion, Says John Copeland of Adobe
Uber Built A Very Anti-Fragile Business, Says Jason Calacanis https://www.webpronews.com/uber-anti-fragile-business/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 17:23:04 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=509275 “Uber built a very anti-fragile business in regards to having the Eats business and having the Rides business,” says early Uber investor Jason Calacanis. “When the Ride’s business went down that kind of indicates people are staying home. When they stay home they use Uber Eats and increasingly Drizly, Cornershop, and Postmates. Watching the Uber team take on this challenge of the pandemic year has been really impressive.”

Early Uber investor Jason Calacanis says that unlike Lyft, Uber built a very anti-fragile business with the combination of Eats and Rides and has become relentlessly focused:

Uber Built A Very Anti-Fragile Business

What we’re really going to see here is that Uber built a very anti-fragile business in regards to having the Eats business and having the Rides business. When the Ride’s business went down that kind of indicates people are staying home. When they stay home they use Uber Eats and increasingly Drizly, Cornershop, and Postmates. People are ordering groceries. Watching the Uber team take on this challenge of the pandemic year has been really impressive.

It reminds me a lot of Disney and how they got focused around Disney+ as the center of the organization. They looked at what was happening in the pandemic and said parks are great, merch is great, movies are great, let’s just put everything into Disney+ and accelerate that. Look what happened to that company. I’ve got to give Dara Khosrowshahi a lot of credit. He got rid of a lot of the noise like self-driving cars which are a multi-decade kind of vision. He sold off the places where they weren’t going to be in first, second, or even third place. He did JVs and sold off those businesses like Russia and China, etc. That’s well documented.

The Space Can’t Have 50 Players Losing Money

They found a new really inspiring footing which is if Amazon is two-day delivery going to one-day, Uber’s is one-hour delivery going to 10-minute delivery. That is Travis Kalanick’s original vision for Uber. When I met with him when he was building the company and I was the third or fourth investor his vision was this is a logistic company. We took atoms in the world made them bits on the internet. Now we’re going to take bits on your phone, an app, and we’re going to move atoms in the real world. That was his original pitch. Here we are in decade two where I’m still own the same shares I’ve had since I bought them for a penny or whatever back in 2008 or 2009. I remain super bullish. I have a huge position in Uber and I’m going to hold it for the next decade.

It’s fairly obvious that there are acquisitions and consolidation that need to happen in the space in order for it to be profitable. The space can’t have 50 players losing money. We’ve watched Lyft, Postmates, Doordash, and everybody, say that we’re going to have to charge what this product is worth. We’re going to have to stop burning money. There’s no free VC money. The public markets are not down with lose money forever and grow. I think we found a happy medium here between what public market investors want, profits, and what private market investors want, growth.

Uber Has Become Relentlessly Focused

I think Dara has done an exceptional job. Some things will come from acquisitions but most of it has to be just relentless execution and focus. That is the inspiring part of what happened here. Uber has become relentlessly focused. Things that were coming in 10 or 20 years like self-driving in all likelihood will be a commodity business. In 10 or 20 years there’ll be five companies who have that technology. VTOLs are very fascinating and very interesting, but again that’s probably seven, eight, nine, or ten years off as a very niche product.

Uber Built A Very Anti-Fragile Business, Says Jason Calacanis
Target CEO Says Digital Performance Up 50% https://www.webpronews.com/target-digital-performance-up-50-percent/ Fri, 21 May 2021 14:14:06 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=510559 “Our digital performance was up 50 percent,” says Target CEO Brian Cornell. “As we gain greater clarity around the consumer, the economy, the state of the vaccine, we feel that the consumer continues to respond to our in-store experience and the ease and convenience of shopping with some of our same-day services like pickup, drive-up, and ship. Same-day fulfillment services now represent over half of our digital channel.”

Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, discusses their massive Q1 results in an interview on CNBC:

Digital Performance Up 50 Percent

We’ve had a string of really solid results going back to 2017 but this quarter may be one of the highlights. Our team executed throughout the quarter. We had a great performance from our store teams with a store comp of 18%. Our digital performance was up 50%. It was really a team effort. We had great supply chain support with our merchants and marketers all coming together to support the results which speak for themselves.

We are benefitting from investments we’ve been making for years now. Our investment in our store experience, our curated Home Brand and national brand mix, and then the fulfillment services that we offer. That combined with the investment in our team, I think we are seeing continued strength. We feel really good sitting here right now about our outlook, not just for the second quarter but for the full year.

We’ve Connected With The Consumer

As we gain greater clarity around the consumer, the economy, the state of the vaccine, we feel that the consumer continues to respond to our in-store experience and the ease and convenience of shopping with some of our same-day services like pickup, drive-up, and ship. They really connect with our curation of Great Home Brand, national brands, and the service our team provides each and every day.

We are feeling very confident about our position today. I look at the proof point from Q1, we picked up another billion dollars in market share on top of the $9 billion of share last year. That’s just a sign that we’ve connected with the consumer, we’re building relevance, and we’re providing what they need and what they want throughout the year.

Newness Is A Huge Trend In Our Business

When you see the combination of stores comping up at 18%, which to me is just a highlight number, and categories like apparel growing again by over 60%, that combination of store traffic and category mix really benefited us throughout the quarter. We are seeing a resilient consumer. They’re clearly shopping our stores and when they’re there they are attracted to anything that’s new.

Newness has certainly been a trend throughout our business in the first quarter and I think that’s going to continue. That great combination of store traffic and store comps and the continued movement of same-day fulfillment services which now represent over half of our digital channel. We really like that transaction. It looks and feels more like a store transaction which from a profitability standpoint certainly is beneficial for us.

Target CEO Brian Cornell Says Digital Performance Up 50%
Video: Amazon’s New Electric Vans Quietly Delivering https://www.webpronews.com/video-amazon-electric-vans/ Fri, 05 Feb 2021 13:42:05 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=509149 Amazon has just launched their first electric Rivian delivery vans on the road in Los Angeles. Customers will begin seeing the custom electric delivery vehicles in up to 15 additional cities in 2021. The company plans to have a 10,000 electric delivery fleet operating on the road in the United States and Europe by 2022.

“We’re loving the enthusiasm from customers so far—from the photos we see online to the car fans who stop our drivers for a first-hand look at the vehicle,” said Ross Rachey, Director of Amazon’s Global Fleet and Products. “From what we’ve seen, this is one of the fastest modern commercial electrification programs, and we’re incredibly proud of that.”

Ross Rachey, Director of Amazon’s Global Fleet, outlines the company’s electric delivery plans:

“We are reimagining sustainable delivery,” says Ross Rachey, Director of Amazon’s Global Fleet. “Climate change doesn’t allow us to sit back and be passive. We can’t wait. This vehicle went from sketch, to design, to on-road testing with customer deliveries in just over a year. And we’ll build on that momentum heading into full-scale production.”

“Amazon made a commitment to be net-zero carbon by 2040,” notes Rachey. “Electrifying our fleet is going to help us get there. We’ve relied on Rivian’s automotive expertise. We’ve listened to our drivers. We’ve created something that’s at the leading edge of safety technology, that’s better for our drivers, better for the planet, and unlike anything that’s out on the road today. We’ve reset expectations for electric delivery vehicles. And we’re just getting started.”

Amazon partnered with Rivian, leveraging its customizable skateboard platform to create a first-of-its-kind all-electric delivery vehicle. “Rivian’s purpose is to deliver products that the world didn’t already have, to redefine expectations through the application of technology and innovation,” said RJ Scaringe, Rivian Founder and CEO. “This milestone is one example of how Rivian and Amazon are working toward the world of 2040, and we hope it inspires other companies to fundamentally change the way that they operate.”

The current fleet of vehicles was built at Rivian’s studio in Plymouth, Michigan, and can drive up to 150 miles on a single charge according to the company. Amazon has installed thousands of electric vehicle charging stations at its delivery stations across North America and Europe.

Amazon explains it’s ambitious goals:

Along with custom electric delivery vehicles, Amazon is exploring new technologies, alternative fuels, and delivery methods that deliver packages to customers in a more sustainable way. Amazon currently operates thousands of electric vehicles worldwide and is redesigning its delivery stations to service electric vehicles—ranging from the electrical design to the physical layout. Last year, Amazon delivered more than 20 million packages to customers in electric delivery vehicles across North America and Europe and will continue building on that momentum in 2021.

Luxury Online Retailer Farfetch Focusing on Technology to Improve the Consumer Experience https://www.webpronews.com/luxury-online-retailer-farfetch-focusing-on-technology-to-improve-the-consumer-experience/ Tue, 10 Nov 2020 17:36:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=479305 Luxury online retailer Farfetch, where product prices start at around a thousand dollars, had a breakout IPO on Thursday, raising $885 million while setting a valuation of $6.2 billion for the company. Then on Friday the stock surged 53 percent above their initial offering price and it’s up again this morning valuing the enterprise at $7.4 billion.

Farfetch plans to use their IPO windfall to dramatically improve their technology which they see as the best way to improve the consumer experience.

Farfetch Founder and CEO José Manuel Ferreira Neves recently discussed Farfetch and the online luxury brand industry on Bloomberg:

Online Luxury is Growing 25 Percent a Year

It’s a very unique opportunity. You have this amazing global industry. It’s $300 billion, the personal luxury goods industry and only 9 percent is online. There are two opportunities here really. One is the growth of online luxury which is going to grow to 25 percent a year for the next seven years. This is a $100 billion opportunity shift in online luxury.

The big question is how is technology going to help brands and retailers really improve the consumer experience in the physical store. This is something at Farfetch that we are very passionate about.

China is an Incredible Opportunity for Online Luxury

China is a very exciting opportunity. Chinese citizens are at the onset of the luxury industry, whether they shop at home or when they’re shopping abroad. Online penetration is very low in China so this means that there is an incredible growth runway for Farfetch in the territory.

That led to our partnership with JD.com where we have our own team. We have the Farfetch China app and website, we have local customer service, local payment systems, and local marketing. It’s a truly localized service. That is what’s driving incredible growth to the Farfetch brand in that region.

WeChat is an amazing app with over 900 million users. It is the Instagram, plus WeChat, plus PayPal, etc. of China in one app. That is very powerful and very interesting. Now with our acquisition CuriosityChina we are powering the retail presence of 80 luxury brands. We think that is very interesting for the industry and we think that is probably something that we will see for the western world.

Brands Now Using Social and Digital Marketing Extensively

I think brands move cautiously and they choose their marketing channels very carefully. As these newer channels have developed the brands have adapted to them and their now using social media and digital media extensively to create desire, to drive discovery of new products obviously transactions as well.

It’s a gradual pace but it’s really exciting that were at that inflection point where the brands see this as a tremendous opportunity.

Alibaba Buys Top China Hypermarket In War With Walmart https://www.webpronews.com/alibaba-buys-top-china-hypermarket-in-war-with-walmart/ Mon, 19 Oct 2020 16:28:13 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=505681

Alibaba today announced it will invest $3.6 billion in Sun Art Retail Group, a huge hypermarket and supermarket operator in China. Sun Art is the largest retailer in China and competes head to head with Walmart. The transaction will give Alibaba a 72% controlling interest in the China-based brick and mortar retailer. Alibaba says that this purchase furthers its ‘New Retail’ strategy of integrating online and offline retail in China.

“Alibaba’s strategic investment in Sun Art in 2017 was an important step in our New Retail strategy,” says Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang. “The alliance we formed with Auchan Retail and Ruentex was instrumental in building a robust infrastructure to create opportunities and value in China’s retail sector. Led by Chief Executive Officer Peter Huang, Sun Art has achieved impressive results in its digitalization and pursued promising synergies with businesses across the Alibaba digital economy. As the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the digitalization of consumer lifestyles and enterprise operations, this commitment to Sun Art serves to strengthen our New Retail vision and serve more consumers with a fully integrated experience.”

In 2017 Alibaba entered into a strategic alliance to digitalize and introduce New Retail solutions at Sun Art stores. The company says that since then “Sun Art has made significant progress in the digital transformation under a fast-changing market environment by leveraging resources and technology from the Alibaba ecosystem, to capitalize on the growth opportunities in China’s hypermarket and supermarket space.”

This acquisition reflects a growing retail trend in China. Euromonitor International said in a report earlier this year that merger and acquisition activities are expected to continue in the forecast period. As China’s retailing industry modernizes it is undergoing a drastic digital transformation. The forecasting firm also said that sun Art held a 14.1% share of the country’s hypermarket sales last year. That compares to Walmart’s 10.3% market share in that category.

As of June 30, 2020, Sun Art operates 481 hypermarkets and 3 mid-size supermarkets in China, with a focus on strengthening its position through small and offline community stores.

Here is the official joint announcement of the acquisition.

Businesses Being Reimagined In A World That Is Now Entirely Digital https://www.webpronews.com/businesses-being-reimagined-in-a-world-that-is-now-entirely-digital/ Mon, 21 Sep 2020 02:22:08 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=501887 “There’s a real recognition that digitization and transformation are not doing what you used to do in the physical world,” says Publicis Sapient CEO Nigel Vaz. “Digitizing that and translating that is essentially the journey of going from being a caterpillar to a butterfly. Real transformation. How do you reimagine yourself in the context of a world that now is entirely digital? Customers are thinking very actively about how they actually create products and services that essentially create value for customers entirely digitally.”

Nigel Vaz, CEO of Publicis Sapient, discusses how the current pandemic has forced organizations to reimagine their businesses digitally. Nigel works closely with clients such as McDonald’s, Nationwide, and Unilever to deliver transformative experiences and business models:

Businesses Being Reimagined In A World That Is Now Entirely Digital

Digitization Has Become Existential For Business

I think Digital has always been important for business. Now more than ever what’s becoming very clear is this has gone from being something that’s important to something that’s existential. How do you support customers to make orders entirely online when your stores are closed? How do you create mashups with other partners to be able to facilitate deliveries when your own deliveries don’t suffice? How do you try to create experiences online through self-service that minimize the impact of people calling your call centers? 

All of these things are things clients are facing on a regular basis. Most CEOs I’m in conversation with are acknowledging the fact that this has now got to be a priority, that they have to be ready more so than they’ve ever thought before.

3 Key Things Happening With the Transformation

There are three things happening here in terms of transformation. The first is the change in human behavior where I think there’s a recognizable shift now. We’re seeing significant accounts of over-70s, for example, ordering from retail and ramping that up. We’re seeing a big shift in institutions like schools and educational institutions, which historically had not thought about transformation as particularly applicable to them. 

We’re also seeing a shift in industries like leisure looking at creating virtual experiences since physical experiences are essentially restricted and people can’t use them. The human behavior shift is translating to big investments in technology and technology platforms that enable this. 

Businesses Being Reimagined In A World That Is Now Entirely Digital

Then lastly, new business models. There’s a real recognition that digitization and transformation are not doing what you used to do in the physical world. Digitizing that and translating that is essentially the journey of going from being a caterpillar to a butterfly. Real transformation. How do you reimagine yourself in the context of a world that now is entirely digital?

Customers are thinking very actively about how they actually create products and services that essentially create value for customers entirely digitally. There are plenty of examples in this from telemedicine and from the educational space with new courses coming online which can scale faster than traditional courses limited by a classroom and a professor.

COVID-19 Is Forcing Businesses To Change
Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon https://www.webpronews.com/walmart-goes-head-to-head-with-amazon/ Sun, 20 Sep 2020 16:50:28 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=503978 Walmart launches Walmart+ a subscription service that competes directly with Amazon Prime and costs only $98 a year or optionally $12.95 a month. Walmart’s membership option is now available to customers across the country. Membership includes free 15-day trial period.

“We can’t wait for customers to use Walmart+ as a way to keep more time on their calendars and money in their pockets,” said Janey Whiteside, chief customer officer, Walmart. “We designed Walmart+ to be the ultimate life hack for customers, pulling together benefits they told us would be most helpful to them today and in the future. Its usefulness will only grow from here.”

The initial list of Walmart+ benefits is below. The company says that the list of benefits will continue to grow over time:

  • Unlimited free delivery: In-store prices as fast as same-day on more than 160,000 items from fresh produce, to milk, eggs and bread to tech and toys to household essentials. This service was previously known as Delivery Unlimited – a subscription service that allows customers to place an unlimited number of grocery deliveries for a low, flat yearly or monthly fee. Current subscribers will automatically become Walmart+ members.
  • Scan & Go: Unlock Scan & Go in the Walmart app – a fast way to shop in-store. Using the Walmart app, customers can scan their items as they shop and pay using Walmart Pay for a quick, easy, touch-free payment experience.
  • Fuel discounts: Fill up and save up to 5 cents a gallon at nearly 2,000 Walmart, Murphy USA and Murphy Express fuel stations. Sam’s Club fuel stations will soon be added to this lineup.

Bill Simon, former CEO of Walmart, discusses the launch of Walmart+ designed to take on Amazon by combining free delivery of groceries and general merchandise within a paid subscription service:

Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon

Walmart has long coveted a subscription service to go head to head with Amazon. They tried three or four times but this one is different. Walmart+ combines both their grocery and their general merchandise strength which is really trying to recreate the supercenter online through a subscription service. If they can use the frequency of their food business to also help sell their general merchandise line they can mix it out better and hopefully get to profitability sooner.

Retail has actually been better (this last quarter) than most people have expected. It’s not been even. There have been categories and retailers who have struggled. By and large, its help up pretty well. The pandemic accelerated digital ecommerce development by five to ten years. If you were not up to speed on that or didn’t get up to speed very quickly you would be behind. As we head into the fall it will be really interesting to see how it goes.

Holiday Selling Season Uncertain

Typically, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, that weekend has been really critical to the selling season. If you missed that it would be very difficult to have a really good holiday selling season. With the delayed openings now and Thanksgiving not on the line, the focus is going to be online and there won’t be as many in-person Black Friday deals. It’s going to be difficult for retailers to make up all that volume online. The holiday selling season is going to be a bit uncertain.

I’m really speaking from the consumer perspective when I say that digital ecommerce accelerated by five to ten years in the last six months. It accelerated at that pace and people had to head in that direction. That is likely where retail is going to head but it is going to still be a mix. The vast majority of retail will remain brick and mortar but ecommerce will take a larger role in the facilitation by online pickup in store. Customers are now completely blending the omnichannel retail experience.

The Amazon Effect: Digital Sales Rule!

There’s also been really a change from an investment standpoint. This has been really more the Amazon effect than anything I can think of. Five years ago, it used to be, grow your profit faster than your sales and your share price would move forward. Now, if you’re not growing digital sales at a hyperactive rate it’s really hard to get a good valuation on your company. Walmart is a great example of a retailer employing this strategy.

They’ve invested a ton of money, almost a third of their operating income they’ve given up in order to build an ecommerce business. Yet, investors have rewarded them by buying their stock. It’s near historic highs.

Walmart+ Goes Head To Head With Amazon
Target CEO: Digital Growth Is Industry Leading – Up 200% https://www.webpronews.com/target-ceo-digital-growth-is-industry-leading-up-200/ Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:10:40 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=503625 “In the most challenging operating environment I’ve ever seen for this team to deliver the strongest comps in our 50 year history is pretty incredible,” says Target CEO Brian Cornell. “This is in an environment where so many Americans are avoiding shopping in physical stores, our store comps were still up almost 11 percent. The investments we made in our team and in creating a safe shopping environment has built trust with the consumer. Certainly, our digital growth is industry leading at almost 200 percent.”

“Our second quarter comparable sales growth of 24.3 percent is the strongest we have ever reported, which is a true testament to the resilience of our team and the durability of our business model,” said Cornell. “Our stores were the key to this unprecedented growth, with in-store comp sales growing 10.9 percent and stores enabling more than three-quarters of Target’s digital sales, which rose nearly 200 percent.”

“We also generated outstanding profitability in the quarter, even as we made significant investments in pay and benefits for our team,” noted Target’s CEO. “We remain steadfast in our focus on investing in a safe and convenient shopping experience for our guests, and their trust has resulted in market share gains of $5 billion in the first six months of the year.”

The Company had comparable stores sales growth of 10.9 percent and digital sales growth of 195 percent. Total revenue of $23.0 billion grew 24.7 percent compared with last year, reflecting sales growth of 24.8 percent and a 16.6 percent increase in other revenue. Operating income was $2.3 billion in second quarter 2020, up 73.8 percent from $1.3 billion in 2019.

Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, discusses their second quarter earnings report which saw the largest growth in the company’s history:

Target Delivers Strongest Comps In 50 Year History

I’ve been with Target now going on seven years. Obviously, this is a special moment for the team. It is a beautiful morning here in Minnesota. I’ve got to start by really recognizing our team. In the most challenging operating environment I’ve ever seen for this team to deliver the strongest comps in our 50 year history is pretty incredible. Our EPS was also a record high up over 80 percent. So to the 350,000 team members in the U.S. and in offices around the world these results were all about you.

We continue to see strength across our entire portfolio. The strength that we saw in the second quarter, which we will break down in our earnings call later today, the fact that we saw really consistent strength from May into June and July. May was the strongest month with comps over 30 percent. But in both June and July we saw comps over 20 percent. That strength has continued in August and we are seeing low to mid-teen growth.

Being Agile and Flexible Is Key To Our Success

The biggest adjustment is probably the consumer who is still waiting for a signal around back to school. As you might imagine uniforms, backpacks, and school supplies are a little slower than last year. But the overall momentum and growth in market share continues as we go into the third quarter. The key to our success when I think about the second quarter is one, we’ve been true to our strategy, but our team has really focused on being agile and flexible and adjusting to the current operating environment. We’ve been changing the playbook every week.

As we think about back to school as I’m sitting here today there are 56 million K-12 students that are waiting for direction. As of this week 66 percent of students will start remotely. They don’t know if they are going back into a classroom in September, October or if it’s going to happen in January. So we are going to have to extend the back to school season and make sure that we’ve got the items they need throughout the fall. We can adjust by market. We’ve got to be flexible and adaptable. That’s really been the key to our success so far this year in both the first and the second quarter.

Digital Growth Is Industry Leading – Up 200%

If you look at our results in the second quarter overall comps were up 24.3 percent. These are some of the strongest in retail. Our store performance is really for me a standout and probably one of the biggest surprises. This is in an environment where so many Americans are avoiding shopping in physical stores, our store comps were still up almost 11 percent. The investments we made in our team and in creating a safe shopping environment has built trust with the consumer. Certainly, our digital growth is industry leading at almost 200 percent.

We’ve been taking share on a broad based basis from both specialty and department stores but also some of our traditional competitors including club. Category by category we’re gaining share. In categories like food and beverage and household essentials we were up 20 percent during the quarter. As Americans have been working and learning from home we’ve seen categories like electronics grow by 70 percent in the quarter. We’ve picked up significant market share from our electronic competitors. Our business and home categories were up over 30 percent.

We Are Seeing Significant Market Share Gains

Categories like decor, categories like domestics, what we are seeing with kitchen ware, we are continuing to build momentum and market share. We also saw a big rebound in apparel which was down almost 20 percent in the first quarter. It grew in the low teens in the second quarter. We are seeing significant market share gains. Across our business we are picking up share from our competitors whether they are specialty players, department stores, or our traditional retail competitors.

The market share number of $5 billion is the most important number on the print. It just shows the relevance of our brand, the momentum, and the trust we are building with American consumers.

Target CEO Brian Cornell: Digital Growth Is Industry Leading – Up 200%
Autonomous Driving for Trucks Will Happen First, Says Full Truck Alliance CFO https://www.webpronews.com/autonomous-driving-trucks/ Fri, 18 Sep 2020 17:00:24 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=494421 “Our view is that the commercialization of autonomous driving for passenger vehicles will probably take a bit longer than people would think,” says Richard Zhang, CFO of Full Truck Alliance. “We think the commercialization of autonomous driving for trucks will probably take place a lot sooner than it will take place in the passenger car vehicle sector.”

Full Truck Alliance is a multi-billion dollar valued company that is becoming the Uber of trucks throughout China. The fragmentation of the trucking industry in China between independent truckers and shippers has resulted in an empty load rate of over 40 percent, about four times higher than in the United States. The Full Truck Alliance app and online platform connects shippers to truckers in real-time enabling huge reductions in empty loads.

Richard Zhang, CFO of Full Truck Alliance based in China, discussed the company’s future in an interview on CNBC International TV this morning:

Full Truck Alliance in China is the Uber for Trucks

The problem we’re trying to solve is very simple because there are high inefficiencies between matching with the truck drivers and also matching with the shippers. The empty load rate in the US is only ten percent while the empty load rate in China is 40 percent. The empty load rate is very similar to the vacancy rate in the hotel business. The reason is that the market here is highly fragmented. You have highly fragmented truck drivers and highly fragmented shippers, lots of SMEs.

Before we came into existence the matching between the truck drivers and shippers were taking place across a thousand offline marketplaces in China. What we have been trying to do is bring that offline marketplace online and use our algorithms in the back office to match automatically the truck drivers and the shippers. We are trying to reduce that empty load rate to well below 40 percent.

Monetization Via Membership and Uber-Like Fees

Our monetization strategy for Full Truck Alliance is as a product of a merger between two companies, Truck Alliance and also Yunmanman a little over a year ago. Post-merger we started monetization and the monetization takes place in two ways. Number one is we are charging a membership fee for the shippers and also very similar to Uber or DiDi we’re charging a take rate on the transactions themselves.

We were very close to achieving our 2018 profit objective. We are actually very marginally close to break-even at the current moment and we have no doubt that we’re going be making earnings in 2019.

Autonomous Driving for Trucks Will Happen First

Our view is that the commercialization of autonomous driving for passenger vehicles will probably take a bit longer than people would think. We think the commercialization of autonomous driving for trucks will probably take place a lot sooner than it will take place in the passenger car vehicle sector. Therefore we are deploying a certain amount of resources into that sector in the form of investment.

We have decided to be a strategic investor in an autonomous driving truck company for them to actually develop that technology and for us to actually use. The mandate for the partner is to actually put a fleet on the road in China to start working with our shippers in the next 12 to 24 months. That’s our mandate and so it depends on how successful they’re going to be at executing our strategy.

Walmart CEO: We Had To Become More Digital https://www.webpronews.com/walmart-ceo-we-had-to-become-more-digital/ Wed, 19 Aug 2020 17:24:22 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=503633 “We had to learn to work in different ways to become more digital and to put data to work in different ways,” says Walmart CEO Doug McMillon as he reflected on the release of their blowout financial results. “Basically, to create a seamless experience for customers. We don’t want them to sense any difference as it relates to our brand whether they are shopping inside a store, picking it up, or having it delivered. All of those differences and channels that we might have thought about in the past need to be erased and taken away.”

Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, discusses how the company has changed to become more digital over the last couple of quarters in response to the pandemic:

Ecommerce Was Very Strong

I would like to say thank you to all of our associates around the world and here in the US. They did a great job. You can imagine how challenging it is in this environment to go to work everyday and serve customers and keep the supply chain moving. Whether it’s in our stores, our Sam’s Club’s, or our distribution centers they have done a great job.

Customers have been responding in waves as we’ve gone through the first and second quarters. Not surprisingly, they got really focused on things they needed to stock up to be at home for a long time at first. Over time, as we got through the second quarter and stimulus checks came in to play and people were at home, we certainly saw them buy things like laptops and tablets and fishing equipment and bicycles. Things that were related to home decor as they were at home thinking about their environment inside and outside the house we certainly saw them respond with what they were buying. Ecommerce, in particular, was very strong.

Technology Phenomena Happening Around the World

I’ve been in retail for almost 30 years and it’s really exciting when so many things can be done using technology. We can save customers time and expose them to so much more choice than we could previously. Our ecommerce assortments are broader as retailers and that’s certainly true at Walmart. We sell first-party owned inventory as well as through our marketplace. Now they can pick up their phone or be at home and open up their laptop and shop in so many different ways and have access to so many different things. It’s a lot of fun to be able to try and serve them in that way. That phenomena is happening around the world.

You can use your app to do pickup and our stores. You can use your app to have the product brought straight to your house. Obviously, you can come in the store and we are learning how to use technology inside the stores in different ways to save you time. It boils down to access to assortment and an ease of shopping here in the US and around the world that people haven’t experienced before. That’s happening in Mexico, Canada, China, India, and all over the world.

We Had To Become More Digital

There have been a lot of changes inside the company. We had to learn to work in different ways to become more digital and to put data to work in different ways. Basically, to create a seamless experience for customers. We don’t want them to sense any difference as it relates to our brand whether they are shopping inside a store, picking it up, or having it delivered. All of those differences and channels that we might have thought about in the past need to be erased and taken away. Our teams have been doing a great job doing that.

The outcome of that is this ease of shopping that’s unique and different. In our case, we’ve got so many stores so close to customers around the country it gives us a big advantage especially in being able to deliver quickly. We’ve got an express delivery system here in the United States that commits to delivering orders from our stores in less than two hours. That’s now in more than 2,000 stores and coming to stores all over the country. We are actually delivering a lot faster than two hours so far. That’s a great experience.

We believe that this is something that we can build on along with having great stores where you want to come in from time to time, stock up, and experience what’s new. Really, we think that this omni world of retail is what will end up being the winning strategy over time.

Scale Can Sometimes Be A Disadvantage

Scale can sometimes be an advantage and sometimes it’s a disadvantage. Speed also matters a lot. Creativity matters a lot. What I’m proud of is how our team is responding to create new solutions for customers. Ultimately, whether Walmart grows or not is all up to them. We are serving families, moms and dads, and customers that have a lot of different choices. Even during the pandemic period with ecommerce and all the chains that were open there was still a lot of choice.

We’ve got to compete to earn their business everyday and that’s the approach we take. Our team has really stepped up during this period and even before the pandemic to drive change and to create more solutions for customers.

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon: We Had To Become More Digital